Recap: As the oil rig that Blake, Alexis, and Ben are aboard becomes engulfed in flames [and looks totally unsurvivable when the camera pans out to give us a wide-angle view of the carnage], the crewmen flee to the upper deck. One of the men screeches at Ben and Blake to make a run for it 'cause the entire rig's going to blow - a dire warning that seems to recombobulate Ben's brain, 'cause he immediately springs into action and helps free Blake from the steel thing he's pinned beneath. As the rig dramatically explodes, everyone who was on board desperately leaps into the sea. In the next scene, Alexis is talking to a doctor at a hospital in Singapore (where she and Blake were airlifted) about Blake's condition. Dr. Chen informs her that he's regained consciousness and doesn't appear to have any serious physical injuries - but seems really confused and has been rambling about an explosion at Denver Carrington 1. Alexis is all, "Wha-a-a?" and recalls that that explosion happened back in 1964, then looks intrigued that Blake's brain has time-traveled twenty years in reverse and appears to be stuck there. Dr. Chen says that, in all likelihood, Blake's condition will eventually sort itself out - but, in the meantime, he needs to be treated with gentle loving kindness by someone close to him. Alexis chews on that for a few seconds, introduces herself as Blake's wife, and says she's off to look in on her pretend spouse. Blake tells Alexis that the explosion was a horrifying sight to behold, then asks her if Jimmy Decker's OK. Alexis blurts out that Jimmy is definitely dead and has been for awhile now, then explains to Blake that he's suffering from a bout of temporary brain fog 'cause:
As Blake scrunches his face confusedly, Alexis tells him that, as his wife, she's going to help him get better and lovingly sit by his bedside all night if that's what it's going to take to give him comfort, and he responds by beaming and leaning forward to give his "wife" a grateful hug. Alexis tells the clerk positioned at the hospital's reception desk that she'll handle all of the necessary notifications to Blake's loved ones about his health status. She then asks for whatever possessions he had on him when he was admitted...and after the clerk hands her a small bag, she removes the wallet photos of Krystle and Kristina and tosses them into the nearest trash can. Sammy Jo calls Krystle to report that, during the previous episode, she made an effort to talk to Clay about her false pregnancy over a picnic lunch - but he was unavailable 'cause he was off somewhere laying dynamite. Krystle advises her to wait awhile and try contacting him again...then hangs up and turns her attention back to Kristina and assures the peppy tot that goat daddy is busy working, but is no doubt thinking about her every second of the day. Alexis calls Adam to let him know that both she and Blake survived the rig blast and are currently in Singapore. She orders him to keep mum about that last thing 'cause she may have found a way to get half ownership of the South China Sea oil leases back. After the call, she pulls out a little pouch from her purse, retrieves her wedding ring from when she was Mrs. Blake Carrington, and puts it on her ring finger...which begs the disturbing question: has Alexis really been carrying around her old wedding ring for the last two decades with the faint hope that she'll one day have occasion to wear it again? Steven drops by the mansion to inform Krystle that the rig Blake, Alexis, and Ben were touring just happened to explode while they were on board...and, as of yet, there's been no word about any survivors. Krystle contorts her face into a stricken expression and says she intends to fly to Hong Kong asap. Alexis has rented a luxury villa in Singapore to keep Blake hidden away from his family and any nosy reporters who might actually be interested in their whereabouts. When Blake grumbles about being unable to unwind, she coos at him to relax, and shows him all the news clothes she purchased for him. Dissatisfied by that, he heads over to the phone to make a call to Denver - but Alexis gently takes the receiver out of his hand, fibs that she spoke to Andrew Laird and was assured that everything is A-OK back home, then leads him over to the living room to enjoy a cup of tea. He mumbles that he feels groggy...and when she encourages him to go upstairs for a nap, he gives her a smooch and gushes about how he'd never be able to manage this recuperation without his loving wife at his side. She stares back at him looking deeply touched, then glances down at her wedding ring...and a few seconds later, a deliveryman arrives with the legal document she requested: Assignment of Leases. Krystle arrives in Hong Kong, quickly locates the local hospital Ben (who has a broken leg) has been brought to, and asks him where Blake is. He tells her that during the chaos of the rig explosion, he got separated from Blake and Alexis - but that lots of people were being rescued from the sea. Krystle angrily accuses him of taking