Recap: Krystle is out shopping when she suspects that her limo is being followed by a mysterious driver in a black car. She alerts (her driver) Alfred to her concerns, so he's like, "Let's find out" and makes several turns...and when the suspicious car doesn't continue to trail behind them, Alfred is satisfied that the stalking was all in Krystle's head. Dana reiterates to Adam that they really need to just grit their teeth and endure all the hoopla of a Carrington mansion wedding, and he reluctantly says he'll do it - but mostly 'cause it's so important to the love of his life. Steven gives Danny a football helmet as a special present, then breaks the news to the tot that he got a job in a different city and therefore has to leave Denver. Danny sadly says he understands, then hugs his dad and runs off...and a bemused Sammy Jo's all, "Did you really get an out-of-town job?" Steven says he was fibbing 'bout that - but that he intends on making it the truth so that Danny will think there's a compelling reason as to why his father no longer lives with them at Delta Rho. Seems somewhat nonsensical, but OK. Late that night, a restless Krystle gets out of bed and glances out the window, and is alarmed when she sees a mystery man roaming the grounds. She wakes Blake to tell him what she just saw, so he gets out of bed and calls up his security team and orders them to sweep the property for possible intruders. Krystle races down the hall to check on Kristina, and is relieved to find her in bed, sleeping peacefully. A few minutes later, Blake tells Krystle that security assured him no alarms were tripped, and suggests that maybe she just thought she saw a mystery man. She insists she definitely did see something, then tells him about finding the weird workman in the conservatory after the rest of the workmen had finished prepping the mansion for the wedding - but Blake breezily doubts it's anything to worry about and steers her back into their bedroom. The next day, Blake and Alexis are meeting with attorney Earl Thompson to finalize some legal paperwork they both expect will be a wonderful surprise for Adam and his future. Alexis thanks Blake for agreeing to do it, then leans in and gives him a cheek kiss. These two have really come a long way from the Season 6 finale, when Blake tried to choke the life out of Alexis after she (temporarily) acquired ownership of Carrington manor. Clay and Oscar Goldman burst into Ben's Denver Carrington office to demand that he accompany them to the nearest blood testing clinic so that they can get to the bottom of the 'who's Clay's bio dad?' conundrum. Clay insists on learning the truth about who his father is, while Oscar grumbles that he thinks it's a dumb idea 'cause he's pretty sure he already knows the truth. Ben decides 'ah fuck it' and says he's willing to undergo the tests if it can finally put this icktastic storyline to bed. The head of security drops by the study to show Blake something he found on the grounds: a white card with a weird insignia of a W or M, depending on which way you look at it. Blake stares at it curiously and says he has no idea what the strange symbol could mean. While enjoying a pre-matrimonial breakfast in her mansion suite, Dana confides in Krystle about what a stressful adjustment it's been to move into Carrington manor in advance of joining Adam's dysfunctional family. She waxes on about how in love with Adam she's been for a long time...but because she never imagined she'd actually have the chance to marry the freak, she invited other men into her life and bed. She laments her non-virgin status, pointing out, "This family does seem to have a pretty strict set of rules." Krystle somehow refrains from reminding her that Adam has been married twice and no doubt enjoyed countless liaisons before the two of them hooked up, and instead tells her she had a right to live her life before settling down. She then confesses that she too had a pre-marital dalliance with a (married) lover prior to falling "madly in love" with goat daddy, and smilingly pronounces, "And from that moment, the past didn't matter." Clay meets up with Leslie outdoors to break the news that, because DNA testing wasn't a thing in 1987, the blood test was inconclusive...meaning that either Ben or Oscar could be his bio dad. Leslie moans, "Oh God.." and Clay says that since they'll never truly know the truth about his parentage, they probably shouldn't hit the sack anymore. He tells her he's going to pack up and move to Canada, and try not to think about her...or the blechy possibility that he might have been nailing his half-sister for the last several episodes. When Leslie returns to the mansion, Ben informs her that he's leaving Dynasty immediately following Adam's/Dana's wedding. He further explains that he's graciously exiting her life in an effort to help soothe her misery after losing Clay. Leslie insists that she forgives him and pleads with him to stay - but he says he can't forgive his usefulness on Dynasty has completely run its course now that he and Blake aren't constantly at each other's throats anymore. Oscar Goldman is boozing while staring at a framed photo of deceased Emily and having a flashback to when she swore to him that Clay was his son as she lay dying on the street. Oscar murmurs, "I believe you, Emily" - but is secretly thrilled that he has accomplished his life's mission: ensuring that Clay is forever done hooking up with Carrington women. Adam is summoned, along with Steven, to the study by Blake and Alexis. Blake ceremoniously hands Adam a bundle of legal papers and explains that it's a Decree of Adoption, which states that he - Adam Alexander Carrington - is entitled to inherit Carrington property and cash as if he had been Blake's/Alexis's bio child [which he could actually be - but I digress]. Adam is speechless for several seconds, profusely thanks his faux(?) parents, and promises to never again do any more fucked up shit that hurts anyone within the Carrington clan. Steven congratulates him, while Blake urges him to sign the papers so that they can all focus their full attention on today's nuptials. Adam happily obliges, and Blake smilingly says, "Welcome back, son." Steven hangs back to inform Blake that he's made the decision to leave Denver and maybe go to the east coast (e.g. New York), where he was once happy. Blake acknowledges that his life couldn't have been easy, not least 'cause of all the homophobic hatred he's been spewing his way ever since Season 1 - but is very worried about him venturing into the big scary world in which he could so easily get infected with AIDS. Blake points out, "It's no longer just a gay disease", so Steven assures him that he's a grown ass man who's fully capable of slipping on a rubber if circumstances should arise, then needlessly clarifies, "I know about safe sex, and I know about celibacy if that becomes necessary." Blake implores him to reconsider moving, 'cause the threat of AIDS scares the bejeezus out of him...and says this as though AIDS is a not-just-gay New York disease that doesn't exist in the state of Colorado. The wedding guests begin to arrive...and while that's happening, a mystery person in the same black car that followed Krystle earlier is spying on the mansion through binoculars. Leslie is primping in her bridesmaid gown when Dex enters the room. He clucks sympathetically about her relationship with Clay abruptly going kaput, then offers to promote her to Clay's now vacant position. Leslie hems and haws about being expected to just excise Clay from her mind, then decides that maybe having a more challenging job will help ease her broken heart and put the icky visual that she might have been knocking boots with her half-brother out of her mind. Gavin arrives at the mansion, much to the disapproval of Dex, who demands to know what the hell he's doing here. Gavin smugly tells him that Alexis - aka his ex-wife - invited him, then makes it clear how little of a damn he gives that Dex doesn't think he belongs here. The ceremony begins with 1) the two bridesmaids, Leslie and Sammy Jo, making their way down the staircase in their lacy pink frocks, followed by 2) Kristina (flower girl) with Danny (ring bearer), and then 3) Dana in her frothy white gown, as she's escorted down the aisle by Blake. The couple exchange vows and rings...blah blah blah...and soon the minister pronounces them husband and wife. As the two indulge in their first marital smooch, the wedding guests clap and titter happily. After the ceremony, the guests amble over to the conservatory, where they applaud the newlyweds as they enjoy their first dance as husband and wife. A few seconds later, Danny asks Kristina to dance (cute!) ... and when Gavin asks Alexis to dance, she grins when she hears that the musicians are playing her/Blake's favorite song, and declines with, "Sorry, this one's taken." She strides over to where Blake is standing and tells him that, as the parents of the groom, it's time for them to dance. A few seconds later, Adam cuts in to dance "with my beautiful mother", while Blake invites Krystle onto the dance floor. Dana, meanwhile, dances with Steven and thanks him for all of his support during the run-up to the wedding, and he gushes about how she's what has been missing in Adam's life. Over at the buffet table, Nick fixes Dominique a plate of caviar and smarmily proposes marriage. Dominique tells him that since weddings always put her in a romantic frame of mind, she's totes into the idea of them sneaking out of the mansion without a word to anyone and flying off to New York to "just do it". As an afterthought, she coos about how much she loves him, then leans in for a smooch...and that's the last we ever see of Dominique and Nick. Godspeed, newlyweds-to-be! Ben wistfully watches Leslie as she dances with Dex, then gives Gerard a note to pass along to Blake after the wedding. He then sneaks out of the mansion, and that's the last we ever see of him too. Godspeed, Ben! As Gavin dances with Alexis, he remarks on the torch she clearly still carries for Blake - but she denies that and points out that a woman doesn't always need to be with a man. Gavin glances across the room, sees that Dex is nearby, and plants a forcible smooch on Alexis's lips...and she reacts by angrily shoving him away from her and snarling, "When I want to be kissed, I'll let you know. And when I want to dance again, I'll let you know that too." As she storms off, Dex makes a beeline over to Gavin and tells him they need to have a private chat, and the two head over to the solarium. Dex warns Gavin to stay away from Alexis, not least 'cause he's just as big a crook as his uncle Dirk...and vows that he's not going to get a penny out of Alexis. An angry Gavin responds by taking a swing at Dex, but Dex easily knocks him down with one punch. As Gavin recovers from the blow, he mockingly says, "You might have won the fight, Dexter, but you lost the lady" ... and an incensed Dex hauls Gavin to his feet, shoves him towards the door, and snarls, "That is the way out." Dana, meanwhile, has changed into her honeymoon suit and throws her bouquet from the landing of the staircase...and the lucky receiver is Sammy Jo, who clutches the flowers while staring wistfully at Steven. She then runs up the staircase looking visibly distressed...and Steven follows her and moans about how much he hates seeing her so unhappy. She tearfully chides him for walking out on her, says she's tired of making a fool of herself, and snappishly tells him to just leave her the hell alone. Dex tells Alexis that he persuaded Gavin to leave the mansion by non-subtly punching him in the face...and when Alexis argues that he had no right to do that, he insists he does have that right, 'cause: "years of loving you, taking care of you." She angrily retorts that she doesn't need his protection, so he counter-retorts by needling her about what an empty shell of a life she lives, and describes her as a very lonely lady who has nothing and no one. Alexis looks deeply distraught by the critique, hisses, "Damn you!" and throws a drink in his face before storming out the back door. She climbs into a random car and squeals off, prompting one of the caterers to yell, "Hey lady, that's my car!" LOL. As she mindlessly hits the gas pedal, Dex's hurtful words run through her mind in a torturous loop, and she tears up and cries, "I don't need anybody!" She becomes so uncharacteristically overwrought by another person's opinion of her that as she drives over a long bridge at full speed, she somehow doesn't see the giant metal pole that's blocking the bridge exit. When she comes upon it, she panics and cries, "Aaaaahhh!!" and takes her hands off the steering wheel in order to shield her face from the horror of an imminent crash...and after she loses control of the car, it plunges off the bridge and into the murky water below. To kick off the season's final scene, which seems suspiciously derivative of the Moldavian Massacre that followed the wedding of Amanda and Prince Michael, three armed South American thugs dressed in tuxedos storm into Carrington manor, needlessly manhandle Gerard, and successfully fight off an attack by Dex. Upstairs, Blake and Krystle are amiably chatting about Adam's/Dana's honeymoon plans when they hear the sound of glass breaking. Blake gets on the phone to inquire about what just happened, is puzzled when no one downstairs picks up, then tells Krystle that the phone suddenly went dead. One of the thugs bursts into their bedroom and points a gun at them...and we see that he has the weird M/W insignia thing tattooed on his wrist. He orders Blake and Krystle to go downstairs and into the study, where the thugs are in the process of herding everyone else. A few seconds later, the long lost Matthew Blaisdel - who now has an unsightly scar carved into the left side of his forehead - saunters into the room, causing a stupefied Krystle to gasp, "My God! Matthew!" When Blake growls, "You..?", Matthew nonsensically informs Blake, "I've come back for what belongs to me. What you stole from me." He then caresses Krystle's cheek and tells her that after all these years he's come back for her...and she tries not to recoil from the touch and discomfiting presence of the disfigured weirdo, and stares back at him in horrified bewilderment. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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Recap: Krystle enters the solarium and finds Mrs. Gunnerson muttering angrily to herself...and when she asks her whassup with her angry muttering, she tells Krystle she's extremely miffed that Mrs. Colby decreed that her culinary services won't be needed for Adam's/Dana's wedding - not even to supervise the kitchen on the big day. Egads! Krystle somehow refrains from pointing out that a more normal person would be thrilled to enjoy a rare day off, and instead asks her if she knows where the witch is. Mrs. Gunnerson tells her she's in the conservatory, weakly adding, "I don't want to cause any trouble" - but Krystle replies that she's not the one causing trouble [even though she kind of is]. Over in the conservatory, Alexis is directing Gerard to remove the living room furniture and put it into storage during the wedding. Krystle interrupts, asks Gerard to please go soothe Mrs. Gunnerson's ruffled feathers, and firmly reminds Alexis that she and Blake gave her permission to help plan the wedding - not insult their servants. Alexis explains that she unwittingly snubbed Mrs. Gunnerson only 'cause she prefers to work with her own caterers. Krystle insists that the caterers need to be comfortable working with the mansion's overly-sensitive kitchen staff, then declares that once the wedding is over, so is her involvement with the household and their lives...and as she storms off, Alexis grins in amusement at having caused such a kerfuffle. Oscar Goldman drops by Denver Carrington to tell Blake that Leslie needs to stop dating Clay asap. Blake's all, "Why are you telling me this?" and advises him to go straight to Ben - but Oscar says that no good can come from him and Ben conversing, 'cause of the lame Fallmont-Carrington feud he can't seem to stop himself from perpetuating. He warns Blake that a major scandal will erupt if Leslie and Clay don't cool it, then blurts out an explanation: he's pretty sure that Clay isn't his bio son, 'cause apparently he was conceived during the time Emily was hitting the sheets with Ben while he (Oscar) was out of town campaigning. Blake's all, "Say wha-a-at?" and stares back at him in revulsed horror. Over at Clay's apartment, Clay and Leslie are canoodling in bed together, cooing I love yous at each other. Clay reminds her that she hasn't yet agreed to move in with him...and when she tells him she's hesitant 'cause she's never lived with a man before, he proposes that she live at his place all day today so that she can no longer use that as an excuse. Leslie mulls that over and says she definitely likes the sound of that idea, and then the two start smooching. Blake summons Ben to his office to tell him that Oscar Goldman just stopped by to warn him that since Clay was conceived while he was off campaigning, he can only assume that Clay is his bio son...and that the dolt has been possibly, unwittingly doinking his half-sister for the last several episodes. Ben says he doubts that that's true, not least 'cause Emily never once gave him the impression that Clay was his spawn. Blake reminds him that Leslie and Clay have gotten very cozy lately, and that the two should probably not be knockin' boots until they get to the bottom of their familial link. Ben says he's reluctant to tell Leslie any of this 'cause of how blissfully happy she is with Clay - but Blake warns that there could be icky consequences if she continues to have sex with a guy who could be her half-brother, and says that if he (Ben) doesn't tell her, then he (Blake) will have no choice but to bite the bullet and break the grotesque news to all concerned. Blake drops by Clay's apartment and looks startled to find Leslie there. When she tells him that Clay is busy working at the pipeline job site, Blake thanks her and looks as though he can't get out of there fast enough. Blake arrives at the pipeline job site via helicopter and rushes over to Clay, who has just pulled up in his jeep. He tells Clay that Oscar Goldman came to see him earlier with some shocking news, then spills the beans that Ben Carrington might well be his bio dad. Clay stares back at him in stunned bewilderment, then says he can only assume that Oscar is lying in a sick attempt to put the kibosh on his relationship with Leslie. He vows that Oscar won't get away with it, then hops into his jeep and drives off. Oscar Goldman is about to start boozing when Clay storms into Casa Fallmont and angrily demands to know why he told Blake he didn't sire him, admonishing him for harboring such a deep hatred for his own son. Oscar says he's more than willing to put their differences behind them and get back on track - but Clay shouts, "You can go to hell!" and tells him he's nothing but a drunken liar and growls, "I could-" And Oscar's like, "What? Kill me?", then eggs him on by saying, "Go won't make any difference. That tramp's still your sister." Clay reacts by punching him in the face and knocking him down...and as Oscar recovers from the blow, he mumbles, "You can't run away from the truth, boy." Clay glares at him in disgust for several seconds, then exits the house. Inside the High Meadow Sanitarium, Sarah is still too out of it to grasp that her daughter Cathy is no longer among the living. As Krystle watches from behind a two-way mirror in the adjacent room, Sarah gets visibly upset every time Dr. Miller uses the past tense when referring to Cathy. The doctor motions at Krystle to enter the room...and when she does, Sarah implores her to explain to Dr. Miller that Cathy is still alive. Krystle says she can't do that and confirms that, indeed, her child is dead - but Sarah refuses to accept that reality, accuses both women of lying, and demands proof of non-life. In the next scene, Krystle, Sarah, and Dr. Miller are aboard a private jet, en route to