Recap: Once all of the masqueraded partygoers have departed Carrington manor, Krystle goes upstairs to check on Blake and grumble to him about how Alexis arranged Ben's reveal to create the public spectacle of two hostile brothers confronting each other. She then asks Blake why he hates Ben so much, but Blake firmly says he doesn't want to talk about it, then gets on the phone and orders Gerard to have Alfred bring the car around. Over at La Mirage, Alexis cackles to Ben about how wigged out Blake looked while he was de-pirating himself and declares that this somehow means they won Round 1. Ben glumly expresses concern that Blake will eviscerate him in court and insists that he only wants to see justice done...and Alexis assures him he'll get the justice he seeks, as well as his inheritance. Ben suddenly gets all prickly and warns that if she does anything to sacrifice him in the interest of obtaining whatever it is she's really after, he'll be a worse enemy to her than Blake...and Alexis stares back at him in poutish bewilderment. Dex returns to his La Mirage suite and gets an earful from Amanda about the way he abandoned her at the masquerade ball. Dex explains that he met up with an old friend to discuss the construction of the new pipeline, a job for which he plans to leave Denver asap...and Amanda perks up at that and says she'd looooove to get away with him indefinitely. Dex firmly tells her he's leaving town alone, then comes right out and says, "I don't love you" ... and Amanda whines, "You can't mean that!" and asks if he's only saying that 'cause of how much Blake disapproves of their icky hookup. Dex says that hitting the sheets with her has been a mistake, and a heartbroken Amanda wails, "Maybe I'm just a mistake in everyone's life!" and storms out of the suite. Alexis catches Caress snooping in her bedroom, but then quietly exits the room and makes a loud entrance a few seconds later so Caress can remain unaware she was caught red-handed and can pretend that she was merely trying on her sister's sable coat. Alexis tells her she can keep the sable, then asks her if she's ever thought about writing a book...and Caress looks rattled by the question and says she highly doubts she has the patience to ever do a thing like that. Alexis is all, "Nonsense!" and suggests she write about her time in the Caracas prison...and if she runs out of ideas with that, she could always write about her infamous sister. Caress pleads a sudden headache and announces that she's off to bed...and on her way out of the room, Alexis tosses her the sable, then checks out the box of letters and papers she'd been snooping in a few minutes earlier. When Blake drops by Dex's La Mirage suite looking for Amanda, Dex tells him she's not here...and that he finally got a clue and dumped the woman-child twit like yesterday's news. Over breakfast, Alexis poutishly tells Ben that if he expects them to be partners in Operation Sue Blake From Getting Too Much of His Father's Inheritance, he probably shouldn't threaten her by vowing to be a worse enemy to her than Blake. Ben sheepishly explains that he's generally wary of people 'cause he's been double-crossed a lot - but that he woke up happy this morning 'cause together the two of them pulled off a reunion that sent Blake reeling. Alexis tells him the wheels are in motion, meaning a bunch of subpoenas are about to be delivered, and assures him that they'll succeed in "burying Blake". The two then toast to goat daddy's "funeral". Krystle asks Blake why he hates his brother so much, but Blake clams up and says he spent years trying not to think about Ben and would prefer to not start now. He heads over to the library to make some phone calls...and a few seconds later, a glum looking Amanda saunters in to say hey. Blake asks her where she's been all night, so she explains that she was aimlessly wandering around town while contemplating the callous heave-ho she just got from Dex. She tells Blake she's miffed at him for confronting Dex about their relationship and assumes he paid Dex off to break up with her - but an aghast Blake assures her he would never do such a wretched thing [even though it's exactly the kind of thing that's up his alley]. Amanda tearfully apologizes, then whimpers that she has no idea what she's going to do without Dex in her life. Adam is working out in the mansion gym when Steven confronts him about Bart's gay scandal that was splashed across the front page of The National Informer. Adam once again weakly denies having had anything to do with it, but Steven doesn't buy that and angrily slams his brother against the wall. Blake hears the commotion and rushes in to break up the fight and demands to know what the devil is going on with them fighting two days in a row. Adam brusquely says, "It's personal", and Steven grunts in agreement without further explanation. A fed up Blake orders them to work out their differences, preferably without them physically attacking each other, and the two pretend they're both going to act in accordance to that. Dex stops by Alexis' office to inform her that he's leaving Denver and is no longer doinking Amanda. He calls the grisly affair with his stepdaughter a mistake and once again apologizes, then urges Alexis to not turn her back on her daughter. Alexis snaps, "I have no daughter" 'cause of how deeply the nymphet betrayed her. Dex chews on that for a few seconds before changing the subject to his final goodbye, and tells Alexis he's always and will always love her. He adds that if she ever misses him enough to want him back, she need only call him and he'll be on the first plane to rush head-first into a reconciliation. Alexis calls the offer very touching, but icily adds, "Don't wait for my call." Caress is at the La Mirage meeting with her publisher, who's questioning how accurate the 'Alexis