Recap: Blake smiles goofily at Krystle as he gushes about how much he loooooves her and assures her that he has absolutely no problem with her jetting off to New York with Rock Hudson and introducing him to Sammy Jo for the first time. He then frowns at the thought of her skanklet niece and reminds her how selfish, immature, and demanding she can be. Krystle concurs, but points out that there's a soft side to Sammy Jo that needs to be given a chance...and she's hoping that her bio dad will be just the person to bring out that side of her. Dex explains to Alexis that Amanda had come to him for advice about marrying/not marrying Prince Michael - but Alexis refuses to buy that, snaps, "I'm not a fool!", and stomps off to work. Lady Ashley drops by Jeff's office to tell him how happy she is that he's in one piece after his heroic rescue of Blake et. al. ... and Jeff says he merely launched a rescue operation when Blake found himself in a perilous situation of his own making. Lady Ashley says she recalls watching him, when he was just a young lad of eighteen while vacationing in Europe, rescue a little boy. She says that since then she's always been proud of his bravery, and Jeff says he's surprised that the beautiful and sophisticated lady he crushed on even noticed him back then. Lady Ashley assures him she did more than notice him...and after staring hungrily at each other, they start smooching in their usual chemistry-free fashion. Amanda pays a visit to Alexis at ColbyCo to assure her that nothing happened between her and Dex during the previous episode 'cause she's convinced herself she's suddenly in love with Prince Michael. Alexis perks up at that pronouncement, and beams happily when a smiling Amanda says that she expects to be married in Moldavia within the month. She thanks Alexis for helping her see Prince Michael for the awesome dork he is, then says she's off to do some wedding shopping. Over at Denver Carrington, Blake tells Jeff that oil drilling off the coast of Louisiana needs to begin in seventy-two hours, otherwise the bank may call in the loan and make it impossible to begin drilling. Jeff assures Blake he has the matter under control and agrees to contact Fred Oates, aka the best drill ship operator in the business. As Jeff loudly informs Blake that he'll send a cable to Fred tomorrow confirming the all-important start date, Adam appears in the doorway and tells Blake he needs his signature on some papers. As Blake signs, Adam stares contemplatively into space while silently plotting his nefariousness. Adam sneaks into Jeff's office in the middle of the night and finds a copy of the cable to Fred Oates. He cleverly changes the start date of drilling from May 11 to May 14 by turning a "1" into a "4", then tiptoes out of the office. Krystle and Rock are at the mansion, discussing the last minute details of their trip to New York. When Blake enters the room, Rock thanks him for the use of his private jet and for trusting him to accompany Krystle. Blake clarifies that it's Krystle he trusts...and Rock nods amiably and concedes that, yep, Blake deserves such a damn fine woman 'cause of how hard he's willing to fight for her. Sammy Jo enters a New York pub, spots Krystle's lookalike from the Photo Finish episode, and seats herself next to her at the bar. After a few minutes of chit-chat, she learns that the lookalike..
Blake looks over the photographs Ashley took of him and gushes about how super talented she is...and Lady Ashley gushes back at him about how the camera saw him for what he is: an open, honest billionaire dipshit. She confesses that she came to Denver with the blechy idea of seducing him, but has since thrown that idea out the window when she finally got it through her thick skull that he and Krystle are meant to be together. Blake blushingly says her restraint makes her beautiful (say wuh?) and that if he weren't so devoted to Krystle, he'd be on her like white on rice. Rock tells Dex he'll be flying to Libya from New York, and that he expects this latest rescue to be a simple twelve hour mission. Dex shakes his head, prophetically calls it "a death mission", and doubts he's going to be able to ex-filtrate the imprisoned men so quickly. Rock insists he can and asks Dex if he wants to join him, but Dex says that the only rescue mission on his agenda is marriage rescue, then wishes his friend good luck. Dex brings flowers to Alexis' office and tells her their incessant fighting has gone too far, and that he wants to dial back to how things were pre-Amanda. He informs her he chartered a yacht so they can have the extended honeymoon they never had, but Alexis tells him she can't possibly go sailing 'cause she'll be too busy making arrangements for Amanda's Moldavian wedding. Dex is all, "Wha-a-a?", asks why she withheld the news that Amanda's engagement was back on, and accuses her of manipulating him. Alexis glares at him, then barks at him to leave so she can get some work done. Adam informs Blake that Fred Oates hasn't arrived in Louisiana, and Blake scrunches his wrinkly face concernedly and says that drilling can't start until he gets there...and that drilling absolutely needs to start in forty-eight hours. Adam shakes his head in faux dismay as he says he can't seem to locate Jeff, and Blake looks visibly annoyed that Jeff is MIA at such critical a time for Denver Carrington's bottom line. Jeff, meanwhile, is hanging with Lady Ashley at La Mirage. They banter flirtily before getting into some intense smooching action...and nope, still no chemistry there. Adam is in the study, talking to Fred Oates about him getting to Louisiana asap so that Denver Carrington can start drilling on May 11. Blake just happens to overhear the call, credits Adam for his fine work, and remarks on how annoyed he still is about Jeff's carelessness. Adam says, "We all make mistakes", and adds that clearly Jeff had something else on his mind - but Blake grumbles that Jeff damn well owes him an explanation. Steven drops by Luke's apartment unannounced to hang for the evening...and when he can't find him, he starts his search in the nearest gay bar. He finds Luke hanging with a group of attractive dudes, and when Luke sees Steven enter, he motions him over - but Steven reacts by shooting him a pissy glare before angrily storming out. Adam gets canoodly with Claudia and breathily natters about the electrical sparks that shoot off whenever they hook up. When Claudia asks him what in blazes he's talking about, he nonsensically explains, "We generate our own power...our own power to take over Denver