Wyoming. Leslie drops by the pipeline job site looking for Clay. She tells Dex she hasn't been able to reach him all day and is growing concerned. Dex remarks on how much she must really dig the guy to worry this much...then tells her to chillax, 'cause no doubt the two of them are going to live happily ever after [spoiler: not]. Sammy Jo arrives at Carrington manor to pick up Danny and runs into Alexis, who nonsensically calls her a fraud who enticed her gay son back into her life just so she can hurt him again. Sammy Jo stares back at her with a hurt expression, says she has no right to accuse her of something that really makes zero sense, then races upstairs to fetch her son. Dana sneaks into Adam's office, gives him a from behind canoodle, and suggests they take an extra long, for the rest of the day. Mmm hmm.. Adam says he wishes they could elope to Vegas and avoid all the hoopla that comes along with a big mansion wedding - but Dana argues that they couldn't/shouldn't disappoint his faux(?) family. She promises to love him for who he is (aka a possible changeling) and vows to always be there to support him. Adam chews on that for a few seconds and agrees to go through with the fancy wedding, then gives his bride-to-be a big smooch. Over in Wyoming, Krystle and Dr. Miller accompany Sarah to a graveyard, direct her to Cathy's headstone, and urge her to face the truth so that she can start healing, like for real this time. Sarah looks down at the headstone with her daughter's name etched onto it and starts sobbing while Krystle looks on, her face scrunched empathetically. Jackie enters the pipeline trailer office and huffily orders Nick Kimball to stop dating her mother so that she and her boring bio dad Garrett can get back together. Nick coos about how sympathetic he is to her feelings, 'cause he himself suffered through his own parents' divorce - but then insists that he loves Dominique very much and would only walk away from her if she asked him to. Jackie sobs as she implores him to prioritize the feelings of his girlfriend's immature daughter by disappearing from their lives, then yells, "Forever!" as she flees the office. Blake and Alexis are in the lounge of the Carlton Hotel, amiably going over some last minute wedding planning details. Alexis asks Blake if he has any ideas about what they should get Adam/Dana for a wedding present, and Blake politely tells her that it's a moot point 'cause he and Krystle have already decided on a collective gift. Alexis pivots from that awkwardness and asks him what he thinks about setting up Adam and Steven in some kind of business venture together, and Blake calls it "an interesting idea" [interesting meaning horrible] that might help make Adam feel more like he's truly part of the family. After Blake heads off, Gavin Maurier wanders over, introduces himself as Dirk's nephew, and invites her out to dinner later...and she grins back at him and looks totes into the idea of indulging in a May-December dalliance. Later at the mansion, Dominque confronts Jackie about her bitchy edict to Nick, then firmly says she really should have come to her first. Jackie wails about how much she wants her and Garrett to rekindle their non-existent flame and remarry, but Dominique makes it clear that 1) she doesn't actually love Garrett - not least 'cause he's a giant bore, 2) she'd be living a lie if she resumed their relationship, and 3) she wishes that she (Jackie) would grow the hell up and get this dumb, little girl fantasy out of her head. Clay returns home, where Leslie has fixed them some tasty looking snacks. She happily tells him she's officially decided to move into his place, then notices his ashen-faced expression and asks whassup. He snappishly tells her he thinks they're moving too quickly and that she should put a pause on her plans to move in...and when she demands he tell her what has changed his mind all of a sudden, he reveals that Oscar Goldman claims not to be his bio dad, and that he was conceived by Ben and Emily when they were having their illicit affair. Leslie stares back at him in stunned incredulity and says that this can't possibly be true - but Clay says it's possible it be true, and that they're going to have to deal with the blechiness of them maybe having committed incest as recently as earlier that morning. Leslie storms over to Ben's office and demands to know if Clay is really maybe possibly his bio son. When Ben scrunches his face into a tortured expression, she moans, "Oh God.." and makes it clear how enraged she is that he didn't say a word to her about any of this when she started dating Clay. Ben meekly replies that he was afraid she'd hate him for carrying on an affair with a married woman, so Leslie makes it clear that she couldn't give even the tiniest of rat's asses about him having an affair; however, gives a giant rat's ass that he just stood by mutely while she fell hopelessly in love with her (maybe) half-brother. As Blake enters the office, Leslie cries, "I hate you!", then buries herself in Blake's arms and says how desperately she wishes he were her father...which I can only describe as crazy talk from a woman who's too distraught to fully grasp what she's wishing. Over at Delta Rho, Danny is practicing his steps for when he walks down the aisle as Adam's ring-bearer. When Steven enters the room, Danny's all, "Yippee! You came back!" - but Steven tells him he really just popped by to get a shirt for the wedding, not to stay for any length of time. Danny pouts, says he has important stuff to do in his room, and runs off...and then Sammy Jo makes it clear to Steven how unhappy she is with him for needlessly abandoning their family unit, then tearfully says that she too has important stuff to do in her room. Dex runs into Alexis on his way inside the Carlton Hotel and thanks her for inviting him to the wedding. A few seconds later, Gavin pulls up on his motorcycle...and Dex looks on in disapproving dismay as Alexis hops onto the back of the bike and smugly chirps, "See you at the wedding!" before she and Gavin squeal off. LOL. That evening at the mansion, Krystle tells Blake that her trip to Wyoming was very fruitful...and a few seconds later, Sarah emerges in the corridor and happily reports that she's now on the road to recovery in terms of coping with the death of her daughter (and husband!). She thanks Krystle for all of her help, asks her to say goodbye to Kristina, then heads off with Dr. Miller...never to be seen on Dynasty again. Phew. As the Kenny Loggins' smash hit Danger Zone revvs up in the background, Gavin and Alexis zoom around Denver on his motorcycle. The two stop for dinner at a food truck called Burgers Plus, pop into an arcade to play some pinball, then boogie the rest of the night away at a dance club. When Gavin deposits Alexis in front of the Carlton Hotel hours later, she girlishly tells him that the wind felt sooooo good on her face, and that she'd loooove to buy herself a motorcycle - as long as he'd be willing to teach her how to ride. Mmm hmm.. Gavin remarks on what a gentle, loving, misunderstood person she is under her tough ColbyCo exterior and says he'd really like to get to know her better. She saucily invites him up to her suite for a nightcap - but he declines and says he'd rather save their first romp for the second date, then motors off. The following morning at the mansion, Krystle finds a mysterious looking workman in the living room, fiddling with the telephone cord [spoiler: a bad omen]. She asks whassup with him being here, so he tells her he's with the work crew, taking measurements in preparation for the wedding. A puzzled Krystle tells him he was supposed to be finished with all that yesterday...and when he just stares back at her mutely, she turns her back on him as she telephones Alexis to ask why one of her workmen is still at the mansion. Alexis is annoyed at being woken up for something she considers so trivial, then asks to speak to the workman - but when Krystle turns around, she sees that he's silently disappeared through the French doors. Alexis snappishly advises Krystle to take something for her nerves and to never call her before 9:00am again...but Krystle just continues to stare at the open French doors, her face scrunched in concerned puzzlement. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
Recap: As police officers and paramedics swarm the sublet, Sarah continues to slump against the wall of the living room, staring vacantly into space. One of the officers tells Blake that Sarah is suffering from an extreme case of withdrawal from the world...and across the room, Krystle cuddles Kristina and gently explains that Sarah's so zombie-like right now 'cause she isn't feeling well. Blake gathers his daughter in his arms and tells Krystle they need to rush her home so that Dr. Chadway can examine her...and a few seconds later, Krystle happens to notice the Raggedy Ann doll with Cathy embroidered on the apron, but just leaves the thing lying on the carpet as she exits the apartment. Alexis bursts into Blake's office to ask about the latest developments in Kristina's disappearance - and is disappointed to find that only Dana is there, standing by his desk and shuffling papers. Dana tells her that Blake is likely conferring with the police about his missing daughter, to which Alexis snarks, "I suppose you're concerned about that", then snarlingly asks her if she's also concerned about what's happening to Adam, and tells her that he was just picked up by the police after they found him lying drunk and beaten in an alley. She nonsensically tells Dana that she holds her - aka a shameless gold digger - responsible for her son's idiotic decision to get drunk and then challenge a bunch of muscular boxers to a fight, which resulted in him getting ass kicked and thrown into the drunk tank. Dana tearfully reminds Alexis that she had tried to warn everyone that something was seriously wrong with Adam - like more than usual - but no one would listen. Alexis sinks into a sofa chair as she mutely chews on that accusation for a few seconds...then admits that, yeah, Dana did try to warn them. She assures Dana that she's finally listening to her pleas, and that they need to put their heads together to figure out what in blazes is wrong with the tormented freak they both love and care for. Adam returns to the Carlton Hotel and barks at a clerk to get him $500 (assuming to pay his bail) and charge it to his suite. After that, a bellboy approaches him and gives him a message from Alexis that he needs to call her asap...and Gordon Wales, who's been watching him from across the lobby for the last several minutes, wanders over and offers to buy him a drink while they discuss Alexis's attempted buyout of Trouville Industries. Adam snappishly replies that he's too busy at the moment, then hobbles off. Alexis returns to her ColbyCo office and finds an angry Dirk Maurier waiting for her. When she asks him what he wants, he growls, "You really dare to ask me that?" and accuses her of "internal frauds" when she and/or one of her staff leaked info about the Trouville Industries buyout, causing the stock prices to plummet. Alexis shrugs unconcernedly and suggests they have the matter investigated - but Dirk snarks that she'll probably just whitewash the findings. He then tells her he strongly suspects Adam of being the leaker, not least 'cause he babbles a lot whenever he drinks, which is pretty much all the time these days - but Alexis insists that her son would never do such a heinous thing. Dr. Chadway makes a house call to Carrington manor to examine Kristina, declares her in good health, and instructs her to get some much-needed rest. He then tells Blake and Krystle that her lungs are clearing up nicely and re-reassures them that he's 100% sure she's going to be A-OK. After the doctor exits the mansion, Sergeant Benson informs Blake and Krystle that Sarah Curtis has been transported to the secured psychiatric section of Cheney Hospital. Blake makes it clear how appalled he is by that, and says he's willing to drop all charges against Sarah if it can get her transferred to a pleasant sanitarium. When he barks, "Is that clear?", Sergeant Benson assures him it is, then wanks him about what an awesome guy he is to be so supportive of Sarah even after she kidnapped his daughter. After Sergeant Benson leaves, Krystle thanks Blake for showing so much compassion towards Sarah, and the two agree that it'd be really shitty of them to desert her after everything she's done for them. Gordon Wales drops by Alexis's office to discuss her connection to Dirk Maurier - but she just shrugs and says that the business deal they went in on together somehow went bust...and that that's pretty much that. Gordon switches gears and asks Alexis if she has given any money to Dirk's nephew (Gavin) ... and when Alexis stares back at him blankly and says she has no idea who that is, Gordon expresses surprise that she hasn't "gotten into bed with him, financially speaking". Over at the Carlton Hotel, Adam is poisoning his liver with more scotch and watching a TV interview with Gordon Wales. Gordon dishes about how Dirk and Alexis just lost a lot of money in their quest to take over Trouville Industries, then suggests that there must have been a leak - but from which camp? And which of the two is harboring the traitor? Adam's all, "Ack!" and hastily turns off the TV, then stares despondently into space. Alexis is at the mansion, wondering aloud with Blake what could possibly be troubling Adam to the point that he's never not acting extremely strangely and guzzling hard liquor like he's a sailor on shore leave. She tells Blake that Dana suspects the source of his torment is somehow connected to Dr. Edwards and suggests they fly to Billings and look into it. At that moment, Adam suddenly enters the study and says, "Don't bother", tells them he's not Adam Carrington, then pours himself a drink. He clarifies that he's Michael Torrence, and that the only thing Dr. Edwards is going to confirm is that his grandmother was a sick, deluded woman who lied to him while she lay on her deathbed. He informs them that Neil McVane has accused him of being an imposter, and showed him a photo of "the real" baby Adam Carrington, who he claims - without a shred of proof - died shortly after the kidnapping. As Alexis gasps in shock, Adam sheepishly confesses that he was the source of the leak of the Trouville Industries buyout - but only 'cause Neil was blackmailing him. He then sadly decrees that since he doesn't share their DNA, he really doesn't belong in their lives...and self-piteously wishes that he'd died in the car crash that killed his [supposed] biological parents. Blake points out that he's in no condition to go anywhere and implores him to stay and hash this out some more - but Adam moans, "This has been tearing at my gut. I'm nothing. I'm nobody." After he dejectedly shuffles off, Alexis presses herself against Blake and remarks in a low, poutish whisper, "It's as if we've lost the same son twice." While driving to a remote location to work on the pipeline project, Clay notices that Leslie is pricklier than usual. He asks whassup with her bristly 'tude, so she reveals that Oscar Goldman phoned her last night to tell her it would be best if she left Denver - and, by association, Clay - and even offered her money to skedaddle. Clay shakes his head sadly, marvelling about how much his dad must hate him. Dana drops by Steven's apartment to ask if he's heard from Adam, then nonsensically blames herself for everything that transpired between him and Neil McVane - but Steven points out that she couldn't possibly have known about Neil's ill-fated blackmail scheme. Dana moans about how she spent the entire evening going from one bar to the next in search of Adam [a sensible strategy], then phoned the police to inquire about whether anyone reported stumbling across any dead men who resemble Adam. She tells Steven that Adam once suffered a nervous breakdown and that she's extremely worried he's headed for Steven promises that he's going to do everything possible to locate his faux-bro and bring him back to her. Over at the High Meadow Sanitarium, a small team of specialists are crowded around an inert Sarah, shining a light into her eyes and injecting her with something they hope will pull her out of her catatonic state. The doctor urges Krystle, who's standing there observing all this, to talk to Sarah and see if she recognizes her voice. Krystle obliges - but when Sarah opens her eyes, she just stares at Krystle blankly and says she has no idea who she is, then demands to know what they've done with her baby. As she slips back into subconsciousness, the dismayed doctor tells Krystle that Sarah will likely remain in this condition until she faces the truth about what happened to her daughter (and husband, lest everyone forget that he too perished in the car accident). Clay tells Leslie he wants to put an end to the tedium that is the Carrington-Fallmont feud and invites her to move in with him. He professes that he's been in love with her ever since they first snarked at each other, and Leslie says she's definitely into the idea of co-habitating and seals the arrangement with a kiss. Blake and Alexis are at Denver Carrington, anxiously hoping that Adam gets back in touch with them. Steven calls from a phone booth in Billings to report that he spoke to Dr. Edwards, but that the old man has no earthly idea where Adam could be. He says that Plan B is to get in touch with Adam's old friends, and promises not to give up until he locates the weirdo. Blake passes along the update to Alexis, who merrily remarks that whenever the chips are down, they can always be counted upon to come together as a family. Adam is sitting in front of his grandmother's gravesite, asking the headstone why she lied to him and thereby prevented him from living his life as Michael Torrence. He says he should prolly hate her - but can't, 'cause of how good she was to him all those years. As he cries, "Why did you lie?!", Steven appears out of nowhere, squats next to him, and reminds him that a lot of people care deeply for him...most notably Dana, who he'd be a fool to walk out on. Adam silently thinks about the woman he loves, then stares contemplatively into space. Danny calls Blake at his office to ask him if he could lend him some money so he can run away from home...and Blake looks perplexed for a moment, then agrees that, yeah, it'd be rough to run away with zero cash. He tells the imp to stay put at Delta Rho and that he'll be right over. In the next scene, Blake is advising Danny on his plans to flee, then points out that he wouldn't be able to play with Kristina if he were to run away from home. As Danny mulls that over, Blake suggests he come to the mansion for a sleepover, and then follow through with his plans to run away if he still wants to. Danny's like, "Can do!" and runs to his bedroom to pack an overnight bag...and then Blake looks over at Sammy Jo, who's been eavesdropping on the conversation from the doorway. He asks her whassup with Danny wanting to run away...and instead of replying, Sammy Jo just stares back at him mutely. Over in the trailer office, Dominique gushes to Nick about how wonderfully he treats his work crew. He invites her out for another dinner - to the moon! (huh?) - and when Dominique reminds him that she's "a two time loser" when it comes to marriage, he insists that he loves her regardless and urges her to grab hold of happiness before they're both abruptly written out of Dynasty at the end of Season 7. At Carrington manor that evening, Steven updates Blake about his encounter with Adam in the Billings graveyard. He says he doesn't know where Adam went after their chat, 'cause he insisted on wanting to be left alone. He then changes the subject and asks why Danny is spending the night at the mansion, so Blake tells him he's going to need to find a way to make the young tot understand that it's not his fault that he (Steven) no longer wishes to co-habitate with Sammy Jo. Dana is lounging in her apartment wearing a filmy negligee and high heels - 'cause, sure, what better outfit to relax in when