advantage of the situation, so Ben makes it clear that he'd never actually do anything to cause physical harm to his only brother...and, to that point, he adds that it was he who saved Blake from certain death while aboard the rig. Krystle implores him to remember everything he can about the explosion in order to give her a clue where Blake might be - but when he comes up empty, she tells him that if he happens to think of anything useful, she'll be staying at the Peninsula Hotel, and then dejectedly shuffles out of the room. Blake puts on the new suit that Alexis bought for him and tells her he came across the Assignment of Leases. Alexis fibs that, shortly before the explosion, he had decided to assign half of the leases to her in case anything happened to him, so that she and their children could avoid probate and have free access to what she believes they're entitled to. Blake mulls that over and agrees that it's prolly a good idea - but then wonders if these particular leases are the best leases he could be giving them. He complains about how groggy his brain still feels and asks her if there's anything she can do to help clear it out, so she asks him if he knows who was president in 1976...and when she reveals that it was Jimmy Carter, he chuckles about the informality of a president being referred to as "Jimmy". Alexis chuckles along and says she views it as progress that he's able to find humor in a former president's name. At Delta Rho, Sammy Jo calls Clay to tell him there's something she needs to tell him [that she had every opportunity to spill long before now, but for some dumb reason continued to keep it to herself] ... and Clay tells her he'll return home once he's finished with his dynamite laying work. Steven arrives at the ranch with Danny, who's eager to put his new toy boat into a real body of water. Steven asks Sammy Jo if anything is wrong, and she snappishly tells him to stop always looking for reasons to deem her an unfit parent...and Steven acknowledges that, yeah, he has been on her case a lot over the years, apologizes for generally being such an insufferable sourpuss, and offers to leave Danny at the ranch overnight so that she can enjoy more time with her son. Sammy Jo brightens at the prospect and says she'd looooooove to have Danny spend the night. Blake and Alexis are enjoying a lovely dinner when music comes on the radio that prompts Alexis to wax nostalgic about how it's the first song they ever danced to before their very first time hitting the sheets. Blake grins at the memory of their maiden doink, and the two dance together while she sings along to the melody...and the two reminisce about their whirlwind courtship more than two decades ago and then their life as newlyweds. Alexis wanks Blake about being "the most dashing man I know" [mmm...I'd be more inclined to give that prize to Dex], then suggests they indulge in a sexy midnight swim. Adam telephones the villa to ask Alexis how Operation Get 50% of the Oil Leases Transferred Back to Her Control is going - but since Blake is in the room she brusquely tells him she can't talk about that right now. Blake takes the phone receiver from her and says that their canoodle time is far more important than any phone call, and then the two gaze lovingly at each other and exchange I love yous. After a smooch, Blake complains of another headache and says that something deep inside his subconsciousness is desperately trying to penetrate through the fogginess of his brain - but can't get through...and Alexis is all, "Oh, that's a bummer", then says she's more than happy for them to languish around this fabulous villa for as long as it takes for his brain matter to sort itself out. The next morning at breakfast, Blake grasps Alexis's hand and tells her he hopes she understands why he was unable/unwilling to bed her last night...then confusedly explains that something inside his head is making them strangers. Alexis breezily tells him they have lots of catching up to do, and that eventually they'll fill in all the pieces of the puzzle that is his long term memory. When he brings up the topic of the lease document, she tells him to forget it 'cause she wants them to focus 100% of their energy on remembering the happy times, and that she's happier than she's been in a very long time. Over at ColbyCo, Steven rails at Adam about how helpless he feels about them just sitting around while Alexis and Blake are MIA in Asia. Adam says he has a strong feeling they're both A-OK and urges his brother to do his best to keep busy until they hear from their parents. Steven sourly says he'll keep in touch, then exits the office...and once he's safely out of earshot, Adam calls Alexis to ask her whaddup with her hanging up on him, but she denies doing any such thing and chalks it up to a bad connection. He informs her that Krystle and Dex are on their way to Singapore to try to find her and Blake, and that he feels kinda bad about lying to Steven, who's becoming increasingly upset by the lack of news about their whereabouts. Alexis sternly