Recap: Captain Lockwood (of the Denver Police Department) arrives at the mansion to inform Blake that he's personally handling the kidnapping investigation, 'cause even though he's a police captain, he doesn't have anything more important to do. He tells Blake he's still trying to track down Faruq Ahmed, and Blake snarls that the wily Arab is probably halfway to the Middle East with his grandson. Lockwood points out that there's no evidence he stole the child, but Blake continues to rant about the uselessness of the police department, which has been unable to locate Ahmed and/or Nick Toscanni. Well...they're SOL in the search for Nick, since - according to the Dynasty Wiki - after he leaves Blake for dead on that mountain, he's never seen on Dynasty again. Blake storms over to the study...and a few seconds later, Krystle brings him a pot of coffee and urges him to get some much needed rest. He snaps, "Will you please leave me alone?!" then, as usual, instantly apologizes for his dickishness. He sheepishly explains, "I guess this thing is getting to me" then encourages her to stay and hang out. Krystle gives him her usual serene smile and hugs him, sending him the clear message that his chronic verbal abuse is A-OK with her. As she pours him a cup of coffee, she asks him why he never told her about Adam, and he says it was a long time ago and he just wanted to forget about it...and it's why he never told Fallon or Steven. Krystle furrows her brows and asks, "Is Adam's disappearance why you've been so hard on Steven all these years? Refusing to understand him and his - " and Blake interjects and says, "His homosexuality?" Krystle's like, "Um, d'yuh" and points out that it's unlikely his long lost son would have also turned out gay. Blake shakes his head sadly and says, "Steven is Steven. His [gay] problem is his own." He says he slammed the door on the Adam part of his life once he gave up hope of ever finding the missing tot. He gruffly recalls, "It wasn't easy, but necessary to survive." He tells her he was struggling financially during that time, but the loss of Adam inspired him to pour all of his energy into building Denver-Carrington...and so, in a weird way, his shit-tastic company is a tribute to his first-born child. Over in Billings, Michael/Adam tells his grandmother, who's awaiting her impending death, that she's lookin' good - LOL - but she calls him on his bullshit and says, "I'm dying, Michael." He shrugs and says, "We all are someday" and she irritably retorts, "I'm going to die, Michael!" She tells her faux grandson that she's always loved him...but, unfortunately, she's committed grave sins against him and God and must now make her peace with both of them. Michael/Adam says he doesn't believe she's a sinner, so she confesses her grave sins: she stole him from a baby carriage in Denver twenty-five years ago, then brought him to Billings and pretended to everyone that he was her grandson. She wails, "You were the Carrington baby!" but he shushes her and tells her not to upset herself with that kind of talk. She says she expects to kick off any minute now - which makes the timing of her confession pretty fucking convenient for herself, since she'll never have to face the consequences of a heinous crime she's been perpetrating for two and a half decades. She tells him to go and "collect his birthright", then instructs him to open the bottom drawer of her chest of drawers. Michael/Adam opens it and finds a silver baby rattle with his real name initials: A.A.C (Adam Alexander Carrington). Faux Grandma tells him it was clutched in his tiny hand when she stole him, then instructs him to say, "I am Adam Carrington"...and he stares intensely at himself in the mirror and dutifully repeats the phrase. She then tells him to go home to his real parents - and it doesn't take much convincing for him to agree, considering how ultra wealthy his bio family is. Fallon is standing over her missing son's crib, looking mournful as she presses his baby blanket to her face. When Jeff ambles into the room, Fallon tells him she's been taking stock of their very rich son's nursery. She says that Blake has worked hard for them to be so rich, and that it never occurred to her that people might hate him for that. Oh honey. People hate Blake 'cause he's an arrogant, self-entitled, rude dinkwhistle, not 'cause he's rich. Fallon deduces that rich people's babies can get stolen like jewelry, then says she probably would have had an abortion if she'd known about Adam's kidnapping...or if she'd known she'd be enduring all this pain after the current kidnapping. Yeesh. I hope Baby Blake never finds out how close he came to never being born. Alexis is roaming around the mansion (I guess she's been granted full access again), and she runs into Blake and tells him she got a room at the hospital so she can be near Cecil. She says she's headed there now, in case he has any updates about the baby. Blake tells her to pass along his good wishes to Cecil and adds that he's sorry she had to postpone her circus-like wedding. She poutishly shakes her head and says the only thing upsetting her now is her missing grandson. She smugly adds that Cecil insists on marrying her, like asap, from his hospital bed...even though I seem to recall that she was the one doing all the insisting [during the previous episode]. Fallon appears on the staircase and sullenly asks her parents why they never told her she had a kidnapped brother. Alexis admits she had a right to know, then throws Blake under the bus when she claims she was forced to leave town before she could tell her. Blake ignores the passive-aggressive jab and tells Fallon he didn't want her and Steven to grow up fearing for their safety. Fallon nonsensically snarks, "Well...maybe if you had told me, I could have protected my