you're sitting at home by yourself? - when Adam drops by. He plants a giant smooch on her lips, begs her to forgive him for the appalling way he's treated her for the last several episodes, and asks her to run off with him and get married. Dana's like, "Yes and yes!" and gives him a joyful hug. Dominique returns to the mansion and is pleasantly surprised to learn that Jackie is waiting for her, and that she has completely recovered from being burned in the La Mirage fire. Jackie tells her she's been spending time with Garrett in New York, gets the strong sense that he still loves her (meaning Dominique), and would looooooove it if the three of them became a family again. Steven admonishes Sammy Jo for involving Blake in their parenting issues, so she tells him that Danny was the one who involved Blake 'cause of how miserable he is to now be living at Delta Rho, fatherless. Sammy Jo moans about how skeered she is of losing Danny, then wonders aloud why they can't put Danny first in reaching a suitable compromise. Steven implores her to understand that he can't live a lie by shacking up with a hetero woman - but Sammy Jo shoots back that their love for Danny is real...then tells him to go pee up a rope until he's willing to be unselfish enough to actually help remedy the situation. Adam and Dana have packed their bags and are about to flee Denver when Blake and Alexis drop by Dana's apartment. They're startled by the sight of all the luggage, so Adam explains that he and Dana are getting married at City Hall, then leaving Denver forever. Alexis decrees that they're not going anywhere, and that they're getting married in the Carrington mansion as originally planned. Blake concurs and tells Adam that, in their hearts, he's their son...and that they love him dearly [despite having demonstrated a disturbing predilection for being revenge-fuelled, rapey, and traitorous]. Adam looks touched and hugs each of his faux (?) parents, while Dana smiles approvingly. Dirk Maurier looks less than thrilled when he spots his nephew, Gavin, in the Carlton Hotel lounge. Gavin giddily chuckles at Dirk for taking a bath in the Trouville Industries deal, though as a result of that experience he gained a valuable partner: Alexis Colby. He then prattles about his plans to change the face of aviation and could really use more development funds - but Dirk makes it clear that he can't/isn't willing to lend him anymore money. Gavin says he knows that he (Dirk) hated his father, and by association him...but is confident that he'll come out on top and find the money he needs, adding, "Somehow" with a mischievous grin on his face. Gavin drives his fancy sports car to the pipeline worksite to meet up with Dex and see if maybe he's interested in funding his aviation venture. Dex informs him that since Lex-Dex is defunct, he has zero interest in investing in anything that risky...and Gavin mulls that over, says he knows that he and Alexis were once an item, and calls her "quite a woman". Dex snarlingly asks him if he came out here to do business or find out about Alexis...then snappishly says that, either way, he's too busy for this nonsense and saunters off, leaving Gavin grinning evilly after him. Adam storms over to Neil McVane's apartment and declares, "You're finished!" He explains that he told Blake and Alexis everything, and that they fully accept him as their son regardless...and that he doesn't give even the tiniest of rat's asses about what the rest of the world thinks. When a startled Neil accuses him of "pulling some kind of a bluff", Adam assures him he's not bluffing, and that he just swore out a complaint with the police regarding his blackmail attempt, which is a direct violation of his parole. He smugly pronounces, "You are going back to jail, McVane" then hastily exits, leaving an ashen-faced Neil staring concernedly into space. Gavin is following Alexis's car as her driver ferries her to the Trimble Gallery. When her car pulls up to the entrance, Gavin parks across the street, staring at her creepily. Inside the Trimble Gallery, Alexis is browsing sculptures as a possible wedding present for Adam and Dana. Gavin slithers over, caresses her hand as she touches the art piece, and schmaltizily asks her what she's thinking while she gazes at the sculpture of a man and woman embracing. She mumbles something about it reminding her that she fell deeply in love a long time ago, then asks him who he is...and he replies, "Your future" before walking off, leaving her staring after him in intrigued puzzlement. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
Recap: Blake tells Krystle that the police are on their way to respond to Kristina's kidnapping, and Krystle kicks herself about not taking his concerns about Sarah more seriously. Blake says she couldn't possibly have known that Sarah would be squirrelly enough to abduct their daughter [a crime that seems implausible, given the number of servants and security people milling around], and says he's fully confident that Kristina will be found before the end of the episode, unharmed. A few seconds later, Sergeant Benson arrives and inquires about what happened, so Blake recaps that a house guest from Wyoming kidnapped their daughter, who's still recuperating from her recent heart transplant...and the Sergeant says he knows all about Kristina's recent operation and the role Sarah Curtis played in supplying the donor heart. Over in the sublet apartment, Sarah shows Kristina how she embroidered Cathy on the apron of her Raggedy Ann doll and tells her they now have to start calling the doll Cathy, not Ann. Kristina pouts, "I don't care!" and pronounces that the doll is no longer her favorite toy...and when Sarah refers to her as Cathy, she growls, "I'm not Cathy, I'm Kristina." Sarah spacily replies, "Yes, of course you are", but then stares confusedly into space. Over at ColbyCo, Alexis hands Adam a big check to purchase Trouville Industries stock and cautions him to keep the transactions on the down-low. Adam implores her not to partner with Dirk Maurier, who he considers "a monster" ... and when Alexis asks him why he's so adamant that she not go through with the deal, he says he can't give her any specifics, except to say that he has very negative instincts about Dirk. Alexis argues that Dirk can earn ColbyCo a lot of money, and that acquiring controlling stock in Trouville Industries will give her the kind of 'east coast clout' she's always craved. Adam makes it clear that he still disapproves, and Alexis is like, "I really don't give a rat's ass, 'cause I'm the boss who gets to make all the big decisions." She then stares at him concernedly and asks him why his hands are shaking, and he assures her it's definitely not from all the booze he's been guzzling lately, then beats a hasty retreat, leaving her staring worriedly after him. Neil summons Adam to his apartment asap, so Adam rushes over (looking extremely sweaty) and fibs that there's nothing to report about the Trouville Industries takeover. Neil remarks on his sweatier-than-usual appearance and that it's usually a sign someone's lying...and warns that if he catches him lying, "this Adam Carrington charade" will come to an abrupt end. A tormented Adam cracks and wails, "I can't betray my mother!" to which Neil points out that she isn't actually his mother, then demands he spill the beans on whatever insider info he has. Adam meekly reveals that, yeah, there is a deal in the works between Alexis and Dirk Maurier, and Neil grins evilly and urges Adam to continue. Back at the Carlton Hotel, Dominique runs into Nick Kimball, who tells her it's been awhile since they last spoke...and she apologizes for her nonsensical bitchitude last time she dropped by his oil field. He invites her to dinner...and when she tells him she already has dinner plans, he urges her to cancel them and jet with him to one of San Francisco's swankiest restaurants, where he's already put in an order for her favorite French entrée. In the next scene, Dominique and Nick are aboard a private plane, en route to San Francisco. Nick explains that he's suddenly gotten very rich after two of his wells [that he was somehow able to finance] struck oil. He declares today "a special day with a special person" ... and Dominique marvels about how different he is than when she first met him. And by different she mostly means wealthy enough to date a well-heeled diva such as herself. Back at Carrington manor, Blake laments to Ben and Dana that Krystle is anxiously pacing the bedroom and that Kristina's abduction is "too much" after everything else she's been through with their daughter's health issues. Leslie arrives and tells Blake that Dex too is on his way...and then Blake gets word that Sergeant Benson wishes to speak to him in the study. Sergeant Benson shares with Blake and Krystle that as part of the police department's search for Sarah Curtis, they've set up road blocks, and that he has officers covering the airport, bus station, and train terminal in the event that she tries to flee Denver. A few seconds later, Dex arrives and reports that Sarah hasn't been spotted at her Wyoming property, then emphasizes to Blake that she's incapable of hurting anyone (intentionally anyway). After he ambles off, an agonized Krystle moans to Blake, "Where is she? Where is she?", and he reminds her that they're doing everything possible to find Kristina. Alexis calls Blake to ask if there's any news regarding Kristina's whereabouts...and when he tells her the tot is still missing, she offers to print a special edition of The Denver Mirror that features photos of both Sarah and Kristina and offers a reward in exchange for information leading to the tot's safe return. Blake expresses his gratitude for her help, and she lowers her voice into a throaty whisper as she reminds him that they've always joined forces whenever their children are in need. She adds that she has also arranged for a local news crew to arrive at the mansion later and set up their cameras so that he and/or Krystle can appeal directly to Sarah for their daughter's safe return. Back at the sublet, a sad looking Kristina is in bed, mumbling, "I want my mommy" before she falls asleep. Sarah gaily replies, "Of course you do. Your mommy's right here, Cathy." During the TV broadcast, a tearful Krystle begs Sarah to bring Kristina home, reminding her that she's still recuperating from heart transplant surgery and needs to be carefully monitored. Kristina hears her mother's voice from the other room and excitedly runs into the living room - but Sarah hastily turns off the TV and breezily tells her she must have been dreaming. She then announces that it's time for her meds - but Kristina defiantly runs back into the bedroom, leaving Sarah to sadly whisper, "Cathy, why don't you listen to me anymore?" Back at Carrington manor, Sammy Jo finds Steven in one of the sitting rooms, doing what he's been doing a lot of lately: staring moodily at the fireplace. She tells him that Danny is very sad about Kristina going missing, and on top of that assumes it's his fault that he (Steven) left Delta Rho. Steven grimaces at his son's torment and promises to engage in a comforting father-son chat very soon. Sammy Jo then runs into Dana, who asks her if she's seen Adam...and when Sammy Jo says she hasn't, Dana wrings her hands about how worried she is for the freak, who she thinks is "very close to the edge". Yep, that's safe to say. Michael Culhane is over at Neil McVane's apartment raising a glass and toasting, "To Adam Carrington, our benefactor." Neil chuckles about their cleverness in preventing Alexis and Dirk from gaining control of Trouville Industries by leaking their takeover plans and causing Alexis to be out "a king's ransom" now that the stock price has plummeted. Neil says he can't wait to see the look on Alexis's face when she learns she's been outfoxed by a dumbfuck who has zero ability to move on with his life even after being released on parole, then smugly pronounces, "Revenge is almost as good as sex." Yeah...whatever, pedo. Adam returns to his hotel suite and guzzles more scotch while having a flashback to when Alexis first acknowledged that he's her long lost son. He then walks over to the mirror (that I guess the hotel replaced after he shattered the previous one) and rhetorically asks himself, "How can you stand to look at yourself?" Dr. Chadway tells Blake that time is of the essence in terms of locating Kristina and ensuring that she's getting her daily meds on time...'cause if she doesn't, her lungs will start filling with fluid. After he hangs up, Krystle demands to know what the doctor said, so he passes along the dire message...but the two agree on their hopefulness that, at the very least, Sarah is giving Kristina her meds. Meanwhile, Sarah urges Kristina - who's starting to look visibly ill - to take her meds and holds a spoonful of it in front of her [making it look a lot more like cough syrup than anti-organ-rejection medicine - but then, I'm a recapper not a post-organ transplant recuperation specialist]. Kristina refuses and cries that she wants to go home, then starts coughing uncontrollably...and Sarah hugs her while desperately praying for nothing bad to happen to the tot. Adam has drunkenly ventured to Denver's seedy underbelly and enters a boxing club. He staggers around the gym for a few seconds, challenges any of the men (who are all far buffer than him) to a fight in the ring in a weird effort to work out his self-loathing issues...then pulls out his wallet and says he'd be willing to pay his opponent. The gym owner tells Adam he's in no condition to fight anyone, grumbles that he has a business to run, and orders him to get lost. A disappointed Adam gives up his desire to get pummelled by one or more of the muscular boxers - but after he exits the building, one of the boxers follows him out to the alley. He asks Adam if he still wants to fight...and when Adam says he definitely does, the boxer easily beats him senseless, throws him onto a pile of garbage, and then steals his wallet before racing off. Back at Carrington manor, Krystle is rifling through Sarah's room, desperate for any clues that could reveal where she might have taken Kristina. Blake enters the room and reminds her that the police have already searched the room, then urges her to hang in there and be strong for their daughter. Sarah sings Kristina a lullaby, refers to her as Cathy, and tells her that soon they'll be back in their Wyoming home. Dominique is impressed when she sees that Nick has reserved the entire swanky San Francisco restaurant so that the two of them can enjoy a romantic dinner in near solitude. Nick schmaltzily tells her that she's totes worth the cost and effort, then raises a glass as he toasts her awesomeness...and when Dominique warns that this fancy courting doesn't mean she's automatically going to fall into bed with him, he tells her he's less interested in bedding her than he is in wedding her and proposes marriage (!). Dominique stares back at him in stunned silence, not least 'cause the two have barely even interacted with each other...and Nick strongly urges her to think about jumping head-first into a marriage with a person who is essentially a near stranger. Someone spots a bloodied, beaten Adam lying in the alley and calls the police. When they poke him back into consciousness, he rambles nonsensically about punching someone...and when they ask him his name, he cackles about how he doesn't know that basic fact. The police officers look less than impressed by his drunkenness and decide to fish him out of the garbage pile, book him at the station, and throw him into the drunk tank. Krystle wakes up from what she assumes/hopes has just been a bad dream...but when she gets up and runs over to her daughter's bedroom and finds it empty, she desperately cries, "I want my baby!" She chides Blake for his general state of calm, so he explains that he can't allow anger to cloud his thinking. Krystle eggs him on to be angry with her, since she's the one who trusted Sarah and brought her into their home - but Blake tells her that whatever lapses in judgement she's guilty of, they're guilty together. The following morning, Sergeant Benson informs Blake that a child has just been found dead after an accident...and since it's a possibility it might be Kristina, he'd like him to go to the morgue and identify the body. Blake agrees, then fibs to Krystle that he's off to the police station for some kind of routine thing-a-ma-jig...and an oblivious Krystle heads upstairs and hugs one of Kristina's teddy bears. While she's doing that, the phone in Sarah's room rings, so she rushes over to answer it. The caller is someone named Mrs. Broderick who asks to speak with Sarah, then explains to Krystle that she's returning Sarah's call regarding an ad she placed in the local paper for an apartment sublet. Krystle perks up at that intriguing clue, then rushes downstairs to look at the Classifieds in yesterday's newspaper. She notices that one of the ads has been circled in pen [way to cover your tracks, Sarah] and calls the number...and when it rings in the sublet apartment, a frightened looking Sarah stares at the phone mutely. Sarah calls Dr. Chadway to tell him that a child he once treated isn't taking her meds as required...and Dr. Chadway instantly recognizes her voice and urges her to bring Kristina home asap so that she doesn't put the poor girl in further jeopardy. Sarah huffily insists on taking care of "Cathy" in her own way, snarls that she doesn't need him or anybody, then hangs up. Dana tells Dex she's extremely worried about Adam, and that he started acting stranger than his usual strange self after Neil McVane was released on parole. Dex mulls that over for several seconds and says he has no clue what the connection between the two men could possibly be, and Dana predicts that something terrible is going to happen to Adam. Alexis arrives at the police station to pick up Adam and explains that one of her reporters discreetly called her after learning of his detainment. Adam sourly tells her he doesn't want or need her concern, cries, "Leave me alone!", and scampers off. Blake returns home and learns from Gerard that Krystle rushed off somewhere shortly after checking the Classified ads. The two men then scan the newspaper and see the circled address, prompting Blake to call the police. Krystle arrives at the sublet apartment, knocks on the door as she calls out Sarah's name, and implores her to open the door. Kristina hears her mother's voice from the bedroom and runs over while screaming, "Mommy!" Sarah tries to hush the child and convince her that she's her mommy - just as Kristina starts coughing uncontrollably. When Krystle begs Sarah to not let her die, Sarah finally decides that the badly planned jig is mercifully up, so she opens the door, then sinks onto the floor with a despondent look on her face...and Krystle rushes in and hugs her daughter tightly as she sobs with relief. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"! Recap: While tidying up the nursery, Kristina begs Sarah not to leave Carrington manor...and Sarah explains that she has a home in Wyoming she needs to get back to, but promises they'll always be friends and can visit one another. Blake and Krystle, who are eavesdropping on the conversation from the doorway, agree that it's reassuring to hear Sarah acknowledge that she can't live at the mansion forever [even though she really hasn't been there all that long: it's only been three episodes since she tried to carbon-monoxide herself to death]. Over at the Delta Rho, Sammy Jo wakes up and finds a tortured looking Steven sitting at the foot of the bed with his head in his hands. When she asks him whassup, he moans, "We're wrong" and laments that he can never be the kind of hetero live-in lover she wants him to be, and he can't lie to himself no 'mo. Sammy Jo asks him what he wants, and he's like, "Dunno, but it can't be this." She tears up as she asks him what in blazes they're going to do, and he hugs her and says he wishes he had a damn clue at any given time if the writers will ever be able to come to a consensus about him being..
