Recap: Alexis breezes onto the main floor of her penthouse decked out in a fur trimmed negligee while Ben is seated at the breakfast table, reading the morning paper. He shows her the article detailing Denver Carrington's pledge to initiate a hostile takeover of ColbyCo...and when she just shrugs unconcernedly, Ben marvels over her calmness. Alexis dismissively calls the pledge Blake's pathetic attempt to flex his muscles and take over her company...then says that what's really bothering her is not knowing the identity of the woman he (Ben) was doinking while his mother was burning to death. Ben keeps mum (no pun intended) about who his lover was on that fateful day and says he'll handle the situation himself, to which a miffed Alexis says she's determined to find the woman - with or without his help. Blake is meeting with a banker named Winston Towers to see about borrowing a billion dollars for Operation Take Over ColbyCo, and says he's willing to put up his South China Sea oil leases as collateral. Winston tells him that since these are leases they can't serve as collateral, then regretfully declines his loan request. Blake accuses him of turning him down 'cause of all the bad press he's been getting as a result of the recent trial, then bitchily says he has important business to do with agreeable bankers who'd be more than happy to help him out. He then buzzes his secretary and asks her to call the New York bank. Caress is dining with Ben at La Mirage, faux reminiscing about how she had the hots for him back in the day, and was crestfallen when it was clear that he barely noticed her. She purrs about how he was something of a ladies man, then pretends to try to recall the name of the woman he was hitting the sheets with around the time his mother died. Subtle, Caress. Ben snidely tells Caress that the "non-existent" woman is in her imagination, and recalls that their paths didn't actually cross much in the past and that he'd like to keep it that way. He then gets up and storms out of the dining room, prompting Caress to mouth damn. Caress drives over to the cathouse Ben used to frequent in his younger days and talks to the redheaded madam [who's still on the job decades later, pimping out her stable o' harlots]. Caress tells Red there's money in it for her if she happens to remember a man-whore customer named Ben Carrington...and, more importantly, who he was boning the day Ellen Carrington met her fiery demise. Red tells her that Ben stopped frequenting her establishment well before Fire Day 'cause word on the street was that he'd fallen in love with a non-hooker. She never found out her name, but recalls that it was a big secret 'cause the woman was married to a Colorado big-shot of some sort. Caress grins slyly and tells her she's been very helpful...and then gets mistaken for a lady of the evening while sashaying past a customer on her way to the door. LOL. Alexis learns from one of her corporate spies that various bankers have turned down Blake's billion dollar loan requests, and that he's been offering his South China Sea oil leases as collateral. When the spy adds that Blake is about to jet to New York to meet with a banker there, Alexis writes her a check and thanks her, then calls Kai Liu, aka assistant to the Chinese Oil Minister, to tell him she has urgent intel about some South China Sea oil leases he's not going to want to ignore. Ben meets up with Emily on a deserted road on the edge of town to tell her that various people are trying to figure out who he was in bed with the day his mother became a human shish kabob. Emily's all, "Wha-a-a?!" and gets visibly freaked out, but Ben assures her that everything will be fine as long as she keeps her mouth shut...and if she doesn't, they could both end up in jail for conspiracy. A panicked Emily says she'd be more than happy to spill the beans to whoever wants to know their intimate bidness, but Ben snarls, "Don't you fucking dare!" and shoves her into the driver's seat of her car and tells her to run along now. As she drives off, Caress, who's lurking in her car on a nearby road, smiles smugly at the exchange she just witnessed. As Blake is about to board his New York bound plane, Alexis arrives at the airstrip for no reason other than to get all in his face about how satisfying she finds it that his empire is crumbling. Blake retorts by snarkishly telling her to enjoy being head of ColbyCo while she can, then boards his plane. Krystle drops by Dominique's La Mirage suite to ask her if she's heard from Jackie, and Dominique tells her she hasn't, but that Garrett called the police to help with the search. She laments lying to her daughter