Recap: Alexis is railing to Blake about the pain-in-the-ass injunction that's delaying the pipeline project, but Blake insists it's really not that bad. He points out that they can still move ahead with all of the planning work...then suddenly looks faint and loses his train of thought. A concerned Alexis asks him if something is wrong, and he sits down and says he's having a dizzy spell. She asks if it could somehow be related to Rita/Krystle's wacky behavior and adds that she can't help but notice they've been having marital problems lately - but Blake snappishly says he won't talk 'bout that with her, and she's like 'fine' but urges him to get checked out by a doctor asap. Outside the courthouse, Adam rails at Steven after the judge rules against them in lifting the pipeline injunction - but Steven points out that the ruling wasn't altogether unexpected. When Adam snarls that he wanted to do things his way, Steven snaps back that he doesn't trust him - just as Bart Fallmont wanders over with his lawyer (Jonathan Lake) to gloat about how the hearing went their way. Steven tells Bart he has no reason to oppose the pipeline 'cause it'll be a model for future oil delivery, and Bart responds by laughing. The dismissive reaction incenses Steven, who demands an apology - but when Bart just ignores him and walks off, Steven lunges at him...which not only seems wholly out of character for him, but is also a crazily disproportionate level of anger considering that this is about a pretty run-of-the-mill sounding injunction. Adam holds him back and is all, "Whoa, bro!" and promises that they'll be victorious in court. Blake arrives home looking tired and unwell. He tells Rita/Krystle he's going to take a nap before dinner, then gets so dizzy that he nearly falls over. Rita/Krystle summons Gerard over and the two help Blake up the stairs. Rita heads over to Delta Rho to tell George Hamilton that she no longer likes the idea of slow poisoning Blake to death. George Hamilton points out that it's "the cleanest way" to get rid of the old goat, then implores her to not get cold feet at this point 'cause they can't risk Blake divorcing her. He explains that the poison gradually slows down the heart until he eventually keels over...and once that happens, he'll flee to South America. When Rita's all, "Wuh?"and asks him if she's included in these South America plans, he tells her she needs to stay behind for awhile and put in the "performance of a lifetime" as Blake's grief-stricken widow. Rita asks what he plans on doing with the real Krystle, and he gets a faraway look in his eyes and mumbles, "She'll just disappear", then tells her she needn't worry her pretty little head about it. Jonathan Lake drops by Dominique's La Mirage suite to tell her he hates the conflict that's arisen between them, so she's like, "You should have thought about that before you took the job for the other side" and says she'd made it very clear that his decision to represent Bart Fallmont in court is a dealbreaker for them ever hooking up. Jonathan says he doesn't want this to be the end for them, and she reminds him they've only been out a couple of times [and that their dates have been boring as fuck] ... and when he leans and tries to smooch her, she shoves him away and tells him he's obviously misread her many flirty signals. George Hamilton shows Krystle various travel catalogues of South America and asks her if she'd like to come with him, then cackles about how he expects to come into a lot of money very soon. Krystle perks up at the potential escape opportunity and asks him if he'd really truly let her out of the attic, and he's like, "Sure! We'll go together." When she mumbles something incoherent, he barks, "I can't hear you!!", so she tells him her answer is yes, and assures him that he's not completely repulsive to her. He glares at her suspiciously and asks her how he can possibly believe that - right?? - so she pretends to be resigned to her fate of never seeing Blake again, and fake recalls how totes turned on she was when they were slow dancing during The Roadhouse episode. George Hamilton gets all grab-handsy and promises to make up for holding her captive in an attic once they start over together in South America, then leans in to kiss her. When she's all ew, he commands her to put her heart into it, then kisses her again. He seems satisfied enough with kiss #2 and heads for the door, leaving a thoroughly icked out Krystle staring despondently into space. Adam assures Blake he'll take care of the injunction so they can start construction of the pipeline soon, then says he really really wants Steven off of his back 'cause of all the interference he's been causing. Blake argues that since [he's under the impression that] Steven has good instincts, he wants both of them working on this project, then suffers another sudden dizzy spell. When Adam asks if he's OK, he says he should prolly go see his doctor asap. Amanda drops by Prince Michael's office at the La Mirage and plops herself atop his lap while he's on the phone. After he finishes his call, the two kiss and canoodle until Prince Michael is momentarily called away...and by scripted coincidence, Duchess Elena rushes in to tell the prince she has the list of New York names he wanted. She stops short when she sees Amanda, who demands to know what in blazes she's doing Elena