Dirk Maurier summons Alexis to the Carlton Hotel lounge after he finishes his press conference. He tells her he wants her to partner with him in Operation Take Over Trouville Industries - but she tells him that taking over companies is not her style and chides him for being power hungry. Dirk proudly pronounces, "Power and sex, what else is there?" to which Alexis replies, "Love - power and sex can never replace that." A few seconds later, Dex enters the lounge...and Dirk condescendingly tells him he'd invite him to join them, but is pretty sure that their complex deal-making talk would be way over his head. An unfazed Dex retorts that he's been privy to every kind of business-related conversation there is, then ambles off...and when Dirk motions at Dex and asks Alexis if that's the love that can't be replaced, she just stares back at him in mute poutishness. Elsewhere in the Carlton Hotel, Adam accuses Neil McVane of hiring a PI to follow him around - but Neil says he couldn't be bothered to expend the energy doing that, not least 'cause if he wanted to find him, all he'd have to do is go to the nearest watering hole. Fair point. He then tells Adam he wants the latest intel on Alexis's Trouville takeover plans and warns that if he refuses, he'll see to it that word gets out - without any actual proof - that "Adam Carrington is not Adam Carrington". He calls him "a pathetic fraud" and asks him if he truly absolutely 100% understands that if he doesn't want his world blown up he needs to get him the super secret intel, and Adam snaps, "Yes." The two then ride the elevator together...and when they reach the lobby, Neil bitchily reiterates that he wants that intel asap - a superfluous interaction that gets witnessed by Dana, who's at the hotel on Denver Carrington business. Adam stomps over and accuses her of taking over the morning spy shift, and she tells him she has no idea what he's talking about - but that if he's hanging out with a disgraced pedo like Neil McVane, something clearly is amiss and maybe somebody should be following him and figure out why he's acting so freaked out all the damn time. Steven explains to Danny that when they moved to Delta Rho he thought it would be the best thing for their family - but he's quickly come to the realization that since he's such a perpetually moody jerk, not even the most pleasing of living arrangements could ever make him happy. He breaks it to Danny that he's leaving Delta Rho, and Danny asks if it's 'cause he did something wrong, then proceeds to sob and wail, "You hate me!" - just as Sammy Jo enters the room, gives her son a comforting hug, and admonishes Steven for ruining their happy home. Steven heads over to Denver Carrington to inform Blake of his decision to end his co-habitation with Sammy Jo, lamenting the ill-fated decision. Blake's like, "Shocker" [sorry, no - that was me] and says he totally gets that he needed to be part of a strong family unit, assures him that Danny will one day understand his incessant 'am I hetero/non-hetero?' angst, and that he (Blake) has learned his lesson after years of being a judgey dickwad about his grown son's sexual orientation and vows to love him no matter what living situation he chooses. Over at the mansion, Kristina confides in Sarah that her Raggedy Ann doll is her favorite plaything - but that she keeps it on the down-low 'cause she doesn't want the rest of her toys to feel bad about themselves. Sarah gushes about what a wonderful little heart she has, then stares sadly into space. Adam meets up with Blake in what looks like a private Denver Carrington dining room. He tells Blake he's concerned about Alexis's business dealings with Dirk Maurier, who's clearly manipulating her...and when Blake points out that Alexis has set plenty of precedents "playing hardball with the big boys", Adam insists that she's vulnerable - but then clams up when Blake asks for specific details. Blake asks him why he's been acting so skittishly lately, then confesses that he was so concerned that he hired a PI to follow him around town...and Adam's all, "You did wha-a-at?!", rails about the lack of trust between them, and storms out of the dining room. Dex drops by ColbyCo to warn Alexis not to do business with a scoundrel like Dirk Maurier. He explains that, years ago, Dirk suckered him into a shady investment deal and depleted his funds, along with that of fifty other silent partners. Alexis breezily retorts that any investment is a risk, points out that he can't prove that the investment was inherently shady, and reminds him that she's beaten many men at their own game. She then shoots him the stink-eye as she chides him for not warning her about his deceitfulness when it comes to his infidelity, then orders him to get the hell outa her office. Dex bitterly says he should be a happy guy, knowing that Dirk is going to screw her over - but he's not, 'cause he can't help but always have her best interests at heart. He then exits the office, and a peeved Alexis slams the door after him. Back at Carrington manor, Sarah is styling Kristina's hair in pigtails with white ribbons, the way she used to style her deceased daughter's hair. Dominique, who has popped in for a visit with her tiny niece, remarks on how much her daughter (Jackie) used to really like wearing her hair in pigtails. Kristina sweetly says she misses Jackie, a sentiment that seems to deeply touch Dominique, and she says she'll definitely pass along that message. Krystle enters the room and pretends as though she doesn't recognize her daughter with her pigtailed 'do, and Kristina giggles and gushes about how much she looooooves wearing her hair like this and thanks Sarah for her cute new look. Over in the pipeline trailer office, Clay ogles Leslie and gushes about how his mom would have really liked her, and is sad that she got run over by a car before they could meet. He says he has terrible dreams about the car accident that killed her and wishes it had been his shitty father who had perished. He adds that he has no earthly idea why his mom stayed married to the abusive shitbag - right? - and Leslie gives him a comforting hug. Alexis tells Dirk she's thought it over and is definitely interested in getting in on the Trouville Industries takeover - but first wants to look over the profit/income statements. Dirk warns that that kind of information is highly confidential, meaning that they can't talk about the figures over the phone or make copies of anything. Alexis snippily tells him she doesn't need lessons from him on security...and reminds him that, as far as this deal is concerned, they're equals. Dominique drops by Sarah's room to ask her something and happens to notice an open photo album with pictures of Cathy in pigtails and wearing the same blue dress that Sarah made for Kristina. She makes a beeline over to where Krystle is and reports this odd discovery...and Krystle isn't sure what to make of the weirdness. She wonders aloud if maybe Blake was right about Sarah...and if so, how does she express her concern to the woman who saved her daughter's life? Blake tells Alexis that something is troubling Adam - like, beyond his usual broody moodiness. He adds that he's been so worried that he hired a PI to follow him around, and stands by the intrusiveness 'cause he's certain that their freak son desperately needs help. Sarah tells Krystle how peaceful it is at Carrington manor, then tells her she fully gets that it's time for her to leave and get on with her life. She thanks Krystle for being such a good friend and says she plans to leave tomorrow, and a visibly relieved Krystle tells her to let her and/or Blake know if she ever needs anything. Clay returns to Sammy Jo the horse she gifted to Emily when she was trying to suck up to her future mother-in-law...'cause now that she's dead, Oscar Goldman can't be bothered to take proper care of the poor Arabian. Clay amiably asks Sammy Jo how everything's going, and she admits that her co-habitation plan with Steven hasn't worked out as planned...and grimly thanks him for not saying 'I told you so'. She then tells him she's relieved to see that he's over her and is falling in love with a nice gal like Leslie, and he thanks her and says he hopes that she too finds what she's looking for. Alexis runs into a mopey Steven at Denver Carrington and snidely asks him if Sammy Jo is the cause of his bad mood, adding that she wishes he had talked to her before moving to Delta Rho. Steven argues that 1) Sammy Jo loves him, 2) he loves Sammy Jo in his own special way, and 3) his unhappiness is his own doing. Leslie is over at Clay's place, and the two are enjoying a romantic dinner. He turns on some boring muzak, and the two slow dance and agree that they're really starting to dig each other. Back at Delta Rho, Sammy Jo finds Steven staring moodily at the fireplace...and when she urges him to come to bed, he snappishly tells her he needs time to himself, and that she has to accept that he's not the hetero lover she wants him to be. As he bitchily storms off, she anxiously cries, "Steeeeeeeven!" Sarah is looking at a prospective apartment to sublet, and the landlady tells her she really really needs a tenant asap. Sarah's like, "I'll take it!" and mentions that she and her young daughter will be living in the apartment together. Oh dear. Steven is riding Valez on the vast grounds of Delta Rho, repeatedly smacking the poor horse with the reins to get him to gallop increasingly faster. When they approach a ravine, Valez loses his footing and throws Steven, then collapses to the ground. Sarah tells Blake she bought a plane ticket for her return trip to Wyoming...and when he tells her he would have been happy to fly her home in his private jet, she firmly tells him that she needs to start doing things on her own again. She bids him adieu, and he tells her that he and Krystle will never forget everything she did to contribute to their daughter's survival. Sammy Jo and Danny come running over to where Valez has collapsed. Steven sheepishly admits that he rode the horse a whole lot harder than he probably should have. The veterinarian insists it wasn't his fault 'cause horses should be ridden hard [though probably not that hard], then says that he can set Valez's broken leg - but after that, he has to be put out to pasture and can never be ridden again. As Danny softly pets his favorite horse, Steven laments that his son will never get the opportunity to ride him [on account of his foul mood]. Leslie wakes up in Clay's bed the next morning...and when he delivers breakfast in bed, she gushes about how much she loooooves being with him, and would looooove it if the Fallmonts and the Carringtons would call a truce. Sarah tells Krystle she's going to miss her, then gives Kristina a big hug and explains that she has to go 'cause she has a big Wyoming ranch to take care of. Jeannette pops in to inform Krystle that she has a long-distance phone call...and after the two scurry out of the room, Sarah stares wide-eyed into space for a few seconds, then hastily gathers up Kristina's medications, puts her little coat on her, and tells her they're going for a walk. Kristina seems OK with that and asks her if she can bring Raggedy Ann along, and Sarah says she can, then hustles her downstairs and out of the mansion. Steven whines to Sammy Jo about how he has no idea what to say to Danny after Valez's untimely accident...and that since he's been such a dickwad of a father lately, he's going to entrust him to her while he wanders the earth and decides if it's possible for him to ever find happiness. Sammy Jo's like, "Godspeed, cranky pants." Krystle asks Jeannette if she's seen Kristina, and Jeannette says she hasn't a clue where the tot could be. Blake returns home just as the servants begin scouring the mansion...and after Gerard contacts security, he reports that Sarah was seen driving off with Kristina. As Blake scrunches his face worriedly, a horrified Krystle cries, "She's taken our daughter!" Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
Recap: The new, much friendly nurse (who was hired by the Carringtons to monitor Kristina's post-surgery progress) is doing her regular, middle-of-the-night check and is alarmed when the tot is not in her bed. She immediately alerts Blake and Krystle, who quickly initiate a search of the mansion...but then a few seconds later, Sarah rounds the corner of the second floor corridor with a sleeping Kristina in her arms. She explains that she found Kristina awake in her bed, took her back to her room, and rocked her back to sleep...the way she used to do with Cathy. She apologizes for causing them any concern, and Krystle says it's fine since there was no harm done, and takes Kristina from Sarah's arms so she can personally carry her back to her room. When Sarah is safely out of earshot, Blake asks Krystle why in blazes Sarah would be looking in on Kristina in the in the middle of the night, given that they hired a nurse to do exactly that...and Krystle just kind of shrugs and says that maybe she was lonely. Over at ColbyCo, Adam barks at Neil McVane over the phone to never call him at his office again...then abruptly lowers his voice once Alexis enters his office. She hands Adam a proposed guest list for the wedding and asks him to look it over, and he breaks the news that there isn't going to be any wedding. He fibs about how her instincts about Dana were right, namely that she turned out to be an opportunist...and Alexis says if that's really true, it's better that he found this out before getting married. She adds that she really only tolerated the idea of Dana becoming her future daughter-in-law 'cause he seemed to love her so much - but if he's decided that she's the wrong woman for him, then clearly he's better off without the "small town girl with big ideas". She then gets up and flounces out, leaving Adam staring sadly into space. A flustered looking Dana hands Blake a sales report...and when he tells her it's not the report he asked for, she miserably apologizes and says she'll go and fetch the correct one. Blake stops her and asks what's troubling her, so she tearfully tells him that she and Adam had an argument and that - poof! - the engagement is suddenly off. Blake assures her that it's totes normal for couples to quarrel - but Dana clarifies that Adam called off the wedding for reasons she can't understand or explain. Neil runs into Alexis in the Carlton Hotel lobby and tells her he's on the ground floor of a major deal that's going to put him on top, and invites her to come in on it with him. She stares at him incredulously and snaps, "Not in your lifetime" [and somehow refrains from reminding the nut that he did, at one point, try to kill her], then strides past him...prompting Neil to mutter to himself, "That's where you're wrong, Alexis. That's where you're wrong." Neil goes upstairs to Adam's suite and announces that he wants Trouville Industries, aka the company Alexis is currently targeting for a buyout. He orders Adam to guarantee him a piece of that action, and Adam meekly agrees and helplessly says it's not like he has any choice in the matter [despite having a clear choice in the matter due to the weak nature of Neil's blackmail attempt]. Neil suggests they go in on this deal together...and when Adam says he has zero interest in that, Neil's like, "Your loss" and orders him to keep him informed about ColbyCo's buyout. After he exits the suite, a tortured Adam guzzles yet more booze, then glares at his reflection before violently throwing his drinking glass at the mirror. Blake tells Krystle that Adam dumped Dana, and Krystle's all, "Wuh?" and says she's sorry to hear that, 'cause - like everyone else in their orbit - she thought that Dana was a pleasant antidote to the freak's psychopathic tendencies. Blake shakes his head in puzzlement and says that the breakup makes no sense, and that he's determined to find out what's really going on with Adam by hiring a PI to follow him around and report on his activities. Krystle warns that that might not be a good idea, 'cause if Adam ever found out it could create a rift between them - but Blake's like, "I'm totes willing to take that chance" and promptly gets on the phone to hire an investigator. Krystle drops by Sarah's room to say goodnight, and finds her busily sewing a blue dress for Kristina. Sarah apologizes again for worrying them earlier and insists that she'd never do anything to harm the cute little tot. Krystle assures her it's all fine, then remarks on how much Kristina is going to love her new dress...and after Krystle leaves, Sarah opens her photo album and looks over photos of the late Cathy, who we see was photographed while wearing a replica of the blue dress that Sarah is in the process of making for Kristina. Oh dear. Dana stops by Delta Rho to return Sammy Jo's bridal shower gift...and when Sammy Jo asks her why the engagement was called off, Dana's like, "Dunno. One minute Adam loves me, the next he wants nothing to do with me." [Consider it a bullet dodged, Dana.] She scrunches her face confusedly and says, "It's as though Adam isn't Adam anymore" - just as a shirtless Steven enters the room to find a clean shirt. After that awkwardness, he quickly scampers off, prompting Dana to stare at Sammy Jo Sammy Jo explains that Steven is living at the ranch so they can co-parent Danny...but then admits that, yeah, she's feeling more-than-just-platonic affection stirring in her loins, which isn't being reciprocated by Steven - not that this should be a giant surprise considering he's made no secret of the fact to anyone in Denver that he's gay (sorta). The PI checks in with Blake and tells him he's surveilling Adam from the Carlton Hotel - just as Adam walks past him and then through the lobby. While lunching at the Carlton Hotel, Dex tells Sarah he'll ask his father to look in on her Wyoming ranch to make sure everything's OK - though hopefully she has ranch hands who are keeping the cattle and horses from starving to death - then assures her that eventually life without her family will become easier to bear. Sarah laments how alone and empty she feels - but Dex earnestly points out that there's a whole world out there to fill up her life whenever she's ready...and in the meantime, she can hang out