own son" and stalks off. Joseph informs Krystle that Claudia's MIA - plus, he just received a message from the funny farm Nick arranged her to be sent to. Apparently they have an opening starting tomorrow. Hurray! And not a moment too soon, I might add. Krystle mulls that over, then heads over to Claudia's room, which she finds completely empty. She goes downstairs to confirm to Joseph that their nutty house guest has definitely moved out. He's like, "Whatever" and informs her of the latest development in the kidnapping case: Captain Lockwood just called to announce that he has a suspect in custody. Over at Police Headquarters, Faruq Ahmed is raving to Lockwood that he's being treated like a common criminal even though he's a guest in this country. Lockwood rolls his eyes derisively, then orders him to shut up and explain what he was doing at the Carrington estate yesterday. Faruq vehemently denies that he was there, but admits to meeting with Blake at Denver-Carrington earlier in the day. Lockwood asks him if that meeting ended with him threatening the Carrington family, and - ack! - for some reason, Blake is in the interrogation room, staring daggers at Faruq. Lockwood informs Faruq that Blake's grandson was kidnapped yesterday, and Faruq just stares blankly at him and asks, "So...what does that have to do with me?" An enraged Blake demands answers...and when it's clear that none are forthcoming, he barks, "I'll kill you!" and lunges at Faruq. A police officer restrains Blake, who then demands to know if Faruq was at his house yesterday. Faruq snaps, "No!" so Lockwood tells him he has a squirrelly eye-witness (Claudia) who can disprove that. Faruq eyes him worriedly, then admits that, yeah OK, he was at the estate - but he didn't actually enter the mansion. He smirks at Blake and says his daughter is fertile and can just have another baby. Blake barks, "Miserable scum!" and lunges at him again - and Lockwood orders the officer to get him outta there...and by him he means Faruq, even though Blake's the one who's doing all the attacking. After Faruq is dragged out, Lockwood tells Blake his gut is telling him that Faruq had nothing to do with his grandson's kidnapping...and Blake mulls that over and gruffly wonders aloud, "Then who?" Jeff has arrived at the hospital to pay a visit to Cecil. Alexis urges him to stay quiet about his son's kidnapping, 'cause the news might upset Cecil too much and strain his fragile heart. The two tip-toe into Cecil's room, and we see that he's still trapped inside his bubble. Jeff peers through the little flap door and is all, "Hey Uncle Cecil! How's it going?" then realizes what a dumb question that is, considering Cecil's gray pallor. Cecil smiles weakly and asks him to tell him about Baby Blake, so Jeff carefully says he's a handsome, growing boy who looks a bit like Fallon and Blake. Cecil asks Jeff to give the baby a kiss for him, and Jeff stoically promises he will. Jeff visits his dad's mausoleum again and tells it how badly he wants to find his son. Al Grimes, the creepy caretaker (and, according to the Dynasty Wiki, Roger Grimes' father...but we'll have to put a pin in that for now), overhears him and says, "Sorry about your kidnapped baby." Jeff shoots him a creeped out stink-eye and walks away, and Al growls, "Thanks a lot! Dr. Toscanni was right! You rich are all alike!" He grumbles about how the police hauled him in for questioning just 'cause he made disparaging comments about hating rich people. He glares at Jeff and says he'd like to tell all rich people to go to hell! He poutishly adds, "I have feelings too, you know!" - LOL - and steers his wheelbarrow away...and Jeff looks bemused and is all, "Huh?" Nurse Susan is sitting in the kitchen with the lights off, enjoying a snack and drinking from a bottle of Blake's expensive wine. Fallon enters the room, turns the lights on, and is startled by the sight of the cheeky nurse. She asks Nurse Susan if she hates her, and Nurse Susan is like, "Well, d'yuh." Fallon says she knows about her fling (or whatever) with Nick, then admits that she too fell prey to the weirdo's charms. She furrows her brows to simulate deep thinking and says she's been "trying to put the pieces together" and asks Nurse Susan if she and Nick conspired to steal her baby...then pleadingly says she'll pay anything to get him back safely. Nurse Susan scornfully retorts that all Carringtons care about is money...and to further emphasize her scorn, she throws her wine glass against the kitchen wall, watches it shatter, and storms out. Krystle tells Blake that Claudia ran off somewhere and now wonders if she could be the baby's kidnapper. Blake carefully mulls that over, then decides that the nut most likely fled 'cause she didn't want to be sent back to the funny farm. Claudia is holed up at the Hotel Rosslyn, where she's registered as Mrs. Craig. She picks up a pillow and hugs it it...then coos at it like it's a baby. Over at Carrington manor, the family is having breakfast together...and Fallon glumly remarks that they've lost a baby all over again. Blake's theory is that whoever stole Baby Blake is deliberately making them sweat it out, then insists that this is a totally different sitch from when Adam was taken, twenty-five years ago. Joseph enters the room to inform Blake that a reporter from The Chronicle is waiting for him in the sitting room. Fallon pleads with her father to get answers about her son, and he tells her that maybe the reporter can help them with that. Blake tells the reporter he'd like her to write a feature story on Baby Blake - one which might move the kidnapper to respond. She scrunches her face and is like, "Meh" and says she's way more interested in writing about the Adam kidnapping, which may not be a dead story after all. She tells him that "an articulate