loved Cecil Colby to death' allegation is in her book. Caress insists it's most definitely true, then requests an advance for her tell all schlock. The editor offers to write her a check for $5,000, and she squeals happily and assures him she has tons of additional juicy secrets for a sequel. After she scampers out of the room, the editor opens the suite's adjoining door, through which Alexis dramatically sashays. She calls her sister treacherous, then tells the editor she's looking forward to Caress's stunned reaction when she learns that her sister is the new owner of Creighton Publishing...and that her unauthorized biography will never see the light of day. Blake races over to ColbyCo to ask Alexis where Ben is, but she just shrugs and retorts, "How should I know?" Blake says he knows she's behind Ben's unveiling at the masquerade ball and demands to know what nefariousness she's up to now, and she snappishly obfuscates by telling him she answers to no man. A dismayed Blake tells her she's gone too far this time and calls her games which Alexis says she learned that from him, then warns that one day soon he's going to beg her for mercy. Blake growls, "You'll have a long wait!" and storms out of her office. Oscar Goldman accuses Blake of planting the 'Bart is gay' scandal in The National Informer in order to get the Fallmonts to drop the injunction against the pipeline - but Blake denies doing any such thing, then reminds Oscar that he too has had to endure the shock of admitting to the world that he has a gay son. Oscar wonders aloud how he can accept this, insists he loves Bart regardless, but now has to contend with a wife who's heartbroken...even though apparently a part of her always knew Bart was gay. Blake urges him to not behave like the kind of homophobic fucktard he was towards Steven for so many years...and Oscar says that in light of his family's current pickle, he no longer has the heart to squabble endlessly over a stupid pipeline and will simply take it on faith that Blake and his/Alexis' company won't do anything to overtly destroy the environment. Claudia is back at Carrington manor, packing up her things, when Adam enters the room and asks her whassup. She tells him she's so fuuuuuuckin' mad about him not getting her her oil well back that she's finally ending their shitty marriage and moving into a suite at the La Mirage. She then snarls at Adam to tell Blake he hasn't heard the last of her. Jackie is on the phone, arranging to have a copy of her birth certificate mailed to her suite at the La Mirage. [It remains unclear how a twenty year old has managed in her life thus far without having had access to her own birth certificate, but OK.] Dominique rushes over to the penthouse to ask Ben whaddup with the subpoena she just got from his lawyer, then makes it clear she'll never testify against Blake, or do anything that could hurt him. Ben just shrugs and says she'll have to answer questions honestly while under oath...but Dominique classifies that as harassment and says he can't possibly win this 'I want my inheritance' case. She asks him why he allowed himself to be persuaded by Alexis to come to Denver, given that anyone who gets involved with the woman ends up in trouble, and Ben's nonsensical response to that is he's home now...and that this time he's let Blake know he's home. Er, OK. Amanda drops by ColbyCo to apologize to Alexis again for knocking boots with Dex, and insists she didn't mean to hurt her. Alexis stonily says she should have thought about that before getting it on with her beloved, and admonishes her for destroying her marriage and thinking that an apology could resolve the matter. She snarlingly tells Amanda she's going to have to live with the choice that caused her mother so much suffering, then screeches, "Leave me aaaaaaaaalone!" ... and a shaken Amanda scuttles out of her office. Blake summons Adam to his office to inform him that Oscar Goldman is dropping the injunction in order to not inflict further pain upon his family. He then asks Adam if he had anything to do with the Senatorial Hopeful Admits Gay Past: College Roommate Was Lover article, and Adam chuckles and points out that the scandal brought about the desired effect of getting the injunction quickly squashed. An appalled Blake says there's no excuse for what he's done and that it was very very wrong, and Adam self-piteously retorts that he's always wrong in his eyes. Caress is boozing in the penthouse when Ben returns. She purringly invites her ex-brother-in-law's brother to join her for a drink - and maybe a little something extra in her boudoir - and Ben's all, "Ack!", tells her he suddenly remembered he has a meeting with his lawyer, and beats a hasty retreat. Ouch. Blake returns home and tells Krystle he was just served with a subpoena, and that Ben is suing him for a quarter of their father's estate: $125 million. Blake laments the bad press that's sure to arise from this court case, then vows to not let Ben destroy him. Blake brings a bouquet of flowers to his mother's gravesite, and natters to her headstone about how she used to chide him and Ben to shape up. A few seconds later, Ben arrives with his own bouquet, somehow refrains from marveling at the coincidence of both of them showing up at the cemetery at exactly the same time, and accuses Blake of turning their father against him. Ben insists that their mother loved him, to which Blake incredulously asks how he can sleep at night after the way she screamed for help. Ben points out that soon he'll be vindicated in court - but Blake argues that no court is going to award $125 million to a man who killed his own mother...and Ben glares back at him as duhn duhn duhn music starts up in the background. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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