with him. Across town, at Nick's Big Horn Bar, Adam is once again pooching his liver by excessively boozing while he sits atop a barstool looking despondent. A brunette hooker with a comical white flower in her hair sashays over to where he's sitting, compliments his cuteness and fancy attire, and introduces herself as April. When she asks what she can call him, he replies, "It depends" ... and she looks intrigued by the mysterious stranger and asks who he is, and he says, "That's a real good question", then tells her she can call him Michael Torrence, aka A Fake and a Phony. He glances across the room and happens to notice Blake's PI sitting at a nearby table, recognizes him from the Carlton Hotel lobby, and storms over to demand to know why he's following him. The PI pretends it's purely coincidental that they're currently drinking in the same dive bar, then says he doesn't want any trouble and beats a hasty retreat. A worried looking April asks Adam if he's dangerous, pronouncing, "I don't do business with weirdos" - LOL - and Adam avoids outing himself as the confirmed weirdo he is and says he's never done business with a beautiful hooker before. He starts removing her jacket, and she coos at him to take it slow and then ushers him over to the dance floor, where he continues to get all grab handsy. At Delta Rho, Steven returns home earlier than expected from work, and Sammy Jo admits that she's feeling kinda glum 'cause she's been worrying that her hetero affection for him is going to push him away. Steven's like, "On the contrary, I have very fond memories of what it was like to hit the sheets with you", then solemnly confesses, "When I look at you, I feel." Sammy Jo gushes about how he makes her feel beautiful, warm, and safe...then recalls the first time they slept together and leans in for a smooch. Steven looks all into it as they lay atop the furry rug and continue smooching, and eventually the camera pans over to the fireplace. Mmm hmm.. The nurse weighs Kristina, who excitedly races over to Krystle and reports that she gained a whole pound. She then tells her mom that Sarah suggested she host a tea party, and lays it on thick about how much she loooooves having this new grownup friend around. When Adam arrives late to the office, his assistant Paula tells him he missed a morning meeting and that she's growing concerned about his general slackitude. Adam snappishly tells her to cancel his appointments for the rest of the day, barking, "No calls!", then pours himself yet another drink...and when Paula buzzes a few seconds later to tell him his [ex]fiancée is on the line, he tells her to tell Dana to go pee up a rope and not call him again. Kristina is hosting a tea party in the solarium, and in attendance are her favorite stuffed toys, Krystle, Sarah, and the principle servants. Everyone gushes over the yummy cookies she helped bake...and after a few minutes of Dynasty's biggest cuteness overload to date, Krystle declares it nap time and asks the nurse to take her daughter upstairs. Sarah and Krystle hang back to continue chatting, agreeing how lovely it is that she (Sarah) and Kristina have become fast friends...and that it's not weird at all, how visibly clingy Sarah is towards the child who now has Cathy's heart beating inside of her. Later that afternoon, Sammy Jo tells Steven she was a bit put off that he left for work so early this morning, 'cause it made her wonder whether or not she should apologize for initiating last night's doinkfest. She tells him she found the experience "beautiful and loving" and that all day she was sooooo tempted to call him at the office to ask if he regrets what happened - but is glad she didn't 'cause she's utterly thrilled that he returned home in lieu of abandoning her. She assures him that everything is going to be A-OK and leans in for a hug, during which Steven looks noticeably uncomfortable. Dana drops by Adam's hotel suite to return his engagement ring...and when he snappishly tells her to get lost and take the ring to the nearest pawn shop, she whimperingly asks him why he's treating her so shittily. He coldly replies that he decided he didn't want to become anyone's meal ticket, and again tells her it's over. Dana says she knows he loves her, to which he scoffs, "You're kidding yourself" ... and when Dana implores him to open up and let her help him, he tells her in no uncertain terms that he just wants her to go away. She responds by storming out of the suite, leaving Adam staring into space with a tortured look on his face. Downstairs in the hotel lounge, Clay and Leslie are gabbling about a movie they just saw when Oscar Goldman drunkenly staggers over. He raises a glass to toast the end of Clay's marriage to Sammy Jo, then asks for an introduction to his new gal pal. Leslie introduces herself as Leslie Carrington, aka Ben Carrington's daughter, prompting Oscar to shoot Clay the stink-eye and snarl, "You just go from bad to worse, don't you?" and huffs off. Blake returns home from work and finds Kristina hanging out with Sarah while she does a final fitting of the blue dress she's been sewing. Kristina excitedly gushes to Blake about the frock and starts to tell him that it's a replica of the one Sarah once made for her daughter - but Sarah cuts her off, hastily closes her photo albums and says she doubts that Blake wants to look at any of her old pictures. Blake begins to exit the room with Kristina, and when Kristina asks Sarah if she's coming along, Blake swiftly says, "No no...I'm sure that she has things to do", leaving Sarah staring after them with sadness etched across her face. The next morning, Blake tells Krystle he's concerned that Kristina is getting overly attached to Sarah, and wonders if they're doing more harm than good, encouraging this near stranger to stay at the mansion instead of working to rebuild her shattered life. Krystle argues that being at Carrington manor is an essential part of her healing process and thinks it's working...and when the camera pans across the room, we see that Sarah has been eavesdropping on the conversation. Over breakfast, Leslie tells Ben she met Clay's father, who proved himself to be a hateful drunk and freaked out when he learned she's a Carrington. She asks Ben if there's anything he'd like to share with her that could explain Oscar's deep-seated anger at their family, and Ben's like, "Nope, I don't have a clue" and says he's never actually met Clay's father...then abruptly gets up and says he needs to get a jump on his busy day. Ben heads over to the Fallmont mansion to give Oscar Goldman the what for for being such a jerk to Leslie, then implores him not to take his anger at the Carringtons out on their kids just 'cause he (Ben) screwed Emily all those years ago. Oscar Goldman makes it clear that he's nowhere near ready to forgive and forget, and that he doesn't want Clay having anything to do with Leslie. He then yells at Ben to get the hell out of his house and never come back, and Ben vows to not let him poison their kids' lives. After he leaves, Oscar Goldman gazes at a framed photo of Emily, then stares despondently into space. A distressed Kristina tells Krystle that Sarah is packing her bags, which saddens her 'cause she doesn't want her new friend to leave. In the next scene, Krystle asks Sarah whaddup with her packing her suitcases, and Sarah tells her it's time for her to leave, and that it's doing "more harm than good", the longer she stays. Krystle sheepishly realizes that she must have overheard her earlier conversation with Blake and explains that they're merely concerned about her welfare. She begs Sarah not to leave for the wrong reasons...and Sarah chews on that for a few seconds and remarks on how good it's been for her to spend time with Kristina. When Krystle implores her to stay, she asks if they all want her to continue living at the mansion despite Blake making it pretty obvious he'd much rather she return to Wyoming and sort out her grieving issues there, and Krystle says yes and gives her a happy hug. Late that evening, Sammy Jo asks Steven if she created a problem by enticing him to abandon his non-hetero lifestyle preference and go to bed with her. He tells her that before the other night, he was fairly certain he was only into dudes - but now is back to being at the mercy of wavering writers who can't seem to fully commit to the notion of featuring a wholly gay man on '80s primetime TV. Sammy Jo wanks him about his gentle and sensual his lovemaking abilities, then asks if he was faking it - and he assures her that the pleasure on his end was indeed very real, and promises to not abandon their renewed romance. Sammy Jo says she wants them to be good for Danny and for each other, begs him to come to bed with her, then steers him out of the living room and down the hall. Mmm hmm.. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
Recap: Krystle checks in on Kristina and is slightly alarmed when Nurse Johnson says that she was restless throughout the night, but eventually fell asleep (sucking her thumb). A few seconds later, Kristina wakes up and complains about always being sooo tired, and Krystle urges her to close her eyes and go back to sleep. She then chides Nurse Johnson for not letting her know about Kristina's restlessness and instructs her to let her know if there's even the most minuscule irregularity in her general status...and Nurse Johnson snippily tells her that she's being overprotective and haughtily reminds her that she's been taking care of children for a very long time, to which Krystle just-as-haughtily retorts that she will decide what's best for her daughter. Adam is in his Carlton Hotel suite, dreaming of when his faux (?) grandmother adamantly insisted that he is, in fact, the long lost Adam Carrington. Adam writhes around, crying, "You lied to me!" - just as Dana enters the suite and rushes into the bedroom to see whassup with all the shrieking. She pleads with him to share with her what has him so freaked out, but he declines 'cause he's not in the mood "for a scene". Dana says she's worried sick about him and his constant boozing, implores him to not treat her this way, and reminds him that she's the woman he's about to marry. Adam snaps, "Except I'm not your husband yet! You don't own me yet!", and Dana stares back at him with a stunned, wide-eyed expression before heading towards the door. She whirls around and whimperingly reminds him that she loves him...and he gently returns her I love you, suggests they chalk this up to a lover's quarrel, and blames his hangover for his bitchitude. Sarah tells Blake she feels a lot better than she did yesterday, in that she no longer has the strong desire to kill herself. Blake suggests she might it helpful to seek out some professional counselling asap - an excellent idea for a woman who just lost her entire family (!) - but she tells him she doesn't need therapy and nonsensically explains, "Where I come from, we handle these things ourselves." Blake's like, "Er, OK" and says again how pleased they all are to have her as their guest and tells her that if she ever wants to get out of the house and do some sightseeing, Gerard can arrange a car/driver to ferry her around town. Sarah thanks him, but declines the offer 'cause she'd much prefer to stay close to Krystle and Kristina. Leslie is eating breakfast and chatting on the phone with Clay when Ben enters the room and remarks on the friendly conversation she just had with the playboy. Leslie asks him what he has against Clay, but Ben refuses to explain himself and says it's generally a bad idea to indulge in any hanky panky with someone she works with. Leslie doesn't buy that and asks him if his beef is really with Clay's father, and Ben insists that he's merely a jealous pa who wants to spend more time with his up-until-now estranged daughter. Leslie assures him that there's room enough in her life for both him and Clay, then changes the subject and mentions that she's planning to attend Dana's surprise bridal shower this evening. Sarah runs into Dominique at the mansion and calls her suicide attempt a stupid mistake she's facing up to...and that she owes it to the memory of her husband and daughter to move on with her life. Dominique concurs wholeheartedly and says she's soooooo glad she's in Denver under the protective umbrella of the [dysfunctional] Carrington clan. At Delta Rho, Sammy Jo finds Steven hanging by the fenced horse corral, watching Danny pet Valez. When Danny heads off with Valez and the groom, Sammy Jo apologizes to Steven for ambushing him last night with a smoochfest. He insists that she did nothing wrong - but she argues that she broke the rules of their 'no canoodling' bargain and vows to never ever do that again. Alexis finds Adam drinking tomato juice (either that or a Bloody Mary) in the lounge of the Carlton Hotel. She admonishes him for skipping an important breakfast meeting, and Adam remarks on the bizarreness of a grown man even having a power meeting with his mother - right?? - then says he decided to take the day off to celebrate the new him. A bemused Alexis lets that odd remark go and asks him why in blazes he would invite a creepy pedo like Neil McVane to Dirk's cocktail party, and Adam mumbles that the pedo must have finagled his way in and weakly denies having anything to do with it. He then orders a scotch on the rocks, prompting Alexis to remark that his cranky 'tude and constant day drinking isn't like him...and Adam growls that she merely thinks she knows him well, then declares, "Well...Alexis don't." Krystle and Jeannette hover over Kristina as she happily plays with her toys. Sarah suddenly pokes her head into the room, then hastily backs out...and Krystle notices her disappearance and rushes out to the hallway to ask her why she didn't come all the way in. Sarah says she didn't want to intrude on her alone time with her daughter, and Krystle reminds her that were it not for her, she wouldn't even have these special moments with Kristina, and insists that she join their playtime. Steven stops by ColbyCo to chat with Alexis about Dana's bridal shower. Alexis tells him she's done an about-face regarding her future daughter-in-law and says she now thinks Dana is good for Adam, then expresses deep concern that something is stressing him out to the point that he's skipping work and binge-drinking. She asks Steven if he wouldn't mind trying to uncover what's going on there, and Steven looks less than thrilled by the task, but agrees to do his best. At Denver Carrington, Blake and Dex are going over the most recent reports on the pipeline project. Dex tells Blake it's soooo nice of him and Krystle to welcome Sarah into their home, then chides himself for not recognizing the signs that she was suicidal. Blake says he's not sure how Sarah really is, since it's obvious that she's desperately trying to hold herself together. He says it might help if she spent time with an old friend and suggests that Dex drop by the mansion sometime soon to hang out with her. Krystle has invited Sarah to go riding with her...and the two sit atop their trotting horses and talk about the first night they met: on the airstrip. Sarah says she feels as though they're sisters 'cause of all the recent pain they've had to share and endure, and Krystle concurs that indeed they do have a lot in common, to which Sarah replies, "Like our beautiful little daughters." Krystle stares back at her with kind of a weirded out expression, and an oblivious Sarah kicks her horse to get it to start galloping. Dana meets up with Dr. Edwards at the Carlton Hotel's outdoor dining patio and tells him she gets the strong sense that he doesn't approve of her pending marriage to Adam...and Dr. Edwards chides her for the "rude and uncalled for" remark. An unfazed Dana asks him if she hit a nerve and asks him if the rumors were true about Adam having a nervous breakdown when he lived in Billings, and Dr. Edwards admits that, yeah, he might know a few less than flattering things about her betrothed - but firmly tells her he isn't going to reveal anything sickness-related 'cause of doctor-patient confidentiality...along with the fear of Adam getting some psychopath-style revenge on him for daring to open his mouth about his serious mental health issues. Over at ColbyCo, Alexis tells Michael she doesn't have time for his annoyingly relentless 'let's do business deals together as if we're equals' blather and gives him exactly one minute to explain why in the hell he's in her orbit right now. Michael warns that she'd better take the time to update him on whatever business she's been doing with Dirk Maurier, to which Alexis snippily retorts that 1) she never agreed to keep him in the loop about every move she makes, and 2) she paid him in full for the Four Crossings land deal and now owes him nothing. Michael warns, "Nobody dumps me that easily" - despite Amanda dumping him really easily by moving to London - and says he has it on good authority that she's been negotiating business deals with Dirk and wants in. Alexis wearily tells him his minute is up and firmly declares, "You and I are finished. Through." In the next scene, Michael has reported the conversation to Neil, who predicts that Alexis will use him until she's had enough and then spit him out. He gets a faraway look on his maniacal looking face and adds, "She did it to me once. Once! But she'll never to it to me again." Michael tells Neil that his brazen nuttiness has inspired him to want to leap head-first into whatever senseless revenge plot he has in mind...and when Neil says it's going to cost, Michael assures him that he can get his hands on plenty o' cash. Michael makes a beeline over to Denver Carrington and tells Blake he's ready to sell him back his share of the crater - pretending as though he can't, in good conscience, stand in the way of his company extracting natural gas for the good of Colorado and the rest of the country. Blake growlingly calls him a user and says he'd love to see him crawl and beg for his money back were he not so eager to steel-toe him out of his life for good. He then agrees to buy him out for the cost of the investment, then snarls at him to get the hell out of his office. Adam drops by Dana's office to apologize for his shitty behavior