young man" from Billings phoned her and tried to pump her for whatever information she had about the kidnapping - but Blake says he doesn't know anyone in Billings and thinks it was probably just a crank. He tells her he really really wants her to write a story on Baby Blake, and she tells him she really really prefers to write a story about Adam. I don't suppose The Chronicle could do both? Adam's faux grandmother has finally kicked off and it's funeral time. Adam asks her grandmother's doctor friend if they can speak privately, and once they're in a room with the door closed, he snarkishly calls the old man "a sanctimonious hypocrite". The doctor chalks up his nastiness to grief, but Adam says he's been remembering all the house calls he's made to his faux grandmother over the years, charging her and feeding her sugar pills. He derisively calls him a quack, and the doctor tells him he has a mean streak, and that he should have piety for a woman who sacrificed her life for him out of love. Adam sneers and says it was out of guilt for kidnapping him, then accusingly asks the doctor if he remembers when he made his sudden appearance on the farm. The doctor recalls that his grandmother brought him to the farm after his parents were allegedly killed in a car accident and denies knowing anything about a kidnapping. Adam says he intends to find out exactly what happened, then storms out of the room to pack his things. Captain Lockwood informs Blake that Nick Toscanni flew to the Middle East earlier that morning - babyless. Blake is suddenly suspicious of Claudia and speculates, "The baby could be in the hands of a deranged woman." And speaking of deranged.. Claudia continues to coo to her pillow, then wraps it up like it's a baby and heads out. Blake shares his suspicions about Claudia with Fallon...and Fallon wails that if Claudia took her son, she wouldn't have done it for the money. She wails, "She's sick! She'll never give him back!" and Blake hugs her and tries to assure her that everything will be all right. Claudia lurks in the open doorway of the hotel manager's room and happens to notice her photo on the TV, then hears a newscast informing the public that the police are currently searching for her in connection with the missing Colby baby. After that, she overhears the hotel manager dial up the police and report that the kidnapper (and baby) have checked into her hotel. Egads! Claudia wigs out, shrieks, "Nobody's going to take my baby!" and scampers over to the nearby stairwell. Claudia reaches the hotel roof and assures her bundle, "No one will find us. Not ever!" She glances around cagily and tells the bundle that they're on a lovely mountain, then coos, "My darling girl." Meanwhile, a police officer has reached the roof of the hotel and discreetly searches the area. He spots Claudia several feet away, listens to her insane ravings for a few minutes, then radios his partner and reports that the suspected kidnapper is standing really close to the railing with the "baby". Claudia spots him and bellows, "Stay away! No one's taking my baby away!" and edges even closer to the railing. Adam is on a flight en route to Denver and is flirting with the cute stewardess. He tells her she made the flight very pleasant for him, then says he might settle down in Denver for good. He asks her where she's staying once they land, and she tells him: the La Mirada hotel. He mulls that over and asks her to book him a room there too...then sweetens the deal with the promise of dinner. She blushes and goes, "OK!" and doesn't seem to think it's weird that a passenger she just met is asking her to book his hotel accommodations. The Carringtons have arrived at the Hotel Rosslyn, and police are urging all of the curious bystanders to stand back. The police officer on the roof is trying to reason with Claudia, but isn't having much luck with that. Captain Lockwood quietly brings the Carringtons onto the roof and urges Blake to go talk to Claudia, but Fallon says she wants to do it. She tentatively walks toward Claudia, who glares at her and snarks, "You!" She asks her what she wants, and Fallon says she just wants to be near her baby. Claudia scrunches her face in confusion and says, "This isn't your baby. It's Lindsay" then peers over the railing and notices that an ambulance has just arrived. Fallon tells her she knows how much she loves Lindsay, then gently explains that the baby in her arms isn't Lindsay - it's her son. She tells Claudia she can have another child of her own, then pleads, "Please give my son back to me!" and Claudia screeches, "No!!" Blake suddenly appears, reminds Claudia that they're friends, and says he wants to talk. Claudia scrunches her face in misery and says she doesn't want to listen to anyone anymore...but Blake presses ahead and tells her that Lindsay isn't here, 'cause she's sleeping peacefully elsewhere. Claudia perks up and goes, "Where?" and Blake assures her it's a lovely place, and that she's there with her father. A police officer appears behind her, and stupid Blake shifts his gaze away from Claudia to gawk in surprise at him - and this prompts Claudia to whirl around, bark, "Stay away!" and drop her bundle. This, in turn, causes the plastic doll she had wrapped up with the pillow to fly out of her arms, sail over the railing, and land in pieces atop the ambulance. Fallon, who believes that her infant son has just suffered a horrific death, starts weeping and falls into Blake's arms. Captain Lockwood quickly informs everyone that there was no fatality 'cause what flew off the roof was just a doll. Blake looks relieved and tells Fallon it wasn't her baby that just went splat...and Fallon wails, "Where is he?!" and faints. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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