Carrington" and makes it clear that a company takeover is about to become his priority. Claudia stares back at him in befuddled horror, and continues to stare concernedly into space when the two get into some intense smooching action. Blake admonishes Jeff for the Fred Oates cable debacle and snarks that the company could have lost millions. Jeff insists he did not make a mistake communicating the starting date and is certain the documents he approved indicated May 11, not May 14. Blake's like, "Whatever" and says they have Adam to thank for saving the day...and Jeff stares into space, his caterpillar brows furrowed concernedly. Luke is in Steven's office, and the two are bickering about Luke hanging at the gay bar. Luke points out that he can't be expected to sit home every night on the chance that he (Steven) will drop by, and Steven sheepishly apologizes for acting like such an unreasonable tool and says he was disappointed when he wasn't home. Luke tells Steven he can easily solve this issue by moving in with him - just as Alexis breezes into the room and asks whassup with the palpable tension between them. After Luke beats a hasty retreat, Steven moans to Alexis that he still misses Claudia, which ends up hurting Luke...and Alexis says he's going to have to be willing to give part of himself to those he loves and to make a damn choice about whether he wants to live his life as a straight-gay man married to a wife-beard, or a full on gay man with a male partner. While en route to New York, Rock remarks on how little he knows about Sammy Jo. Krystle tells him that she's a pretty hard-edged skank due to the life of hard knocks she's had thus far, but Rock just shrugs and says that all that counts is that she's his daughter. Krystle and Rock arrive at Sammy Jo's apartment just as Rita is on her way out. The doppelgangers stare curiously at each for a few seconds - until Krystle introduces herself as Sammy Jo's aunt. Rita shakes off the weirdness of them being identical and says she's off to go do whatever, but that it's OK with her if they wait inside the apartment until Sammy Jo returns. Alexis is having a business meeting at the La Mirage when she spots Lady Ashley, who's sitting at the bar, hand Dex a cryptic letter from Minister Han (of the Chinese delegation), and then joke about its crypticness before Dex promptly leaves. Alexis is so dismayed by the interaction that she flounces over to Lady Ashley and demands to know why Dex left in such a hurry. Lady Ashley says it's 'cause they were done with their brief conversation - but Alexis says she's onto her flirty attempt to seduce Blake and hopes she doesn't now have her eye on Dex. She warns, "Dex is mine in the boardroom and the bedroom!" Sammy Jo arrives home, is all, "Ack!" when she sees Krystle in her living room, and gets snarky about her being in her apartment uninvited after the mean way she kicked her out of the mansion. Krystle is about to introduce her to Rock when she accidentally knocks over a stack of photos of Sammy Jo posing seductively in skimpy-wear. She gets all judgey and asks if this is kind of modelling she's been doing, to which Sammy Jo snaps, "It's none of your business!" and bitchily grabs the photos out of her hands. Rock pulls Sammy Jo away from Krystle and tells her to behave herself...and when Sammy Jo glares at him and snaps, "Who do you think you are? My father?", he counter-snaps, "That's exactly who I am." After the commercial break, Krystle and Sammy Jo discuss the shocking revelation amongst themselves. Sammy Jo muses that she knows nothing about her bio dad, and is worried that he was less than impressed with her bratty behavior. Well duh. Alexis arrives home and finds Dex waiting for her in the bedroom. He makes it clear that there's nothing between him and Amanda...or any other woman, for that matter. Alexis asks what he was talking to Lady Ashley about, so he explains that she was merely passing along a message from Minister Han. He then grabs her by the arm, accuses her of thriving on drama and excitement, and makes clear that he's not going to let her control him. He snarls, "You're the only woman I want!" then violently rips open the furry purple top she's wearing (!!). The two stare hungrily at each other for several seconds until he roughly kisses her, then carries her to the bed before staring hungrily at her again while slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Yowza! Blake tells Adam he's grateful for his hard work lately, but isn't thrilled about his cozy togetherness with Claudia. He reminds Adam that up until recently she was Steven's wife-beard, and Adam just kind of brushes off his new relationship and assures him he'd never do anything to hurt Steven or Claudia. Sammy Jo is having a private brunch with Rock. She tells him she never would have married Steven if she'd known he was gay, then adds that she misses her baby every now and again. She says she once tried to sue for custody, but gave up 'cause of how hard it is to fight the Carringtons in court. She then guzzles an entire glass of champagne, and Rock looks amused by her lack of awareness of how expensive what she just drank was. Jeff tells Lady Ashley he's absolutely sure he wrote the correct date on the Fred Oates cable, but Ashley just kind of shrugs and tells him that everyone makes mistakes. She pulls out a photo and explains that she was hired as the official photographer for a recent concert in Los Angeles, but arrived late and was only able to photograph the crowd. Jeff studies the photo, pales, and goes, "Oh my God.." and says it looks like one of the concertgoers is Fallon. Rock is on the phone with his lawyer, arranging for him to bring him legal papers to sign before he leaves the country. When Krystle enters his hotel room as he finishes the call, he tells her he's off to his latest rescue mission and that she'll have to fly back to Denver without him. He asks her to please take care of Sammy Jo in the event that something happens to him, but Krystle's like, "Noooo!" and explains just how much Sammy Jo despises and resents her. Rock says to get over it and firmly reminds her that Sammy Jo is his only daughter and also her family...and Krystle mulls that over for a few seconds and agrees before moaning, "God help me." Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
1 Comment
Jonathan Washington
1/19/2021 02:08:43 am
Incidentally, Claudia looks cute with her hair in a ponytail. She should have worn it like that more often instead of the big hair or the mullet-perm.
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