earlier...and after they hug it out, she says she really really wants to know what's bugging him, adding that Dr. Edwards also seems worried about his deteriorating mental state. Adam prickles and demands to know exactly what she and the old doctor talked about, so she assures him that Dr. Edwards kept a tight lid on whatever secrets he's harboring, to which Adam cries, "There are no secrets! Will you ever understand that?" Dana points out that clearly something is wigging him out, and whatever it is is scaring the bejeezus out of her. She implores him to share his troubles with her - but Adam once again refuses and says he doesn't want her to worry about it, then vows "to make right" all that is scaring the bejeezus out of both of them. Sarah is reading a story to Kristina when Krystle enters the room and asks where Nurse Johnson is. Sarah just kind of shrugs and says she took a break awhile ago and hasn't been seen since. A few seconds later, Nurse Johnson returns, and Krystle asks her to step out into the hallway and reminds her that she was hired so that she could administer professional care to Kristina at any given moment. Nurse Johnson scrunches her face in a seriously? expression and points out that Kristina hadn't been left by herself, and that she was close by - downstairs in the kitchen, to be exact - and therefore easily reachable by intercom if Sarah had needed assistance. [That's kind of a fair point.] She snippily says she won't overstay her break again, to which Krystle snarls, "Please don't." In the trailer office, Clay and Leslie are looking over the pipeline maps when they start bickering about the merits/evils of exposed piping. He's all, "Oooooh, I forgot I was working with a woman engineer" and jokingly proposes painting the steel pipe a shade of pastel. Leslie suggests he let one of his groupies pick out the shade, adding that she knows all about the women who drive all the way to the job site to ogle him...while she, on the other hand, finds him mediocre in looks 'cause she's waaaaay more into guys with brains. Clay says he too digs brains, but that "the idea of a little sex never turned me off." He then pulls her towards him and plants her lips with a big smooch - just as Sammy Jo enters the trailer office. Clay's all, "Oops, what are you doing here?", so she explains that she came by to pick up the spare key to Dana's apartment that Leslie, for some reason, has in her possession so that she and Dominique can start decorating for the bridal shower. After Clay excuses himself and exits the office, Leslie asks Sammy Jo exactly why she and Clay broke Sammy Jo tells her that she fell out of love with the numb-brain about ten minutes after their quickie wedding. Leslie chews on that for a few seconds and asks if Clay also fell out of love with her, and Sammy Jo says she should direct that line of questioning at Clay, then makes it clear that she's soooo happy with her life now and has zero problem with her and Clay hooking up. Adam fibs his way into Neil's hotel suite at the Carlton, and is rifling through the drawers when Neil arrives. He once again refers to Adam as Mr. Torrence and smugly says that the negatives he's searching for aren't in those drawers. When Adam threatens violence, Neil informs him that his attorney is in possession of a letter that details "the truth" about Adam Carrington not really being Adam Carrington. He needles Adam further by declaring that he was never a Carrington, and Adam responds by lowering his head all hang-dog-like and dejectedly shuffling out of the suite. Incidentally, I find it puzzling and disappointing that he's so easily cowed by Neil...and not made of sterner stuff, considering the strong psychopathic tendencies he's so brazenly demonstrated over the years. A sad looking Sarah is sitting in the study at Carrington manor when Dex enters the room, clutches her hands, and implores her to hold on. Sarah assures him that her suicidal tendencies are mostly behind her, and that she feels safe at Carrington manor. Dex invites her out to dinner, and she agrees, with the caveat that she can't promise to be the best company. Sammy Jo runs into Alexis at the Carlton Hotel and tells her she just picked up Dana's bridal shower gift from the boutique: a slinky negligee. Alexis nosily asks her if Steven is happy shacking up with her at Delta Rho, and Sammy Jo says that Steven is happy whenever he's with Danny. Alexis follows up with a question about whether she and Steven are sharing anything more than just parental duties, and Sammy Jo firmly tells her it's none of her business. Alexis snippily decrees that Steven's happiness is always her business, then breezily says, "OK, whatever. See you at the shower!" and rushes off. LOL. Adam is driving while guzzling booze from a flask. He races through a stop sign and nearly collides with another car, prompting a nearby police officer to turn on his siren and pull him over. He sees the flask and asks Adam to hand it over...and in the next scene, Adam is languishing in a jail cell. While decorating Dana's apartment for the bridal shower, Dominique reflects on her failed marriage to Brady, remarking that one never knows how a marriage is going to turn out. Sammy Jo glumly mulls that over, then confides in Dominique her disappointment about her 'separate bedroom situation' with Steven. Dominique clucks sympathetically and says that the special bond parents share isn't always enough to guarantee romance...particularly when the father in the equation has come out of the closet and has made his non-hetero preferences abundantly clear. A few seconds later, Leslie arrives with the shower cake that features a kitschy looking bride and groom centerpiece. Sarah informs Krystle and Blake that Kristina has a rash on her arms...and Krystle's like, "Sweet baby Jesus! A rash?!" before the three rush upstairs, where Nurse Johnson is looking over the red marks, remarking that they appeared a little while ago. A panicked Krystle calls the doctor, while Blake looks at the notepad the nurse was supposed to be using to keep a log of Kristina's health status and chides her for not making any notations during the last several hours. Nurse Johnson snippily says she has her own way of doing things...and when Blake accuses her of negligence, she imperiously says she's not prepared to take this kind of abuse. Blake growls back, "In that case, you won't mind leaving this house", and Nurse Johnson says she'd be more than happy to high-tail it outa there. After she huffs off, Krystle thanks Sarah for sticking so close to Kristina, and Blake puts the tot back into bed so that he and Krystle can once again hover over her worriedly. Steven has bailed Adam out of jail, and the two are en route to the Carlton Hotel. Steven jokingly tells Adam he should consider the bailout a secret bridal shower gift to Dana. Dr. Chadway drops by Carrington manor for a house call. He examines Kristina and quickly assures Blake and Krystle that the rash is just a minor skin irritation and nothing to worry about. When Krystle mentions that Kristina seems tired all the time, he says that that too is normal following major heart surgery. As everyone exits the bedroom, Sarah tells Krystle she'd be more than happy to watch over Kristina until they hire a new nurse, sadly remarking, "She's all that I have left of Cathy." Over at Dana's apartment, Dominique announces to the bridal shower partygoers that Krystle had a minor issue with Kristina and isn't going to be putting in an appearance at the shower 'cause doesn't want to leave the tot alone. A few seconds later, Dana arrives home and looks happily startled when everyone yells, "Surprise!" and applauds her imminent betrothal to Adam. After glasses of champagne are passed around, Alexis proposes a toast: "To the lovely girl who is soon going to marry my handsome son." While that's happening, Adam is in his hotel suite, doing his best to sober up with a cup of coffee. Steven tells him he was more than happy to help him out today, and that he told Dana they used to always be at each other's throats and treated each other more as strangers than brothers. An alarmed looking Adam asks him what Dana said about him, and Steven chuckles and says, "Nothing too bad", prompting Adam to get up from the table and mumble that he has to go do something pronto. Sarah tells Dex she's OK with going out to dinner - as long as the restaurant isn't too far from the mansion, 'cause she doesn't want to be away from Kristina too long [and says this as though the overly-pampered tot doesn't already have two parents and an army of servants devoted to her every comfort]. She rushes upstairs to change, leaving Dex staring after her concernedly. Adam drunkenly staggers over to Dana's apartment and makes it clear how deeply annoyed at her he is for talking to Steven, Blake, Dr. Edwards, and "God knows who else" about his current stress levels. Dana tells him she has no idea what he's talking about - but he rails that he can no longer pretend that everything's fine between them. He coldly adds that he's not even sure if he still loves her, and that the only thing he's sure of is how smothered he feels by her and everyone else, and that he's very desperate to get away. Dana asks him if he's feeling overwhelmed by the wedding, and he looks incredulous as he snaps, "What wedding? There's not going to be any damn wedding!" and pours champagne into a teacup, then chugs it like he's a college student on spring break...while a heartbroken Dana stares back at him in horrified bewilderment. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
Recap: Kristina has fully recovered from heart surgery and is officially being released from the hospital. When she and her parents exit the hospital, the local paparazzi, who I guess had nothing more interesting to cover that day, rush over and ask the tot if she's happy about going home. They ask Krystle if she ever lost hope about her daughter's chances of survival, and Krystle's like, "Nope, I never lost hope", then climbs into the waiting limo with Kristina. The paps then interview Dr. Holland, who discloses that Kristina is doing very well, with no signs of organ rejection thus far. The camera then pans over to Blake, who gushes about the excellent care his daughter has received while at the hospital, and that her renewed young life is just beginning. Sarah Curtis, meanwhile, is tearfully watching the TV broadcast from her living room in Wyoming. The Carrington manor servants stand at attention as they welcome Kristina home, and Danny shyly tells her she can play with some of his toys if she wants. Aww! Nurse Johnson, the uptight medical professional who's been hired to monitor Kristina's at home recovery, announces that the tot needs to go upstairs asap so she can rest, and Blake and Krystle concur and proceed to whisk their daughter upstairs and into bed. Over in Wyoming, Dex drops by the Curtis ranch and finds a despondent looking Sarah in the backyard, sitting beside her daughter's sandbox. She assures Dex she's OK, and that she's mostly keeping herself busy running the ranch. He suggests she take a break from that and go to lunch with him, but she declines and says she has way too much paperwork to do...and Dex backs off and tells her to please call him if she needs anything. Gerard tells Nurse Johnson that he and his fellow servants have planned a little welcome home party for Kristina in the kitchen once she wakes up from her nap, and adds that Mrs. Gunnerson baked her favorite cookies. Nurse Johnson haughtily retorts that the tot needs to do without the cookies, and warns that she intends to stop by the kitchen later to snootily instruct the staff to lay off the cookie baking and instead come up with a more sensible diet for her young patient. Steven informs Blake that he and Danny moved in with Sammy Jo at the Delta Rho, hastily clarifying that they're co-habitating as parents, not ex-spouses or lovers. Blake breezily tells him he doesn't have to explain his life choices - despite his history of being insufferably judgemental to the point of manslaughtering Ted Dinard when he caught him hanging around the mansion - and says, "What you do in your life, that's your own business, son." ... and Steven somehow refrains from pointing out that that's a total contradiction to the blatantly homophobic attitude he's been demonstrating towards him for the last six seasons. Over at ColbyCo, Dirk Maurier coos to Alexis about how much he's been enjoying getting to know Denver for the past week, and has really enjoyed getting to know her better too. He not-so-subtly hints that he's interested in initiating a buyout of ColbyCo, and she responds by staring contemplatively into space and musing about how winning isn't enough for her anymore 'cause these days she's more interested in striking a better work-life balance. Dirk smarmily argues, "Making money is like making love. It's not the result that's important, but how you get there: the challenge, the victory." He then pulls a tulip from the centrepiece atop her table and hands it to her, prompting her to sniff the petals and stare back at him in mute contemplation. Neil McVane drops by Adam's suite at the Carlton Hotel, refers to him again as Michael, and says that the insider trading info he slipped to him days ago has netted him close to a million dollars. Adam's like, "Good! You should be satisfied with that and leave town", but Neil chucklingly says, to the contrary, he's just arrived. He orders Adam to score him an invitation to Dirk Maurier's upcoming A-list cocktail party...and when Adam argues that he definitely wouldn't fit in with the kind of rich, powerful men who will be in attendance, Neil barks at him to get him that invitation - unless he wants to go back to being Michael Torrence. He then exits the suite, leaving a tearful Adam staring despondently into space before he pours himself a drink and stares even more despondently into space. Blake and Krystle look in on Kristina after she's been put to bed and remark on how happy they are that she's finally home. After they exit the room, Blake asks her if anything else is troubling her, so she tells him she's been thinking a lot about Sarah and how indebted they are to her...and that she hasn't been able to reach her lately and is gravely concerned about how she's doing. While that's happening, Sarah is packing up her daughter's clothing and ignoring the ringing phone (as Krystle again tries, in vain, to contact her) ... then picks up a framed photo of Cathy and stares at it tearfully. Krystle, meanwhile, hangs up the phone after Sarah refuses to answer and tells Blake she's growing concerned about her wellbeing. The next morning, Krystle summons Dex to drop by the mansion for breakfast so that she can further express her general concern about Sarah. Dex tells her he saw Sarah yesterday and that she seemed to be OK - but Krystle says she has a nagging feeling that something is very wrong, not least 'cause she can't seem to ever reach her by phone. She tells Blake she'd like to jet to Wyoming and personally check on Sarah...and when Blake argues that it may not be the best idea 'cause she could be a triggering reminder of all Sarah has lost, Krystle stubbornly insists on going so she can see for herself whether or not anything bad has happened. Adam phones Dirk Maurier and leaves him a message to please add disgraced ex-Congressman Neil McVane to the guest list for his upcoming cocktail party. A few seconds later, Dr. Edwards drops by ColbyCo to see how Adam is doing...and Adam pretends to the doctor that he's doing fabulously, but is very very busy and can't talk long. A puzzled Dr. Edwards asks him if the Carringtons are fine with him (possibly) not being biologically related to them...and when Adam doesn't answer, he correctly guesses he didn't tell anyone about McVane's claim that he's really Michael Torrence. Adam insists that as far as Blake and Alexis are concerned, he's their son...and Dr. Edwards remarks on what a strain it must be to live this lie - but Adam insists that he's just fine, and that - in his mind - Michael Torrence doesn't even exist anymore. A few seconds later, Dana bursts into the room, recognizes Dr. Edwards from when she used to live in Billings, and invites him to join her and Adam for lunch. Adam's all, "Ack!" at that prospect and tells Dana that the good doctor has to rush off...and Dr. Edwards takes the hint and agrees that, yep, he's too busy to dine with them and needs to get going. Once he's out of hearing range, Dana chides Adam for his rudeness just now, so Adam explains that he simply wanted to have her to himself for lunch and then gives her a reassuring canoodle. Clay and Leslie arrive by jeep to some green space near their worksite, and both stomp around with their lunches, looking cartoonishly furious with one another. Leslie accuses Clay of acting like a chauvinist, while Clay accuses Leslie of being condescending to the male fieldworkers who have been on the job for many years. The two bicker back and forth...blah blah...until they suddenly start chuckling at their idiocy, and 1) Clay admits to overreacting 'cause of "false pride" issues, while 2) Leslie concedes that she may have come on a little strong. Clay suggests that they iron out their work issues over dinner tonight, and Leslie accepts. Blake summons Adam to his office to ask him if anything's bothering him, then explains that Dana blabbed to him that he's stressed out over something he refuses to talk about. Adam breezily replies that Dana is overreacting, most likely 'cause of the pressure of being engaged [to a psychopath] ... and Blake seems satisfied enough with that explanation, then says he has some good news: he (Blake) has put him (Adam) back into the will now that he's no longer mad at him. Adam reacts by staring spacily into the distance for a few seconds, says that this decision means a lot to him, and solemnly vows to never ever let him down again. Krystle arrives at Sarah's house in Wyoming...and when Sarah doesn't answer the door, she wanders around the property and is alarmed when she notices smoke seeping out from under the garage door. She hastily opens the door, sees that Sarah is in the driver's seat of her car, and pulls her out of the garage. When it's pretty