Recap: Alexis is leaving Jensen's Jewellers after a meeting with the store's owner to determine if the silver rattle Adam gave her is the same one she bought from the store twenty-five years ago. [Spoiler: apparently, it is.] Blake's secretary announces that Mrs. Colby is here to see him, and he gets all happy 'cause he assumes it's Fallon, but then gets annoyed when Alexis enters. He tells her she's got a lot of nerve barging in like this after what happened at the will reading, but Alexis says she didn't come to discuss the will - but rather their son. Blake snarks back that he doesn't want to waste his time talking about a fake son, so Alexis pulls out the silver rattle that Adam gave her during the previous episode, waves it at him, and snaps, "Is this rattle a fake?" Blake takes it from her, studies it carefully and asks, "Where did this come from?" She tells him that Adam gave it to her...then reminds him that twenty-five years ago, she had Jensen's Jewellers engrave the rattle with Adam's initials. She informs him that during the meeting she just had at the jewellers, Jensen confirmed for her that they haven't made these kinds of rattles since the year Adam was born. She then gets a faraway look in her eyes and reminisces about how baby Adam used to play with the silver rattle...and poutishly asks Blake, "Do you remember?" but Blake doesn't answer and just stares contemplatively into space. He finally shakes his head and says he refuses to believe that creepy Michael Torrence is his son, but Alexis insists that she can "feel" he is. Blake says he doesn't want her to get hurt all over again, and Alexis snarks, "You think I'm a fool to accept him this fast, don't you?" and Blake replies, "Yes, I do." She glares at him and snaps, "We'll see who's a fool!" and storms out, and once again Blake stares contemplatively into space. Krystle's at Jensen's Jewellers, trying on a very expensive looking necklace...and the jeweller is gushing about how fab it looks on her just as Alexis enters the store. She greets Krystle coldly and snarks about how pricey the necklace probably is, then cattily remarks that Blake probably won't mind 'cause nothing's too good for his trophy wife. Krystle explains that the necklace she's trying on is a gift that Blake selected for her to celebrate their second wedding anniversary. Alexis retorts, "Blake is as generous as you are sweet...and vicious" and Krystle just sighs pensively and tells her that her bitchitude is getting old. She heads towards the door when Alexis stops her and admits that, yeah, she resented her for being wife #2...but no more, now that she's been reunited with her first-born son. She says that nothing will ever hurt her or make her unhappy again, and Krystle shrugs indifferently and says, "I'm happy if you're happy" and snarkishly adds that she's glad she finally has something to fill her aimless existence...and that maybe now she'll keep her big fat nose out of hers and Blake's life. She then sashays out of the store while Alexis glares after her. Alexis is lounging in her swanky new penthouse (courtesy of Cecil's death), and it's a definite upgrade from the little studio on the Carrington estate. Morgan Hess arrives to debrief her on the latest dish he uncovered about Krystle's first husband, Mark Jennings. Apparently, he played professional tennis all over the world until he retired and become a tennis instructor. Alexis tells Hess she wants proof that his/Krystle's Mexican divorce never happened, but he tells her he can't find any records to prove it did/didn't happen. She insists on something tangible, so he says in order to do that he'd have to confront Jennings in person. Alexis mulls that over and tells him not to do that, then says she'll take control of the operation from this point on. She hands him a fat check for services rendered, then brusquely dismisses him from her orbit. Jeff arrives at the La Mirada, which is undergoing construction. Inside, Fallon is excitedly gabbling at her new designer, whose name also happens to be Billy. Jeff walks right up to her and says he needs to talk to her, so the two head over to her office. He snarks about her absence from the mansion for the last few nights, and she assures him she's been busy working at the hotel, not sleeping around. He reminds her that she has a son, so she says she spent time with him this morning, and that she calls the mansion every hour to check up on him. That's gotta be a major pain for Jeannette. Jeff grumbles at her for being a "sometimes at-home mother", so she sighs wearily and asks him what he came to the hotel for. He