Recap: George Clooney (!) is hanging in Over Our Heads - just as Jo is reminded that she's supposed to be hosting a college radio show. She races off as Blair arrives, and Blair doesn't try to hide the fact that she deliberately stayed away to avoid helping the other Facts gals get ready for tomorrow's big sale. A few seconds later, she hears a knock on the door...recognizes Stacey Q from the Off-Broadway Baby episode and welcomes her inside. Tootie's all, "Wha-a-a-at are you doing here?", so Stacey Q explains that she's been replaced in the Broadway show - but that she's fine with it 'cause she's decided to quit showbiz. Tootie scrunches her face confusedly and asks why in blazes the producers would fire such a talented performer...and Stacey Q just shrugs and mumbles something about how she maybe wasn't good enough. A smitten George wanders over, introduces himself, then escorts her off-camera to look at some Over Our Heads inventory. Tootie is visibly mystified about why Stacey Q was fired and is taking it upon herself to talk her out of quitting showbiz. Beverly Ann advises her to mind her own damn business, but Tootie's like, "Nope" and refuses to allow her friend to throw her career away. Later, Jo returns home after putting in an eighteen hour college radio shift. She explains that she's always having to cover for other DJs, but slogs through by drinking coffee non-stop. Stacey Q drops by with George and Andy, babbles incoherently about something or other, and asks if Tootie's around. Beverly Ann tells her that Tootie's rehearsing a radio show and adds that since Jo is so zonked from working overtime at college radio, they could really use some help in the store. Stacey Q perks up and offers to help out, citing her past retail experience working in a live bait shop. Later, Stacey Q has just made her first Over Our Heads sale and gushes about how thrilled she is to be a cashier again. When Tootie returns home after her rehearsal and performs part of her monologue, Stacey Q bloviates about how some things are a part of you...then announces that she's decided to open her own live bait shop. Tootie's all, "The fuuuuck?" as she stares back at her incredulously. Jo is back at Langley Radio, dishing out nonsensical advice as she fills in for the Ask Al Anything show. Beverly Ann drops by with some sustenance and tells her that Stacey Q has been covering her Over Our Heads shifts. A few seconds later, Jo's DJ-mate Stan arrives at the station with some new music for her to play, then hands her Stacey Q's new album and says that the imp is supposed to start her national tour next week - but has mysteriously disappeared. The following morning, Stacey Q is staring into a cup of earthworms while Andy helps her develop a concept for her prospective live bait shop. Tootie tells Stacey Q that failure is nothing to be ashamed of, gives her a pep talk about how she should get right back up on the horse, and invites her to regain her confidence by performing on her upcoming radio show. Jo returns home a few seconds later and wryly suggests that Stacey Q perform something from her new album - Color Me Cinnamon - and Tootie's all, "Wha-a-a?" and asks what gives. Stacey Q explains that the record company loved her new album so much that they set up a national tour to promote it...and she reacted by running away 'cause she's very skeered she's nowhere near good enough to be an emerging '80s pop star. Tootie flatly calls her nuts for squandering her big break, makes it clear that she has zero sympathy for her insecurities 'cause of how hard she's been busting her ass to break into the biz, then barks at her to go hide out somewhere else. Ouch. Stacey Q sheepishly announces that she's going to pack up her things before slinking out of the room. Blair has warmed to Stacey Q's earthworms, and is lovingly talking to them when Jo returns home from yet another long DJing shift. George drops by to announce that he just quit his job at his pop's hardware store so he can begin to fulfill his destiny of becoming a major Hollywood movie star, and Beverly Ann nods approvingly and says a guy's gotta do what makes him happy. He reveals that he really has no plan, other than to hit the road and see the country. Tootie comes downstairs and says she's off to rehearse/perform her radio show - but the rest of the Facts gals make it clear how miffed at her they are for being so mean to Stacey Q. Tootie digs in about how stoooopid it is that Stacey Q is squandering her opportunity to become a pop star, then stomps off to rehearsal. Over at Langley Radio, Tootie performs her dramatic reading...and as that's happening, Beverly Ann and the rest of the Facts gals arrive to watch from the control booth. As they applaud Tootie's performance, she tells listeners she has a sheepish confession to make, then laments not supporting her showbiz friend. A few seconds later, she sees that Stacey Q has arrived at the radio station with George Clooney and is all, "What are you doing here?" - leaving Jo to scramble to introduce the next act: a ukulele player. Stacey Q says she's now ready to embark on her national tour (with George Clooney tagging along as a roadie), and credits Tootie's support in having so much faith in her. Tootie apologizes for her bitchitude earlier and asks if she'd be interested in getting in some extra exposure by performing her newest hit on Langley Radio...and Stacey Q says's she's game - since why the hell else did she make a second Facts of Life appearance? - and starts singing We Connect, as the rest of the Facts cast bops to the '80s beat. After the performance, George Clooney offers to treat everyone to pizza...before leaving Peekskill, never to be seen on Facts of Life again. Godspeed, George Clooney! See you on E.R. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
1 Comment
9/11/2022 09:41:32 am
It was great having Clooney on the series! He was a breath of fresh air and better than Pippa. This was a fun episode.
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