about being a married man's love-child, and Krystle says to not beat herself up about it too much 'cause twenty years ago having an out-of-wedlock baby was a deep source of shame [on account of so many judgey people back then deciding it was their business who was born to whom]. She then points out that Jackie can now have the father she's always wanted - despite being fully grown and no longer needing to be parented - and urges Dominique to let Garrett be a part of their lives. Claudia confronts Adam again about how she found the Power of Attorney form he manipulated Blake into signing while he was too sick to realize what he was signing, and threatens to show it to Blake if he doesn't help her get her stupid oil well back. Adam sadly asks if blackmail is all that's left of them, and she unrepentantly says, "Yep", calls the oil well her severance pay before she leaves his shitty family for good, and warns that he'll regret it if he doesn't come through for her. Caress meets up with Emily at La Mirage and gets all weirdly probey about how she dealt with the horny loneliness that must have accompanied her (senator) husband's long absences a couple of decades ago. When Emily just shrugs and asks her to cut to the chase about why she summoned her here, Caress says she recently talked to Little Jimmy, aka the local dwarfling who used to hang out at the old rooming house on the outskirts of town. As Emily pales, Caress tells her that Little Jimmy remembers seeing Ben and his married girlfriend sneak into the rooming house for frequent nooners...and that he's pretty sure they were going at it the day Ellen Carrington perished in the fire. A shaken Emily asks her what she wants, and Caress is all, "I only seek the truth. Which you've provided, so thanks!" LOL. Alexis jets to San Francisco and squeezes into a black poofy '80s gown for her meeting with Kai Liu, a blushing admirer who openly tells her how often he's fantasized about the two of them getting it on. Alexis chortles flirtily at his creepish intensity and says she needs him to arrange a meeting with Minister Han so she can give him an earful about all the bad press that's come out about Blake as a result of the inheritance trial, and then tattle on him for wanting to use the South China Sea oil leases as collateral to secure a billion dollar loan. Kai Liu says he'd be more than happy to set up the meeting as long as there's some puntang in it for him, and she non-committally tells him she'll be in Hong Kong ten days from now. After he exits the hotel suite, Alexis calls ColbyCo's Hong Kong affiliate George MacKenzie and orders him to get all the stats on Blake's South China Sea operation, and then figure out how to doctor the documents to suit her nefarious purposes. Dex angrily asks Blake whaddup with Denver Carrington putting a pause on the pipeline project and no longer reimbursing him for the accumulating expenses, so Blake explains that he's temporarily delaying construction of the pipeline 'cause he's pouring every cent he can into his ridiculous Get Revenge on Alexis At All Costs vendetta. An incredulous Dex calls him crazy and growls that he'll be damned if he's going to allow himself to be dragged down with this idiotic feud. Amanda is sitting in the La Mirage dining room, writing an apology letter to Alexis for having sex with her husband and thereby destroying their marriage. She looks unhappy with what she's written so far and crumples up the piece of paper and starts over - just as Clay Fallmont wanders over and asks what she's up to. She bitchily tells him it's none of his business and that he's not welcome to join her...and when he chides her for always brushing him off, she abruptly gets up and leaves the hotel. Clay stares at the crumpled letter curiously before scooping it up, then chases Amanda all the way to the parking lot and implores her not to drive away mad...and when she proceeds to ignore him, he leaps into the passenger seat before she squeals off. He warns her that driving dangerously isn't a good way to resolve her problems, and she responds by sharply swerving to avoid hitting another car...and ends up smashing into a fire hydrant, causing water to start gushing everywhere. Steven gets irked when Sammy Jo tells him she took Danny to the zoo earlier, and reminds her that she's supposed to keep him on the mansion's grounds. She rolls her eyes, tells him to relax, and assures him she won't try to kidnap him (again). He snidely asks if Clay went to the zoo with them, and she just-as-snidely replies that it's perfectly normal for her to have a boyfriend since she's a girl, and insists that Clay - who she emphasizes is