suddenly gets a blank look on his face and goes, "I dunno. Maybe I'm too stubborn to give up on you. I figured eventually we'd make contact" and Fallon looks icked out by the prospect and says she's pretty sure she took a job that would deliberately keep her out of the house so she wouldn't have to deal with their defunct marriage. She gives him a look of bewilderment and says, "You always push me into a situation where I have to hurt you. I don't want to." He says he's not the one who wants a divorce 'cause he doesn't like the idea of their son growing up in a broken home...and then snarks that she must be trying to escape from herself, 'cause it definitely can't be him she's trying to escape (um...can, is). Fallon just stares back at him in confusion 'cause his rants are really starting to make no sense. Later, Fallon is lounging in the hotel pool on an inflatable chair when - ack! - a wet, bare-chested Adam suddenly comes upon her. He asks her if he makes her feel tense or frightened, then starts babbling about a woman he once doinked in Montana who was deathly afraid of tadpoles and used to scream at she did during their nights of unbridled passion. LOL...I'm pretty sure his sexual prowess is all in his head. He asks Fallon what her job at the hotel is - secretary? - but she remains vague and says she does "a little of everything". As the two climb out of the pool, he tells her that smooching clients will help her rise to the top, so she invokes "the peck" they exchanged in the hotel bar the other night, and he asks her if she'd like to get herself some more of that now. Thankfully, she breezily replies, "Once was pleasant enough" and he gives her one of his creepishly intense stares and says, "We're not through with each other, are we?" She then tells him she has work to do, and he asks her if he can see her later...but she doesn't answer and just stares back at him mutely. Blake and Krystle are somewhere in Montana, visiting the graveyard where Doris Torrence and her husband (Adam's faux parents) are buried, and they quickly locate their baby's grave marker as well. Blake just stares at it with a dumbfounded look on his wrinkly face, and Krystle asks him if maybe he's wrong about Adam being an impostor. Blake goes, "I dunno. We're going to have to find out" and the two head back to their private jet and fly on to Billings. Blake informs Krystle that he set up a meeting with Jonas Edwards - the doctor who signed Kate Torrence's death certificate. Dr. Edwards tells Blake that he finds the whole baby swap storyline pretty far-fetched, and Blake snarks something bitchy in reply. He asks the doctor when he was first made aware of Kate's faux grandson (Michael), and he recalls that it was near the end of September - the very same month Adam Carrington was kidnapped. Duhn duhn duhn! Blake asks him if he recalls any bruising on the baby, and the doctor says doesn't remember any...and Blake snaps about how odd that is, since the child was allegedly in a car accident. The doctor gives him a funny look and says, "You are very hostile, Mr. Carrington, you know that?" and Blake immediately looks contrite, apologizes for his dickishness, and explains that he's just upset. Dr. Edwards looks deep in thought for a few seconds and says he always did find it odd that Michael bore no resemblance to either of his parents...and apparently Kate was fond of saying, "He was of another mould." At the time, the doctor just chalked it up to her poetic nature, but now it's making him wonder if she was a cruel babynapper who hid her crime for over two decades until conveniently confessing on her death bed. Blake and Krystle are back on the private plane, enjoying an elaborate in-flight meal and drinking champagne. Blake looks weirded out by the prospect of having to accept Adam as his son and says he seemed like such an arrogant liar. [Well, d'yuh, Blake...he is part of your gene pool.] Krystle tells him that maybe he acted like that 'cause he's afraid of being rejected, but Blake says he still doesn't trust the possible impostor. Krystle gently strokes his hand and says it would be easier if he were certain that Adam isn't his son, and he sadly nods and agrees. Fallon and Adam are on a day date, enjoying a romantic boat ride with a big picnic basket in tow...and Fallon's decked out in a ridiculously flouncy white dress and floppy hat. Adam cheekily asks her if she was tempted to see the inside of his hotel room after their flirty encounter at the pool, but she just jokes about how he probably hangs out at the La Mirada 'cause he's in search of a wealthy heiress to latch