Recap: Natalie returns home from work and complains about the shittiness of her latest assignment from the temp agency - teaching disco dancing to housewives (what?) - and rails about how it barely pays a living wage. She adds that she especially hates the task of hitting the streets and handing out the dance studio's brochures...then tosses one at Jo, who perks up when she notices that one of the studio's offerings is ballroom dancing. The next day, Natalie is finishing up a disco dancing lesson when Jo arrives at the studio. She clutches the brochure and says she's interested in signing up for ballroom dancing...and at first Natalie thinks she's kidding - but when it's clear this isn't a joke, Natalie gushes, "That's sooooo cute!" Jo explains that there's something elegant and "very mannered" about ballroom dancing, and Natalie agrees that "ballroom dance is one of the most romantic, beautiful expressions of dance", which is the exact excerpt she wrote for the dance studio's brochure. Har har. Jo asks Natalie to sign her up for the next round of classes, but to not breathe a word about it to the other Facts gals. During dance lesson #1, Jo is paired with a blonde cutie named Chuck, who tells Jo he's learning how to ballroom dance so he'll be able to dance with his girlfriend Sheila at her upcoming '40s themed birthday party. Jo coos about how utterly sweet that is...and when the lesson gets underway and everyone is instructed to try a simple box step, Jo's and Chuck's foreheads collide and they clumsily bump into another couple. The following week, George Clooney answers the phone and recites aloud for all to hear the message that Chuck is leaving for Jo: he just learned a new step and is picking her up for class later. Tootie, Blair, and Mrs. Garrett are all, "Wh-a-a-a?" and correctly guess that Jo must be taking some sort of dance class she never mentioned - just as Natalie returns home from the dance studio. Tootie asks her what she knows about Jo being enrolled in a dance class, and Natalie says she promised not to say anything. Tootie gets all in Natalie's face as she lists the various types of dance, carefully scrutinizes her expression at each one, and is somehow able to deduce that Jo is taking ballroom dance. When Jo returns home, she asks whassup with everyone staring at her with 'you're sooooo cute' expressions on their faces...and Natalie mutters, "It wasn't me" before Tootie tells Jo that Chuck pretty much spilled the beans about her ballroom dancing. Chuck arrives a few seconds later wearing a t-shirt with I'm sorry printed on it (to preemptively apologize to each other and anyone they bump into while dancing) and hands one to Jo. As everyone stares at them expectantly, Tootie comes right out and says they'd like to see a dance demo please...and Jo and Chuck decide 'why the hell not?' and demonstrate their subpar dance moves that conclude with Jo crashing to the floor during the dip. Natalie chooses that moment to inform Jo that when the lessons conclude there's a recital at which everyone enrolled in the class performs for friends and family...and Jo stares back at her with a look of horrified bewilderment. Mrs. Garrett offers to lend Jo the gown she wore to her senior prom for the ballroom dance recital 'cause she's pretty sure it's back in style, and Jo says she looooooves that idea. Chuck calls Jo to break the news that Sheila found out about him taking dance lessons on the down low and was incensed that he's been practicing with a female. Jo points out that she's far too mannish for any girlfriend to possibly be jealous of, and Chuck says he told his girlfriend that - hee! - but since Sheila's more possessive than rational, she has forbade him from performing in the recital. Blair needlessly demonstrates the dance routine she performed for her debutant coming out party - just as Chuck drops by to inform Jo that, upon reflection, he's decided to dump Sheila for her generally shitty disposition and therefore is free to dance in the recital after all. Jo's all, "Good for you! And hurray!" Dance recital! The Facts gang (+ Andy and George Clooney) arrive at the dance studio to support and cheer for Jo. Mrs. Garrett nervously says she had to sew the hem of her old prom dress and hopes to hell that the stitching holds out. Jo, who's decked out in the glittery, long-sleeved red frock, makes her grand entrance with Chuck, and the two do a reasonably good job at waltzing...and manage to not topple to the floor during the [albeit shallow] dip move. The impressed Fact's gang is all, "Hurray!" and claps with great enthusiasm. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
5/12/2021 11:00:25 am
This was an enjoyable ight-hearted episode. In a million years I would never think Jo is interested in ballroom dancing.
7/20/2021 02:34:51 am
Why is Mrs. Garrett looking for her old prom dress in the attic? Didn’t they just have a fire twelve episodes ago?
12/7/2021 09:45:29 am
Scrolling through these again. I have to ask, for that last picture of the group applauding, did you go frame by frame to get a picture of Blair with the craziest face? Or was that just a happy accident. Either way, AWESOME!!!
Isabel K. French
12/7/2021 10:05:18 am
That was a total accident! I hadn’t really noticed Blair’s face until now.
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