clear that Sarah was trying to off herself via carbon monoxide poisoning, a distressed Krystle cries, "Oh dear God!", and then, I'm assuming, calls 911 post-haste. Later, at the local hospital, Sarah looks miffed at having survived her suicide attempt and tearfully complains to Krystle that the pain of losing her husband and child never stops, and that she can't help but want to die so she can be with them again. Krystle tut tuts her about suicide not being the answer and tries to comfort her with the nonsensical platitude: "Cathy lives in your love for her." She then invites Sarah to accompany her back to Denver and stay at Carrington manor until she's more emotionally stable, and Sarah stares mutely into space as she considers the ill-fated prospect. Krystle calls Blake to let him know about the invitation she just extended to Sarah, and he says he worries how Sarah might feel when she's regularly confronted with the sight of Kristina - who, unlike her daughter - is alive and well. Krystle insists that Sarah needs their help...and Blake gives in and tells her he'll instruct Gerard to prepare a room for their grieving guest. Adam is boozing in his office when Dana returns to happily ask him why he didn't tell her the happy news: that he was just re-inserted into Blake's will. She says she's thrilled that he's back to being a full-fledged member of the family, to which he snaps, "I'm a Carrington. I've always been a Carrington" and snarks that things are simply back to the way they should be. Dana scrunches her face confusedly and says she merely stopped in to tell him how happy she is...then shoots him a 'what the fuckity fuck's up with you?' expression as she backs up and exits the office, leaving Adam staring into space and continuing to look tortured about his lineage issues. Later at the Carlton Hotel, Dirk Maurier's A-list cocktail party is in full swing. Dirk congratulates Adam and Dana on their engagement...and when Alexis notices Adam anxiously glancing around the room she asks him who he's looking for, so he curtly tells her he's just interested to see who's in attendance. Alexis notices the arrival of Dex and Dominique and breezily assures Dirk that she's totes OK with having to socialize with her ex-husband. A few seconds later, Dex and Dominique saunter over, and Dominique sassily concurs with Dirk that she mostly came 'cause of a "morbid curiosity" she has about his reputation as businessman who buys out other people's companies. Dirk retorts by gushing about how intrigued he is by her (non-music-related) career, which he's been following for many years. He cites her success with hotels, clubs, and her takeover of a record company, then says, "We seem to have quite a lot in common, don't we?" Alexis wastes no time clarifying to Dominique that that sassy reply was of the "tit for tat" variety, then abruptly walks off with Dirk toddling behind her. Over at Carrington manor, Ben stops by Leslie's room to invite her for "a date with the old man" - but she has to decline 'cause she has "a date with a young man" (heh) and explains that she and Clay are going out to dinner. Ben winces and says there must be better guys out there than a womanizer like Clay Fallmont, and Leslie reminds him that she's a grown woman who's had boyfriends before, and that she's not conquered very easily. As she continues to primp for her date, Ben stares worriedly into space, no doubt contemplating the ickiness of his daughter unwittingly hitting the sheets with a guy who could be her half-brother...even though Emily was pretty adamant as she lay dying that Clay was definitely Oscar Goldman's bio son. Alexis tells Dex she's surprised to see him at Dirk's party, given that Dirk's business dealings are totally out of his league...then snarls about his choice of escort. Dex says he likes to expand his interests and keep up with whatever's going on in the business world...and as for bringing Dominique to the party, he insists that they're just platonic friends. He then says that the two of them, on the other hand, were many things to each other - lovers, husband/wife - but never friends. He then saunters off, leaving Alexis looking visibly put out by that jarring declaration. Dirk and Sammy Jo chat about her stable of Arabian horses at Delta Rho...and after she and Steven amble off to mingle elsewhere, Alexis notices Neil McVane's arrival and looks visibly rattled. She wonders aloud who in the hell would invite that creepy murdering pedophile, so Dirk tells her that Adam requested he be included on the guest list and figured 'what could go wrong with a convicted murderer mingling among my high-brow business associates?'. Neil smarmily wanks Alexis about how stunning she looks in her frilly pink '80s gown, and she impatiently snaps, "All right" before he saunters off. Alexis then rushes towards where Adam is standing - but before she can reach him, Michael Culhane intercepts her and whines about the bitchy way she and her rich friends are ignoring him. She's like, "Whatever, loser", and shoves past him to get to Adam so she can give him the what for for inviting Neil McVane to the party. Adam tries to weakly deny doing any such thing - but then points out that it's just a party, and that since McVane has paid his debt to society, he deserves another chance. Alexis glares at him in shocked bewilderment as he hastily steers Dana towards the nearest exit. Neil introduces himself to Michael and welcomes him to "the club", aka someone who was just cast out from the inner circle and now sits on the bleachers. Michael tells him that Alexis's dismissive treatment is none of his business - but Neil presses further by informing him that word on the street is that Alexis is doing business with Dirk Maurier. He commiserates about how shitty it feels to be in one day, out the next...and when Michael asks him what his interest is in all this, Neil's voice gets all sinister-like as he says, "Let's just say, I think it's time Alexis paid her dues." He then hands Michael his card and wanders off. Over in Casa Waring, Dana asks Adam why he's been guzzling so much damn booze all evening, but Adam keeps mum about what's prompting him to drink so heavily. He tries to canoodle her, but she struggles against his grab-handsiness and complains, "Is this how we deal with each other? Instead of talking to me, or even sharing with me, you simply make love to me?" When Adam's like, "Well, d'yuh", Dana cries, "I don't know who you are anymore!", and Adam takes a stumbley step backwards and stares back at her with a haunted look in his bloodshot eyes. Krystle returns to Carrington manor with Sarah, who looks less than thrilled to be living at the mansion for the foreseeable future. Blake greets her warmly and suggests they have tea in the study - and Krystle says she'll be there after she checks in on Kristina. Sarah wanders around the study, then seats herself next to Blake on the leather sofa. He tells her she should make herself at home while she's their guest, to which she retorts that it's not actually possible, given that this isn't her home. She then apologizes for the bitchy remark and acknowledges that he's being very kind to her while she's somewhat of a basket case, and Blake mutely stares back at her with his face scrunched concernedly. At Delta Rho, Sammy Jo primps before bed, then stares at her negligee clad slinky bod in the full length mirror. She then wanders out to the living room, where Steven is stoking the fireplace fire. She gives him a from behind canoodle, then plants a passionate smooch on his lips...and he looks into it for a few seconds before de-puckering his lips and murmuring in a chastising tone, "Sammy Jo.." She hastily apologizes for her amorous presumptuousness and beats a hasty retreat to her bedroom. Ouch. Leslie and Clay are out at a club, slow dancing and agreeing that pressing up against each other feels really nice. A few seconds later, they look across the dance floor and see that Adam is yelling at the waiter for cutting him off, booze-wise. The two wander over to get a closer look at the spectacle, and Adam sheepishly admits that, yeah, he's had waaaaay too much to drink tonight. The offended waiter offers to call a taxi, and Adam hastily gets up and staggers off. Blake and Krystle are smooching in front of the fire and exchanging I love yous. Blech. He then tells Krystle that while he loves that she's helping Sarah, he thinks what she really needs is a professional grief counsellor - no duh - but Krystle argues that what Sarah most needs right now is their help as she emotionally recovers from her loss. Down the hall, Sarah is hovering over Kristina as she sleeps and whispers, "Goodnight, my darling" and kisses the top of her head. She runs into Blake as she exits the room and happily tells him that Kristina is sleeping like an angel...and as she heads to her guest quarters, Blake stares after her, his face once again scrunched concernedly. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"! Recap: Kristina is being carefully monitored by her medical team while Krystle and Blake anxiously look on. A few seconds later, Dr. Holland enters the room to break some bad news: Sarah has changed her mind about agreeing to donate Cathy's heart to Kristina. After Blake and Krystle are all, "Ack!", Krystle rushes off to attempt to change Sarah's mind. Sarah apologizes to Krystle for giving her and Blake false hope, and explains that she can't go through with pulling the plug on her daughter. Krystle says she totally gets that, but doesn't want to also lose her daughter in the process, and a distressed Sarah moans, "I can't doooo this. I can't!" Blake tells Dex that Sarah changed her mind about donating Cathy's heart - just as Krystle enters the room and tearfully acknowledges that she'd probably do the very same thing if she were in Sarah's shoes. Sarah is sitting on a bench and feeding the birds at a nearby park when Dex wanders over. He asks her if there's anything he can do, and she crisply says that she and Cathy will be fine. Dex gently asks her if her decision to not pull the plug on Cathy, who has zero hope of improvement, is truly what's best for her daughter and if it's what Boyd would want...then half-heartedly says he'll respect her decision if it's truly a firm one. Sarah responds by staring contemplatively into space. That evening, Neil calls Adam at ColbyCo and says he has something to show him, and Adam reacts by scrunching his face concernedly. Back at the Medical Center, Blake is working the phones to locate another donor heart while a distraught Krystle wonders aloud what in blazes they're going to do. Blake tells her they may have to face the fact that they could lose Kristina - just as Sarah interrupts, with Dex in tow, to explain that Dex helped her see things more clearly. She tells them that she signed the papers and that the doctors will transplant Cathy's heart into Kristina first thing in the morning. Krystle looks moved by the sudden good news, and clutches Sarah's hands while staring gratefully into her eyes. The following morning, Adam receives a package containing a knitted bootie with Adam embroidered on it...and accompanying the bootie is a note from Neil, telling him to consider this an incentive to agree to get in touch with him. Kristina and vegetative Cathy are both wheeled to the OR...and then we get a lot of superfluous footage of the surgical team performing the heart transplant. Blake and Krystle head over to the hospital chapel to express their fervent hope for a good outcome...and a few seconds later, Steven arrives at the hospital as they're praying. As the three exit the chapel, Dr. Holland emerges from the OR and reports that the surgery went as well as can be expected - but that there's always the possibility that Kristina's body might reject the heart. He grimly adds, "The battle against rejection starts now", then tells Blake and Krystle to do their best to chillax, and they react to the tentatively good news by hugging happily. Adam is in his office, staring at the baby bootie when Neil arrives to give him the matching bootie. He then hands Adam an envelop and directs him to open it...and Adam finds a photo of Baby Adam Carrington that was taken after he was kidnapped. Neil tells him that the real Adam died soon after the kidnapping, and the kidnappers subsequently panicked and neglected to send his rich family a ransom note. He adds that someone was "smart enough" to save the photo and the booties, despite the fact that the preserved photo and booties don't, in any way, prove that adult Adam Carrington is an imposter...while something as simple as a blood test might offer a far more reliable conclusion regarding his genetics. Adam decries this version of events as an insane hoax - but Neil assures him it's no hoax, and that he intends to get everything back that he lost when he was locked up in prison...even though no one held a gun to his head and forced him to commit murder by throwing Mark Jennings off the balcony of Alexis's penthouse. He then tells Adam that in exchange for keeping mum about him not being the real Adam Carrington, he wants him to be his investment counsellor and let him know about upcoming mergers, acquisitions and the like...and when Adam cries, "That's insider trading. It's illegal...I could go to prison!", Neil just kind of shrugs and tells him to be careful while he's breaking the law. He warns him not to call the police unless he wants to be found out for posing as Adam Carrington, then says they'll talk again...and refers to him as Mr. Torrence while exiting the office. The paediatric nurse reports to Krystle and Blake that Kristina's heartbeat is strong...and we see that Sarah is tearfully eavesdropping from the doorway. Adam meets up with Alexis at the Carlton Hotel dining patio. He apologizes for skipping a meeting with a Japanese minister, then fibs that Dana has been bugging him about wanting to see his baby photos 'cause she's curious about the kidnapping. Alexis gets a poutishly troubled look on her face as she recounts how the nanny took him into town in his baby carriage, then stupidly left him unattended while she went into a store. She recalls that he had been wearing blue booties with Adam embroidered on them...and Adam suddenly looks haunted, says he's late for something or other, and beats a hasty retreat. Leslie is driving to the pipeline trailer office for a job interview with Dex when she nearly collides with a truck while en route on the winding dirt road...and when she exits her VW convertible to give the driver the what for, we see that Clay is at the wheel. He haughtily informs her that he legally has the right of way and that she needs to back up, and she insists that he back up...and the two bicker back and forth about who should back up for whom until Leslie stomps back to her car while muttering, "What a jerk!" She then squeals around his truck and revs the car in a way that somehow causes her tires to defy the laws of physics and projectile squirt mud in Clay's face. While hovering over Kristina as she sleeps, Blake remarks to Krystle how much the tot has been through, and Krystle says she's soooooo lucky that their baby gets a new lease on life. Dex interviews Leslie, who apparently has an engineering degree, but no experience in the field. He tells her he's willing to sign her up as an Engineering Apprentice and assign her to one of his top guys - just as Clay (aka Mr. Top Guy) bursts in, grumbling about "the ditz" he just encountered on the road. Dex introduces him to his new assistant, and Leslie raises an eyebrow, then cheekily waves at her dismayed new boss. Alexis invites Dana to her ColbyCo office for tea and sandwiches. Dana waxes on, as she frequently seems to do, about how much she loooooves Adam, then notices Alexis rolling her eyes and remarks on how she doesn't look very convinced about her ability to be a good wife to the psycho-nut. Alexis chucklingly explains that it's every mother's baked-in belief that no woman is ever good enough for her son, and describes Adam as "a very complex young man" she's not going to learn about by looking at old photographs. Dana scrunches her face confusedly as Alexis recaps the way she followed Adam from Montana to Colorado and was no doubt joyful when she learned that he was actually a rich Carrington heir. Dana tells her she's deeply offended by the suggestion that she's a gold-digger, vows to not let her destroy her relationship with Adam, then gets up from the table to storm out of the office. Clay drops by Delta Rho to check in with Sammy Jo, and she assures him she's very happy living with Steven as they co-parent Danny. A few seconds later, Steven enters the room...and then Danny runs in to greet his dad and excitedly gabble about their upcoming camping adventure. Sammy Jo re-directs her attention to Clay to brusquely say goodbye, and he sadly shuffles out. Back at the Carlton Hotel, Dana is massaging Adam's shoulders, remarking on how tense he is. She suggests they get away for the weekend to relax from the current stress of their lives...and when he snappishly says he can't, she asks him if Alexis has successfully convinced him that she's not good enough to be his wife. Adam calls that a crazy notion, declares, "I loooooooove you so much", and assures her that whatever's troubling him has nothing to do with her. Dana says she might be able to help if he were willing to open up to her, but he's like, "Nope" and promptly leaves the bed. He makes a beeline over to the phone to call Dr. Edwards and tell him he's going to be jetting to Billings pronto, 'cause there's something important they need to discuss. The next day in Billings, Adam tells Dr. Edwards that something strange is going on - but that this strange thing isn't drug abuse or a nervous breakdown. He tells the old doctor that he neeeeeeeds to know who he really is...and when Dr. Edwards weakly retorts, "Adam Carrington..?", Adam asks him if he's truly 100% absolutely sure of that and cites his grandmother's deathbed confession. The doctor's like, ", I'm not sure of anything" - a contradiction to what I thought was a pretty convincing deathbed confession delivered by Grandma Torrence in the second episode of the third season: She tells her faux grandson that she's always loved