Recap: As a horrified Jo stares at Richard Moll's flooded living room, Blair attempts to mop up the water, while Beverly Ann wipes down a precious art piece hanging on the wall and ends up ruining it. Tootie and Natalie blame each other for not turning off the hot tub valve - until Jo snarls at them to shut it and reminds them that she's the one who's going to have to explain to the freakishly tall and sturdily built actor that his swanky home got destroyed under her watch. Jo receives a delivery of roses from Paul, who emphasizes in the note how much he really really wants the two of them to move in together. Tootie urges her to be happy about Paul's urgency about their cohabitation - but Jo's just kind of like, "Meh" and changes the subject back to the house damage and says that she should probably call Richard Moll to break the bad news to him. Blair suggests she put a pin in that until after they look into whether or not they can hire a contractor to magically repair everything without Richard Moll being the wiser, then adds that she's willing to put $15,000 of her own money towards the project. Later, a contractor arrives at the house to look over the damage and write up an estimate, which ends up being over $123,000. The Facts gals gasp in shock, and Beverly Ann admonishes him for trying to swindle them. The contractor shrugs and says they're welcome to get a second opinion...and when Tootie asks him if it'd be within the realm of possibility for them to do the repair work themselves, he says it's highly doubtful. Jo comes to the painful conclusion that there's no way around having to tell Richard Moll that his house has been almost completely destroyed. Tootie and Natalie bicker about who gets to take responsibility for not turning off the hot water valve, while Blair argues that she's largely to blame 'cause she invited the rest of the Facts gang to stay at the house without first clearing it with Jo...and Beverly Ann says that even though she feels she did absolutely nothing wrong, she'd be happy to pretend to be willing to take the blame. Jo thanks them for their willingness to put themselves in Richard Moll's crosshairs, but says that as the officially hired house sitter, she needs to face the music [along with the engineering genius who decided it was a good idea to install a hot tub on the second floor of the house]. A few seconds later, Paul arrives...and Jo introduces him to everyone before they hastily disperse to give the couple their privacy. Jo thanks him for the lovely roses...and he scrutinizes her cast, notices that it's gotten wet, and insists on scooping her into his arms and heading over to the nearest hospital so that she can get a new one. Blair, Natalie, and Tootie are lounging on the balcony, sunning themselves and worrying about how Richard Moll is going to react when he learns that his house has been destroyed - just as - ack! - Richard Moll walks through his front door and is all the fuck? when he sees his water-damaged living room. The three Facts gals, along with Beverly Ann, hear the front door open and close and assume that it's Jo are startled by the sight of Richard Moll staring around the room in horrified incredulity. Beverly Ann gushes to "Bull" about what a big fan of his she is and compliments his lovely home...despite it not being so lovely at the moment. LOL. Richard Moll asks them who the hell they are and what in blazes they're doing in his house, so Tootie explains that they're friends of Jo, and that they accidentally left the hot tub water valve on, which eventually resulted in the collapse of his living room ceiling. Blair twirls her hair and says in her best little girl voice, "We girls made a silly little mistake" to which Richard Moll reacts by ordering them to immediately vacate. When they whine that they have nowhere to go, he picks up the phone and requests a police squad car to transport them to the local jail. In the next scene, Beverly Ann, Blair, Tootie, and Natalie are languishing in a jail cell, and Blair complains about how miffed she is that the Warner name seems to carry zero clout with Malibu law enforcement. Jo returns to the house with Paul, surprised to find a strange woman milling around. Paul's like, "Hey Cindy!" and introduces her to Jo...and Cindy explains that she's the insurance adjuster who was summoned by Richard Moll to assess the flood damage. Jo pales and is all, "Ooooh noooo" - just as Cindy excuses herself to check out what's left of the second floor. Paul explains to Jo that Cindy is one of the many women he used to simultaneously date last summer...and before she can digest that nugget, Blair calls from jail to inform Jo that she and the rest of the Facts gang have been arrested, and that she needs to come to the police station pronto to sort out the various trespassing/vandalism crimes they've been charged with. Paul informs Jo that Cindy just discovered that the overflow drain on the hot tub was faulty...then cacklingly says he'll faux agree to romance her if she agrees to omit (in her report) the part where Jo let her friends use the hot tub. An appalled Jo says she's bugged that he's so OK with being deceitful, and that she'd rather not get off the hook for the house damage on the basis of a lie. A few seconds later, Cindy re-enters the living room and snippily tells Paul she won't be keeping their date 'cause she overheard what he just said to Jo (given that the no ceiling living room situation doesn't offer much of a sound barrier) and doesn't take kindly to being lied to. After she huffs off, Jo tells Paul that he's too much of a shady douchebag for her to even contemplate moving in with...and that not only is she turning down his invitation to cohabitate, she's giving him the heave-ho altogether. Jo arrives at the police station and tells the sheriff he can release her friends on the grounds that she invited them to the house they're accused of breaking into. A few seconds later, an angry looking Richard Moll enters the station, and Jo cowers as she apologizes for destroying his house and offers to pay whatever his insurance won't cover. Richard Moll growls, "That seems fair - but I'm not a fair person" and demands that she become his indentured servant for the next decade. When Jo tells him there's not much more she can say except 'oops', he retorts, "Be my love slave" (%$#!??) then breaks into a smile and says he's just kidding. He tells her that since his insurance is going to cover everything (except for, oddly, about $500), he stopped being mad a long time ago. Jo eagerly offers to pay him the $500 to settle the matter...and the two exit the station together, pretending to abandon the rest of the Facts gang to languish in their cell indefinitely. LOL. Back in Peekskill, Beverly Ann heads off to the bus depot to pick up Andy from summer camp, while Natalie and Tootie glumly invoke Jo's absence. Blair admits that she misses her non-hetero crush, but then asks, "Did you really think the four of us would always be living together forever and ever?" and Natalie and Tootie [along with the Facts writers and producers from wherever they're watching] shoot her a funny look before blurting out, "Yes!" Blair points out that Jo making the decision to remain in California marks the beginning of the end of their bizarre living arrangement [which, since Season 2, seemed to have no end in sight], and adds that at some point one or more of them is going to want to get married and start a family. She says they simply have to make the best of Jo no longer being their housemate - just as Jo hobbles into the room and casually says, "Hey." When the three stare at Jo in astonishment, she tells them that she decided to move back home after all...not least 'cause Malibu is overrun with pretty blonde women, and she simply couldn't bear to live in a place where so many people remind her of Blair. Um, ok..? Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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