explains that she and Prince Michael are working together to free their homeland and that she isn't looking to get in the middle of a marital quarrel. When Prince Michael returns to the office, Amanda poutishly asks, "How could you?" and storms out of the room...and Prince Michael chases after her out of the hotel, behind her car all the way to Carrington manor, then up the staircase and down the hall that leads to their bedroom. LOL. Amanda tells her husband she's angry that he neglected to tell her he's been working with Elena, so he points out that it's not safe for her to know all of the details and insists that he has no choice but to work with Elena 'cause she's the leader of the underground and has all of the necessary contacts. Amanda argues that Elena is mostly interested in keeping them apart, then orders him to sever all contact with her...and when Prince Michael refuses, she mutters that one day soon he's going to sorely regret that decision. Alexis arrives at the penthouse and asks Dex if he's up for some lunch, but he declines and says he has an appointment with Blake. He tells her she got a call from a mystery person in Caracas who opted to not leave a message, and Alexis scrunches her face confusedly and insists that she has no earthly idea who that might have been...and after Dex heads off to his appointment, she lights a cigarette and puffs on it while staring contemplatively into space. Dex rails at Blake for not accepting his company's bid to build the pipeline, so Blake once again explains to the dimwit that he can't commence construction on the pipeline until the injunction mess has been sorted out. Plus, he got a bunch of bids and hasn't studied any of them yet. Dex barks back that he's using the injunction to keep him off the project, then accuses him of harboring resentment against him ever since he inherited his father's seat on the Denver Carrington board and made it clear that he couldn't be bought. Blake suffers another dizzy spell, stares blankly into space for several long seconds, then quietly tells Dex he'll accept his bid - as long as he has no issue working closely with Adam and Steven and can guarantee that his company will be ready to dive in once the injunction has been lifted. Dex is all, "Kewl!" and assures him that his company will do an awesome job building the pipeline, then happily scampers off, seemingly oblivious to how sickly Blake is looking. At Carrington manor, Sammy Jo is watching TV while feasting on peanuts and soda when Steven enters the room and grimaces at the sight of her. She tells him she wants to enrol Danny in nursery school so he can socialize with other kids, but Steven's like, "Nope" 'cause he's worried she'll try to abduct him again. Sammy Jo rolls her eyes and snippily tells him he needs a new boyfriend to chill him the fuck out, then flounces out of the room. Steven notices a news brief on the TV featuring Bart Fallmont, who's railing to reporters about the soulless Carringtons and their future pipeline that will surely cause immeasurable environmental damage. He snarls about the greediness of Blake and Alexis Carrington and accuses them of desiring profits at the expense of the quality of life, and Steven's all, "The fuck?!" and storms off, half-cocked (pun intended), to confront the cheeky politician. Steven somehow tracks down Bart to an empty gym, yells, "You damn liar!", and advances on him...then hastily steps aside to allow two stunt doubles to launch a ridiculously dragged-out sequence of the [pent-up, semi-closeted] men going at it in a vigorously homoerotic wrestling match featuring a relentless abundance of kittenish hair-pulling and chokeholds - until eventually they collapse next to each other in sweaty exhaustion. The two lay on the floor, panting as they catch their breath, and stare at each other in aroused bewilderment until Steven finally gets up and stalks off. An attractive brunette (whose name we soon learn is Cassandra Morrell, but prefers to go by the more sensual sounding Caress...LOL) is lounging on her bed in a Caracas prison, putting the finishing touches on her biography of a beautiful young woman (whose name we soon learn is Alexis). A guard ambles over and tells her to pack up her shit 'cause she's being released two years early. Caress is all, "Woo hoo!" and happily packs her meagre belongings and expresses her relief at no longer having to rot away in prison...and the guard wanks her about what a pleasure it's been guarding her, given that this decrepit prison rarely houses cultured women such as herself. She thanks him for being so nice to her, and he says, "Thank the rich American who arranged your release" and escorts her out. Inside a luxurious hotel suite, a wealthy looking white man is gushing about the awesome manuscript he just finished reading, aka the soon-to-be-published biography of the world's most powerful woman. Caress enters the room decked out in a brown metallic '80s gown and says she intends to title her book Sister Dearest, and wryly says it only took her five years in a Venezuelan prison cell to write. She then picks up the phone and starts to make a person-to-person call to Alexis Dexter in Denver - then changes her mind and decides to head straight for the airport and surprise her sister dearest in person. While basking in some post-coitus afterglow, Dex happily reports to Alexis