him...but, unfortunately, she's committed grave sins against him and God and must now make her peace with both of them. Michael/Adam says he doesn't believe she's a sinner, so she confesses her grave sins: she stole him from a baby carriage in Denver twenty-five years ago, then brought him to Billings and pretended to everyone that he was her grandson. She wails, "You were the Carrington baby!" but he shushes her and tells her not to upset herself with that kind of talk. A bewildered Adam asks Dr. Edwards if he believes he's Blake's/Alexis's bio son, and Dr. Edwards slowly shakes his head no, to which Adam cries, "You were playing with my life, do you realize that?!" Dr. Edwards just kind of shrugs and says, "Sorry, Michael" while providing no reasonable explanation, aside from an extended brain fart, that could account for why Old Lady Torrence would confess on her deathbed that her grandson is, in fact, the kidnapped Carrington baby from decades ago. An incensed Adam rages, "Don't call me that! Don't you ever call me that again! You're a crazy old man and you're a liar!" and insists that he's Adam Carrington. Over in the pipeline trailer office, Clay emphasizes to Leslie that she can never hope to be "one of the boys" ... so then Leslie suggests they clear the air, specifically regarding "the stunt" involving their vehicles the other day, which calls for an apology. Naturally, each expects the other to apologize...and after a few seconds the two get all in each others' faces in that obnoxious TV tropey way that, under normal circumstances, would pre-empt a leap into the sack so they can frenetically express their uncontrollable desire for each other [spoiler: complications will soon arise with that when it remains inconclusive about whether or not Ben Carrington is Clay's bio dad]. Leslie calls Clay arrogant and pigheaded, to which he oinks in response...and she storms out of the office, but then returns a few seconds later to ask what time he wants her to report for work tomorrow [response: 7:30am]. Back at Delta Rho, Sammy Jo and Steven are "camping" with Danny, aka tucked into sleeping bags and lying under the stars, discussing how rewarding it continues to be to see their son so happy. Sammy Jo assures Steven that her marriage to Clay is for sure truly 100% over, and that she loooooves the three of them being a family. Steven wonders aloud if it's fair to her, shacking up with a man who can't provide the kind of physical loving she'd be getting from a hetero partner, and she clutches his hand and assures him that that's all the physical affection she needs. The two stare happily at each other before she gives him a cheek kiss and wishes him good night. Dana bursts into Adam's office and asks him where he's been all day, and he fibs and says he had to fly to Louisiana on business. Dana stares at him concernedly and asks him what's wrong, and he breezily tells her he's fine, then gives her the bum's rush out the door and promises to join her at home soon. After she leaves, he opens his cabinet and locks away documents, no doubt something related to the insider trading he's been [weakly] blackmailed into doing for Neil McVane. Later, Adam meets with Neil and hands over the insider trading documents. When he demands to have the Baby Adam photo and the negative, Neil replies, "All in good time" and points out that the two of them are going to be in business for awhile. Adam snarls, "Don't push it", and a unfazed Neil wanks him for being too smart to make violent threats, then exits the office. At the Northern California Medical Center, Blake and Krystle coo I love yous at each other when Sarah drops in to say goodbye and inform them that she's taking Cathy home for her funeral and burial. Blake says they'll never forget what she did for them, and Sarah says she's decided to cling to the silver lining of this tragedy: Cathy still lives on inside Kristina. She asks if she can look in on Kristina before she leaves, and Krystle's like, "Of course!" and offers to accompany her to the room next door. Sarah explains to Kristina that she's a friend of her parents...and when Kristina asks her why she's so tearful, Sarah assures her they're happy tears. She then kisses her fingers and places them atop Kristina's chest in a poignant gesture of love to her lost child. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
Recap: The doctor informs Blake and Krystle that Kristina needs a heart transplant asap...and as Krystle gasps in horror, Blake asks him if there's any possibility that the graveness of his daughter's condition is somehow a mistake. The doctor's like, "Uh no" and explains that Kristina's heart is deteriorating at an alarmingly rapid rate, and that she's not going to live much longer without a transplant. He adds that they need to rush her to Northern California asap so that she can be near the country's top heart specialists while she waits for an appropriate donor. After he rushes off to make the arrangements, Krystle moans, "This can't be happening!" and says she can't accept the possibility that their daughter may die. Blake assures her that everything possible will be done for the tot, then implores her to stop sobbing and get a hold of herself. He says that the two of them will be with Kristina throughout this crisis, and that they need to believe that she's going to grow up to be strong and beautiful. Adam and Dana are canoodling in her apartment when Steven drops by to inform them of the sad development: Kristina's condition is so dire that she needs a heart transplant, and is being flown to Northern California to await a donor. Leslie arrives at the mansion with her meagre belongings and is warmly greeted by Gerard, and then Ben, who offers to prepare a late supper for her. Leslie remarks that she doesn't want people to think she's accepting charity by living on this luxury estate, then says she plans to look for a job asap. They two head over to the solarium, where Ben whips her up a traditional Australian meal and croons a tune they used to sing together when she was a child - but the tender moment is suddenly interrupted by Gerard, who tells Ben he has an urgent phone call regarding Kristina's heart crisis. Dex arrives at his family ranch in Wyoming with Dominique in tow, then introduces her to his father (Sam) before Sam is called away to take an important call. Dominique brings up the prospective oil field they had scouted earlier to possibly drill on and asks Dex if this is going to create a conflict between him and Alexis, and he assures her it won't now that the Lex-Dex Corporation [as well as the Alexis-Dex relationship] is officially dunzo. Over in Beverly Hills, Alexis is at a house party in a swanky looking home, boogying with a finance bigwig named Dirk Maurier. The two exchange some flirty banter before she excuses herself and then just happens to run into Michael. He tells her he stopped by 'cause he heard that Dirk would be here, then saunters over to Dirk to wank him about his moneymaking abilities and says he'd like nothing more than to become his client - but Dirk makes it clear that he's mostly interested in doing business with Alexis. Later, Michael reminds Alexis that they're going to have to come up with the financing for the Four Crossings development, and Alexis says she figured that's what he was talking to Dirk Maurier about, then adds that she doesn't trust the man. Michael seems unfazed by that and says he's determined to get in on whatever wealth Dirk is generating, and Alexis tells him she'll think about it. Blake, Krystle, Kristina and the medical team arrive via jet at a medical facility in Northern California, and a nurse shows Blake and Krystle to the private quarters they'll be staying in, which are adjacent to their daughter's hospital room. A distressed Krystle natters to the nurse about how anxious and frightened she is about her tot's health situation...and the nurse, who seems far more blasé than one might expect a pediatric nurse to behave towards distraught parents, says that while she can definitely dig all of the anxiety-ridden concern she may be feeling, there's really not a helluva lot any of them can do until a healthy, compatible heart reveals itself. After the nurse saunters out of the room, Blake gives Krystle a comforting canoodle and again reminds her that Kristina needs them both to be strong. While hovering over Kristina, Krystle tells Blake that it's A-OK if he emotionally falls apart...and instead of doing that, he remarks on how peaceful Kristina looks as she sleeps, then firmly decrees that they mustn't lose her. The next morning, Dr. Holland tells Blake and Krystle that Kristina is stable for the moment - but that they only have three weeks to find a heart that's small enough to fit inside her tiny chest and has a compatible blood type and tissue - plus the parents of the newly deceased child have to agree to the transplant. He warns that while Kristina remains stuck with her bum heart, her condition will continue to the sooner she gets a new one the better. Blake calls Steven to inform him of the imminent launch of Operation Broadcast to the Entire Country That a Rich Toddler Needs a Donor Heart Asap. He says that he and Krystle will be making an appeal tonight via television broadcast, and that he wants Steven to urge the wire services to tune in, and then mobilize the entire Carrington clan to take shifts manning the 1-800 phone calls. A party is underway over at the Dexter ranch, and Dex and Sam greet all of their friends, including a married couple named Boyd and Sarah Curtis. Dex introduces them to Dominique, then prods Sarah into needlessly regaling Dominque with the story that since both he (Dex) and Boyd crushed on her in high school, they had to flip a coin to see which of them would propose - say wuh? - and Dex smarmily reminds Boyd that he was still able to score a kiss from his now-wife on their wedding day. Dex then quasi-leers at Sarah to cap off the awkward exchange that probably should have ended up on the cutting room floor during editing, 'cause yikes. During the television broadcast, Blake sits beside Krystle and informs America that their daughter is gravely ill, holds up a photo of her, and explains that she's in desperate need of a donor heart. The Carrington clan, meanwhile, has gathered at the mansion to sadly watch the appeal, and are ready to field calls from the two phones that have been installed in the study. Sammy Jo answers the first 1-800 call, but then quickly hangs up when whoever is on the other hand mutters obscenities at her. This distresses Dana so deeply that she gets up and rushes out of the room to go pour herself a cup of coffee. When she sees that Steven has followed her, she apologizes for letting her emotions get the better of her - but he says it's totes understandable, then wanks her about what a great addition she's going to be to "the Carrington tribe". She declares how deeply she loves Adam and that it's a nice feeling to be enveloped into his rich family, and Steven credits her for smoothing out Adam's [psychotic] edges, officially welcomes her to the family, and gives her a brotherly cheek kiss. As soon as Alexis returns home to the Carlton Hotel, she calls Blake to sympathetically coo about Kristina's worsening health. Blake asks her if she could please publish an appeal for a heart donor in the very next edition of The Denver Mirror, and she says she'd be more than happy to take an indefinite hiatus from using the rag to slander him by splashing his personal bidness on the front page and try to help Kristina. She breathily adds, "I'm praying for her." Krystle assures her daughter that soon she'll be back in her own bed, and Blake concurs and promises that they'll all be going home as soon as possible. He then pulls Krystle aside and implores her to take a short break from anxiously hovering over Kristina, and Krystle reluctantly agrees to take a walk. In the hallway, Krystle encounters a woman named Adele who says she saw her on TV the other night and thinks she might be able to help. As Krystle stares back at her quizzically, Adele offers to find her daughter a donor heart in exchange for lots o' cash, and Krystle recoils and runs away from her while crying out, "Oh God!" Steven calls the Dexter ranch to update Dominique about Kristina's sitch. Dominique tells Dex she feels the need to rush off pronto to see if there's anything she can do to help her niece, and he's like, "Godspeed, friend." Blake and Krystle learn that some random child just died in Seattle, but that the blood and/or tissue isn't a suitable match for Kristina. Over at the Colorado State Prison, a cigar smoking inmate named Charlie is listening to a radio broadcast about a young member of the Carrington family needing a donor heart. He shuts off the radio and remarks to his cellmate about how the Carringtons always seem to be making news...and his cellmate - ack! - turns out to be disgraced former Congressman Neil McVane. Charlie tells Neil that since he's been such a friendly cellmate and is about to be released from the prison sooner than anyone expected, he's willing to tell him a revealing story about Adam Carrington he just happens to be in the know about...and Neil makes it clear to Charlie that he's verrrrrry interesting in hearing whatever tidbit he'd be willing to share. Back at the mansion, Adam enters the study and finds Leslie snoozing on the couch. He tells her he'll take over the morning shift of monitoring the 1-800 phones. He then says he heard that she turned down a job working for the family business...and when she says she prefers her independence, he points out that she can be both independent and enjoy the kind of nepotism that typically comes along with being a Carrington. He adds that he nearly threw away his birthright - until he realized how special it is to be a Carrington...and Leslie chuckles at the notion of regarding a birthright being an actual thing well past the turn of the century. LOL. Dex and his pa learn that Boyd and Sarah were just in a terrible car accident...and that Boyd was killed, while their young daughter Cathy languishes in the hospital in critical condition. Sarah is sitting alone in the hospital's waiting room when Sam and Dex arrive. She tearfully recounts that the drunk driver in the other car came out of nowhere, and that Cathy is in a coma and likely brain-dead [though I'm guessing her heart is tip-top]. As the wheels in Dex's brain begin to turn, he and Sam discreetly discuss the possibility of Kristina getting Cathy's heart...even though it's probably not up to them - but rather whoever's in charge of the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) who officially coordinates this kind of stuff with America's hospitals. That said, Dex makes a beeline over to the nearest pay phone to inform Blake of the Curtis family's tragedy. Later, Blake jets to Wyoming and arrives at the hospital for a tête-à-tête with Sarah. He introduces himself and says he fully grasps the terrible loss she just suffered, and she says she knows all about his daughter's heart issues and wanted to talk to him in person before she made any decisions. She tells Blake she doesn't want to pull the plug on Cathy 'cause she's still hopeful there's a chance she could survive, and Blake retorts by pointing out that this is probably going to be the most difficult moment they'll ever have to face in their lives, then recaps:
He says they have a small window of opportunity to save one of them - and by one of them he means Kristina - and Sarah stares despondently into space as she silently mulls that over. Michael arrives at Alexis's ColbyCo office - just as Alexis is chatting on the phone to Dirk Maurier about doing business together. Dirk invites Alexis to a cocktail party later in the week...and she pretends to consult her calendar before telling him she can make it. After the call, Michael makes it pissily clear to Alexis that he doesn't want to be cut out of any deal that she and Dirk secretly concoct, and warns her not to double cross him. Alexis retorts by cautioning him not to threaten her, adding that the last man who tried to choke her to death (not counting Blake at the end of the Season 6 finale) is currently serving time in prison. Neil McVane asks a bellboy at the Carlton Hotel to give him access to Adam Carrington's suite, fibs that he's a friend of Adam and is expecting him, and offers a hefty tip...and the bellboy's like 'sure, why the hell not?' and lets him into the suite. Neil wanders around the dark room, then spots a framed photo of Alexis (donning one of her veiled hats) on the dresser. He glares at it while enjoying a flashback of the time he tried to choke her to death before Blake pulled him away from her. He vows, "No one will save you this time, Alexis", then sits down and waits for Adam to arrive. When Adam enters his suite and sees Neil McVane quietly sitting in a sofa chair, he's like, "Aren't you supposed to be in prison?" Neil explains that the crime of killing Mark Jennings didn't seem to mean squat to the parole board, who somehow decided 'what could possibly go wrong with granting this deranged killer an early release?' Neil then refers to Adam as Mr. Torrence...and when Adam insists that his name is Carrington, Neil says he heard from a reliable source that the real Adam Carrington died the day after he was kidnapped. Adam snappishly calls him insane - but Neil insists that he's perfectly sane, has proof of this allegation, and that he'll be back in touch soon. Blake phones Krystle to inform her that Cathy's heart tissue and blood type just happen to be compatible with Kristina's...and now that Cathy has been conveniently decreed brain-dead, Sarah has given the green light to have her transferred to Northern California. Krystle tiptoes into her daughter's room and tells the sleeping tot that she has a chance at life. A few hours later, Blake's private jet arrives with Blake, Sarah, and the vegetative Cathy. Blake introduces Sarah to Krystle, and the two women stare tearfully at each other before they hug...and while that's happening, Cathy is hastily loaded into the ambulance and transported into the hospital. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"! |
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