forbids him to tell anyone what's really going on, then chirps, "Goodbye!" when Blake suddenly ambles into the room after waking up from his afternoon nap. Dex drops by the Hong Kong hospital to see Ben, and snarkishly demands to know where Alexis and Blake are. Ben says he can only assume that the two were fished out of the South China Sea by a rescue boat...then informs him that Krystle also stopped by to demand answers from him, and that if he wants to look her up she's staying at the Peninsula Hotel. Later, Dex and Krystle meet up at a restaurant and ponder the yet unknown fate of Blake and Alexis. Dex dreamily says he's loved Alexis for a very long time, and smilingly says that beneath her haughty imperiousness, he was able to see the soft vulnerability underneath. Krystle's like, "Ugh...whatever" and says she just really wants to hear that they're both safe...and by they're, she mostly means Blake. Dex promises her they'll find them, then asks her if she thinks that Blake really loved Alexis while they were married. Krystle mulls over the odd question and says she can only assume he did love the woman he married - that is, until he caught her red-handed riding Roger Grimes' baloney pony and callously cast her out of his life and the lives of their children. After a refreshing swim, Blake tells Alexis he's been noticing a light-heartedness about her, and she admits she could be very unpleasant whenever they argued about his frequent business trips. Blake asks her if their love is real, and she's like, "You betcha", insisting that it'll only get better and better [so long as they remain confined in this villa and he continues to not remember their acrimonious divorce and/or his remarriage to Krystle]. Later, Blake tells Alexis he has a gift for her, then presents her with the Assignment of Leases document, which he dutifully signed. Alexis stares at the document unhappily, says it's no longer at the top of her priority list, and rips it up. Not sure why the hell she'd do that, since there's really no getting around the fact that the silly charade of them living happily together as husband and wife has no chance of being anything other than a short-term fantasy that could blow up in her face any minute. Sammy Jo and Danny are enjoying some together time at Delta Rho when one of the ranch hands walks over Danny's favourite horse, Valez. Danny asks if he can ride atop Valez while he's being exercised...and when Sammy Jo says he can, he waves his hat in the air and cries, "Yippee!" The action spooks Valez...and when he whinnies and flails his legs about, Sammy Jo is struck and collides with a nearby fence, where she loses consciousness. Clay rushes over to the hospital and urgently asks the doctor if Sammy Jo and the baby are OK, he's all, "Sammy Jo's fine - but what baby are you talking about?", then decides he should prolly call her obstetrician asap. Uh oh. A local police officer stops by the Singapore villa to inform Alexis that an American reporter in the area has been inquiring about her and Blake. The officer assures Alexis that he revealed nothing to the American, and that he'll continue to respect hers and Blake's privacy as long as they remain in his jurisdiction. While canoodling in bed together, Dana urges Adam to share with her what's troubling him, then correctly guesses that he's concerned about his parents, who remain missing in Asia. Adam assures her he's not all that concerned 'cause he's pretty confident they're both OK - but Dana doesn't buy that he's totally in the dark and says he can be honest with her. Adam snippily tells her to drop it 'cause it's a family matter, and Dana shoots him the stink eye and [accurately] describes herself as "just the girl you go to bed with". She sarcastically thanks him for the trust, then rolls over with her back to him and goes to sleep. Sammy Jo wakes up in the hospital as Clay is hovering over her. He calls her out on fibbing about her pregnancy in order to get him to marry her - but she insists he's wrong, 'cause she really really did believe he'd knocked her up. He asks her why she didn't just 'fess up when she learned she wasn't with child, and she tearfully says that somehow the timing never felt completely right for her to break the embarrassing news to him. She begs him to forgive her, and he coldly mutters, "I'm trying to" before huffily exiting the room. Krystle and Dex arrive in Singapore to further the search for their respective loved ones. Blake tells Alexis he heard that a police officer had stopped by and asks if anything is wrong. She breezily assures him all is well, and that the officer merely came by to welcome them and ask if they're happy here. Blake beams and says he's very happy...and when she suggests they have lunch by the pool, he agrees that that would be a fabulous idea. After he ambles off, Alexis summons the house servant (Kai) and sternly tells him that Blake is to have no visitors and no phone calls, and Kai responds with a meek nod. Thanks for reading! 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