Recap: Krystle wakes with a start, then tries to climb out of her hospital bed while wailing at Blake about how tiny and fragile Kristina is...and needlessly recaps that the tot's premature birth occurred after their argument, which resulted in her stunt double's dangerous roll down the Carrington manor staircase. Blake urges her to not focus on that, then assures her that their daughter is a fighter and will be totally out of woods by the time the end credits roll. In the penthouse dining area, Dex is lounging in his bathrobe while reading the paper and nibbling his breakfast. Amanda enters the room, also in her robe, and snipes at him for something or other (my brain has started to tune them out) ... and he snappishly tells her to grow up, then irritably stalks out of the room. Jeff drops by Nicole's room at the La Mirage to learn more about Peter De Vilbis' final days...and gets a confusing earful. Nicole nonsensically explains that since Peter had an expensive drug habit he needed to perpetually fund, he became obsessed with acquiring a solid gold statue that was rumored to be buried somewhere in Bolivia. Um, OK..? To that end, he got himself the requisite treasure map - but only had part of the funding for the when he somehow learned that Fallon fled her wedding, he immediately began tracking her movements. He quickly hopped aboard a plane, flew north and located Fallon at the monastery, where he attempted to squeeze more dough out of her. Jeff snarks that Peter was using Fallon the same way that she (Nicole) is trying to use him now, but Nicole promises that if he helps her find the gold statue, she won't suddenly abscond with it. She adds that she's also not slutty like Peter, aka a man who always had to have a hot woman on his arm, e.g. Fallon or the Swedish model he picked up in L.A. shortly before the plane crash. Jeff perks up at that fascinating tidbit and wonders if it's possible that the Swedish model (and not Fallon) was the person who perished on the plane with Peter...but Nicole just scrunches her face quizzically and asks, "Then where is Fallon?" Jeff furrows his caterpillar brows and says, "That's exactly what I'm going to find out." Amanda arrives at the hospital with a stuffed panda bear and checks in with Blake about the status of Baby Kristina. He tells her that the tot is doing her best not to die, then asks her how it's going with Alexis...and adds that if she ever needs to talk, she's always welcome to confide in him. Amanda tells him she's aware that he hired a PI to look into the dragged out 'could Blake possibly be Amanda's bio dad?' storyline, and Blake promises that one day soon she'll find out who her bio dad is - a mystery they could quickly resolve by grabbing the nearest doctor and ordering him to draw blood and determine, for the love of all that is holy, the likelihood of whether or not the two are father and daughter. Dr. Miller informs Blake and Krystle that Kristina has accepted the blood transfusion with no problems...and that the little gaffer is so strong and resilient that it's doubtful she'll ever have any health issues from this moment on. Blake smiles goofily, while a relieved Krystle happily mumbles that their baby is going to be just fine. Amanda drops by Alexis' ColbyCo office and is informed by Alexis that Dex is coming over, which means the three of them can have dinner together. Amanda contorts her face with a look of distaste, then tells her mother she interviewed with Maxwell Allen about a job at The Chronicle. Alexis frowns disapprovingly, snarks, "One does not break bread with vultures", and tells her she can always come work at ColbyCo if she ever wants to pretend to be a serious career woman. Dex enters the office and snipes at Amanda for something or other...and Amanda poutishly reminds him she has feelings, then angrily storms out of the office. Alexis chides Dex for his chronically bitchy attitude towards Amanda, and says he's going to have to accept the fact that this poutish, nubile young woman [with whom he's been working overtime setting the table for an 'I'm acting like I hate you even though what I really want is to make passionate love to you' scene] is her daughter. Dominique and Adam arrive at Carrington manor to give Blake the latest update on Rashid Ahmed's killing: the man who fatally shot him had a personal vendetta against him and is being solely blamed for the murder. LOL. How implausibly convenient for Blake. Adam hands Blake the confession letter Ahmed signed moments before he was killed, and Blake studies it contemplatively for a few seconds before ordering Adam to set up a press conference so he can fully exonerate himself in front of a gaggle of reporters who hopefully have nothing more newsworthy to report on that day. Amanda is sitting on the balcony, sketching a likeness of Dex's head, when Adam arrives to see whassup. Amanda complains about how talking to Dex and/or Steven always deteriorates into a contrived argument, and that she has no idea what to make of her weirdly over-dramatic mother. When Adam advises her to "learn to love Alexis on her terms", she poutishly counters, "Blake doesn't create terms." Adam chuckles heartily and says she's living in a fantasy world if she thinks Blake is any less of a douchebag than Alexis, and that at heart he's a crotchety old goat who makes it extremely hard for anyone to get to know. Amanda chews on that troubling assessment while staring contemplatively into space. Jeff tells Blake he's going out of town on a secret trip, then asks him if he wouldn't mind looking in on his son every now and again. Blake frowns disapprovingly, says Little Blake needs his father, and chides Jeff for his absent parenting style this season. Jeff snarkishly retorts that he was merely asking a simple favor, and doesn't welcome a lecture about parenting from a negligent dickwad of a father such as himself. Dean spots Claudia in the La Mirage living room and asks her