that he won the bid for Denver Carrington's pipeline project. Alexis congratulates him and asks him if he thought Blake seemed "off center", but Dex just kind of shrugs and says that Blake seemed mostly fine, though in hindsight it was a bit weird that he caved in to his demands in such a meek fashion. Alexis says she suspects that something very strange is going on with Blake and intends to get to the bottom of it. A dismayed Dex sighs and says it's none of her business - but Alexis argues that since the interests of ColbyCo are at stake with the pipeline project, it is her business, then vows to dig around until she comes up with satisfactory answers. Alexis arrives at Carrington manor to deliver a ginormous stuffed panda bear to Danny...and she's directed over to the solarium, where Sammy Jo is spending quality time with her toddler meal ticket. Alexis greets her grandson and promptly sends him off camera with the servants and panda bear, then asks Sammy Jo whassup with Rita/Krystle and Dr. Travers, specifically how much time they've been spending together. Sammy Jo snappishly says she doesn't track their movements, but Alexis sneeringly says she doesn't buy that and demands to know how Krystle met the man. When Sammy Jo stammers that he was recommended by a friend, Alexis accuses her of being evasive and asks her if Krystle's doctor lover is a friend of hers. Sammy Jo snaps, "Get off my case!" and storms off, leaving Alexis staring suspiciously after her. Adam asks Blake if he went to the doctor, and Blake says he did, but that the doctor just told him to stop working so hard. He then decides he's going to call it a day so he can go home and rest and asks Adam to keep an eye on things while he's incommunicado...and after he shuffles off, Adam walks behind Blake's desk and seats himself in the big chair looking visibly smug. Rita/Krystle snappishly asks Alexis what she's still doing in the mansion, and Alexis responds by asking her what in blazes is going on in this house. Rita/Krystle says that that's been none of her business ever since Blake threw her out decades ago...and Alexis reminds her that she has many loved ones living under his roof, then comes right out and asks if she's having affair with Dr. Travers. Rita/Krystle refuses to admit any wrongdoing and blurts out, "I don't have to put up with this crud" ... and as Alexis stares at her in puzzlement, Blake arrives home, tells Rita/Krystle he's not feeling well, and asks her to cancel their appearance tonight at the museum exhibition. Once he's out of earshot, Alexis demands again to know what the hell is going on, then tells Rita/Krystle that clearly her extramarital affair is ruining Blake's health. Rita/Krystle reminds her that this is her house and that Blake is her husband...and Alexis says this isn't the last word on the issue, then storms out. Mrs. Gunnerson is carrying a tray with some hot soup up to Blake's bedroom, and Rita/Krystle offers to take it to him herself, no doubt so that she can add a dose of poison to it. In the second floor hallway, she covertly laces the soup with whatever's in the bottle labelled caution dangerous, but then accidentally drops the bottle before going into Blake's room. Blake wearily tells her he's not very hungry, but she insists he not disappoint Mrs. Gunnerson and finish every last drop, then spoon feeds him while grinning creepishly. Claudia is sitting in bed, needle-pointing, when Adam arrives home and presents her with a gift. She bitchily warns him that she doesn't want anymore jewelry, then finds a note inside the box that reads 'I owe you Blaisel-Lankershim 1'. Adam explains that during Blake's absence from the office today, he started the process of giving her back ownership of her oil well...while also plotting to lay down the legal work to take over the entire company. Claudia makes a meh face and tells him she couldn't give two shits about that second thing, then says she's going to fight her own battle in getting the oil well back by travelling to Oklahoma and doing a title search, presumably so that she can get ownership of the land officially awarded to her in court. Over at the Delta Rho, Krystle is writhing in pain and calling out for help...and when George Hamilton bursts into the attic and asks whassup, she points at the left side of her abdomen and moans that her appendix is about to burst. He's all, "Ooooh nooo!" and says he'll bring the car around and rush her to the hospital. After he races out and leaves the attic door wide open (!), Krystle stops her fake writhing and approaches the open doorway, but George Hamilton suddenly appears and foils her escape by blocking her way and snarlingly tells her that appendix pain is on the right side of her abdomen, not the left. Sammy Jo, who's decked out in a very dressy black polka dotted outfit and matching hat, is ambling down the second floor hall of Carrington manor when she spots the caution dangerous bottle laying on the floor. She picks it up before knocking on the bedroom door...and when Rita emerges, she accusingly asks her if she's slow poisoning Blake. Rita's like, "I have no idea what you're talkin' 'bout" and denies trying to kill the old man...then slams the door shut, leaving Sammy Jo staring worriedly at the bottle. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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