straight - is a good influence on Danny. Sort of. Clay tells the police that he was the one who smashed into the fire hydrant, and shushes Amanda when she weakly tries to point out that she should probably face the consequences of driving so recklessly and stupidly endangering every other motorist on the road. The police administer several tests to ensure that Clay hasn't been drinking, and he passes them all with ease. Emily arranges another sneaky meet-up with Ben to warn him that Caress knows they were an item around the time his mother went up in flames, and that she's extremely wigged out about her husband learning of their decades old love affair. She wails, "Why is this haaaappppening?!", and Ben assures her he'll handle Caress, and that nothing bad will come of this. Dex drops by the penthouse to complain to Alexis that Blake has halted work on the pipeline. He offers to put up 500K of his own money if she can fund the rest, but she gives him a hard no on that and dismissively tells him to look for a loan elsewhere. Dex implores her to put her personal feelings aside for the sake of the pipeline project, and she snaps back that he should have thought about her personal feelings before he "raided the kindergarten". She adds that she rather enjoys seeing him suffer, and he snorts with disgust at her desire to get back at him by hooking up with Ben, then asks, "What's next? Streetwalking?" Alexis slaps him hard across the face, and he glares at her before pulling her towards him and planting her lips with a hard, forcible smooch. When she looks totes into the rough play, he smugly growls, "Face it, Alexis. I'm the best man you ever had in your bed and you know it." She contemplates that before leaning in for another smooch - but he holds her back, glares at her some more, then stalks out of the room. Blake is having a troubled sleep and yells out, "Liar!", which wakes up Krystle...who then turns the light on and asks him what's wrong. He tells her he keeps having the same dream about Ben and Alexis lying about him in court, but quickly assures her he'll fight the injustice of the bogus inheritance trial and win. He then decides that since he's up anyway, he's going to head into the office early and get a jump on the day. When Krystle stares back at him in pensive concern, he explains that he always feels better when he's doing something to help his dire situation. Blake is meeting with someone named Bob Ashmore, who's willing to help fund the ColbyCo takeover as long as Denver Carrington's ELC holdings (which contain valuable real estate) are used as collateral. He warns Blake that the arrangement would open him up to other buyers snapping up property from that subsidiary for a period of sixty days, but Blake assures him he's A-OK with that and signs the papers. Krystle storms over to the penthouse to ask Ben how much longer he's going to try to destroy his brother, then asks why he hates Blake so. Ben tells her that it's a long and nonsensical story, vehemently denies killing his mother, and chuckles about how much he's been enjoying blaming Blake for something he's been blamed for for so long. Krystle throws in the towel on trying to appeal to her brother-in-law's conscience and dejectedly exits the penthouse. Over at Carrington manor, Blake admonishes Clay for taking a dangerous joyride with his daughter in the car - until Amanda interrupts to confess that she was the one behind the wheel. Clay beats a hasty retreat so that Blake can focus his ire on Amanda and demand to know whaddup with her self-destructive tendencies lately and wonder aloud what she's doing with her aimless life. Amanda poutishly replies [with the episode's biggest understatement], "Nothing! I'm a hopeless failure!" and rushes out of the library. Krystle tells Blake she went to see Ben earlier and was aghast at how consumed with hatred and jealousy the man is, and that she's never seen anyone so vicious and driven. When Blake quips that Ben can't harm him 'cause he's indestructible, Krystle says she's deeply troubled by the Cain and Abel dynamic, and how desperately Ben wants to see his own brother dead. Bob Ashmore informs Ben that he has sixty days to buy up as many ELC holdings as he can, and Ben grins all sinister-like and says that sixty days will give him all the time he needs to screw his brother good. Thanks for reading! 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1 Comment
10/31/2021 03:28:12 am
I kinda have to hand it to Dynasty for turning their lack of direction for the Amanda" character into a subplot. It kinda works in a metatextual sort of way,
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