whassup with her not returning his many phone calls, and she glances around the room shiftily and says they prolly shouldn't be seen talking. She adds that while their doinkfest was spectacular, it was a mistake she doesn't want to risk losing her status as a well-to-do Carrington wife-beard over. She then says, "Sorry" and wanders off, leaving Dean staring after her unhappily. Blake receives the PI's report from London, which concludes that when Alexis arrived in the UK after her banishment from Carrington manor, she lived in total seclusion until giving birth to Amanda. When Blake makes a beeline over to ColbyCo to gleefully confront Alexis with this "proof", she derisively calls the report gossip, insists again that she was impregnated by some random ski instructor, and that she had tons of parties during her pregnancy. She taunts Blake by saying he'll never know who Amanda's father is...but when Blake says he'll simply arrange for him and Amanda to take blood tests, Alexis turns ashen and cries, "I won't permit it!" Blake snarks back that there's nothing she can do to stop him, then shoots her a smug grin before storming out. After returning home from Santa Barbara, Steven drops by Claudia's office at the La Mirage to report that he and Luke are being called The Miracles 'cause of their collective miraculousness in containing the oil spill and repelling any bad media coverage of ColbyCo. When he calls Claudia out on how standoffish and weird she's acting, she assures him that everything is A-OK, and that she's just relieved he's back from his trip. Alexis, who's decked out in an animal print gown with a brown fur thing draped over her shoulders, suggests to Amanda that she go back to the Sorbonne and finish up her education. Amanda says she'd rather not, then accuses her mother of trying to get her out of Denver and far away from Blake...which prompts Dex to admonish her inability to discuss any topic without attacking her mother. When she snarks back at him, Alexis yells at them to shut up, then suggests that the three of them abruptly leave town so they can vacation at a remote ski lodge in Ruidoso, NM. Dex is all, "Wha-a-a?" and tells her he has many important meetings...but when Alexis shoots him the stink-eye, he says he'd be more than happy to cancel them if it would please Her Highness. Alexis happily rejoins, "It's settled then!" Adam tells Blake he arranged for a press conference tomorrow, then remarks on the way Dominique now appears to be part of the Denver Carrington "team". He adds that clearly there's a lot more than just business going on between her and Blake and offers his help - but Blake assures him that he can handle any Dominique-related problems that may arise. Luke stops by Carrington manor to deliver some ColbyCo documents, and Claudia invites him in for a chat about everything he and Steven did while they were in Santa Barbara. Luke says the two of them had a fab time jogging, swimming, and eating lobster - and Claudia nods knowingly and later tells Steven what a polite young man his new, unambiguously gay friend is. Amanda and Dex are sniping at each other (fuuuuuuuuuuuck) aboard the ColbyCo private jet when they get word that Alexis has been delayed at the office, and that she wants them to fly to Ruidoso without her. A few seconds later, an angry Blake calls Alexis to complain about Amanda being whisked out of town and therefore inaccessible for a blood test, and Alexis responds by hanging up on on him and ordering her assistant to arrange for private jet #2 to get fueled for an imminent trip to London. Amid a blizzard, Amanda and Dex are holed up in the cozy ski lodge in Ruidoso, anxiously awaiting Alexis' arrival. Dex calls the local airport and learns that all flights to and from the area have been grounded...and Amanda gets so upset about having to spend the night alone with Dex that she starts throwing things at him. He reacts by gently pinning her down onto a pile of plush pillows and staring lustfully into her eyes, and the camera then pans over to Amanda, who's lustfully staring back at Dex...and a few seconds later, the two begin smooching in earnest. The next morning, Dex apologizes to Amanda for the impulsive doink and says it was a UGE mistake...and Amanda half-heartedly concurs and says they should probably never speak of it to anyone. He agrees, not least 'cause he doesn't want to hurt Alexis...and a poutish looking Amanda stares back at him mutely while sipping her coffee. Blake, Dominique, and Adam hold a press conference to publicly exonerate Blake from any wrongdoing in Rashid Ahmed's death...and also to convince the reporters that the presence of Dominique and Adam in Istanbul at the exact time of Ahmed's death was purely coincidental. LOL. After watching the press conference, Krystle snarks at Blake again for the argument that nearly cost Kristina her life, and that she's having difficulty putting his many lies behind her. Jeff meets up with Nicole at La Mirage to report that Peter De Vilbis had checked into a hotel prior to locating Fallon at the monastery...and that hotel staff were able to confirm that he had checked into the hotel with the Swedish model. Jeff says he's pretty sure that the woman who died in the plane crash with Peter was not Fallon. Amanda packs her things and snappishly tells Dex she wants to get far away from America - just as Alexis breezes in wearing an extremely fluffy white fur coat with a wagonful of delicacies and champagne she orders be wheeled inside the lodge. She announces that the three of them are abruptly abandoning their ski lodge vacation to fly to London so that she and Dex can get married...and Dex is all, "Wha-a-a?" and grins stupidly, while Amanda stares at her mother and future stepfather in shocked bewilderment. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
1 Comment
10/1/2019 11:41:24 am
Okay, Dex, that's just messed up
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