onto. He gets all haughtily indignant and retorts, "If I want an heiress, she should be so lucky to latch onto me." Bwahahahaha! Considering his mediocre looks and generally creepy aura, that's pretty delusional. He says that while growing up on Montana, he learned how to handle horses and women...and he always gets what he wants. He then gives Fallon another of his intense stares and says, "And I badly want you." Ewwww. She points out that he doesn't even know her name - which, considering they're out on an actual date, is pretty fucking weird - but he says he doesn't mind 'cause he's confident she'll whisper her name to him in the heat of passion. He then calls her exciting and beautiful and leans in and gives her a smooch. The two then make plans to meet outside the hotel bar at 7pm... At 7pm on the dot, Fallon emerges from her office wearing a clingy red dress...and Adam appears to be thrilled by her punctuality and starts talking about all the doinking they're going to do that evening...and he does it by referring to them in the third person, which was weird...but then, he's a really weird guy. Alexis sashays into the hotel at that moment and sees them talking, then strides over and starts gabbling about how happy she is that they've finally met. She turns to Fallon and asks, "What do you think of your good looking brother?" and Fallon and Adam are like, "ACK!!" and stare at each other in shocked revulsion. Fallon goes, "Brother..?" and Alexis says to Adam, "Didn't you know that Fallon was your sister?" Fallon shoots Adam another ew look, and Adam can't bring himself to admit to his mother how dangerously close he just came to penetrating his sister. Alexis sweeps off, blissfully clueless about the incest that was about to happen, and Fallon mutters, "My God..." and runs to the nearest bathroom to throw up. Over at Carrington manor, Fallon is railing at Blake about how impossible it is that Michael Torrence is her long lost brother. Blake asks her how she can be so sure of that...then says that he too has had his own doubts, but is slowly starting to come around. Fallon shrieks, "He can't be!" and Blake asks her why she's so angry...but she doesn't answer 'cause she's probably too embarrassed to admit that she almost hit the sheets with her brother. Blake says he owes it to himself to get to know his son and will do his best to mend fences, but Fallon bitchily declares that she has no intention of ever seeing Michael/Adam again and storms out. The next morning, Fallon runs into Adam just after he checks out of the La Mirada. When she tries to avoid him, he asks her why she's being so bitchy toward him and reminds her that were it not for Alexis' intervention at the hotel the other night, he could have doinked his own sister. [I think that's why she's avoiding you, idiot.] He says, "In some parts of the world. they kill people for that." Er...maybe, but mostly it's just plain gross. He assures her he didn't know who she was when he started flirting with her, but she accuses him of falsely claiming to be Adam Carrington. She declares that she has only one brother - Steven - and that he's a good and decent person. Adam smirks and says, "I've heard about Steven" and I think it's safe to assume that he's dickishly mocking Steven's sexual orientation. Alexis installs Adam in her swanky penthouse, which Adam refers to as sumptuous. She hands him a gift wrapped box, and inside he finds a mirror engraved with the initials A.A.C. She calls it a welcome home gift and says she had bought it for him when he was a baby. She then declares that she wants them to celebrate their new life together and offers to take him shopping for a whole new wardrobe. Adam says he's not sure if he wants to stay in Denver after all, and Alexis pouts and goes, "Why? Why, Adam?" so he explains that he had a good life in Montana, a law practice, and friends. Alexis says he's her son, she loves him, and that he can find friends in Denver...and then Adam suddenly gets all judgey and asks her why she gave up looking for him. She insists that she and Blake hired a team of detectives and tried very very hard to find him, but Adam looks unimpressed and says, "But you gave up." She admits that eventually they had to, then tells him that Blake was shattered by the disappearance of his baby boy, and that losing him changed them forever. She begs Adam to stay in Denver and promises that they can have the most wonderful life together, then admits she needs him around 'cause no one (including her other kids) likes her very much. Adam mulls that over and it looks as though he might have changed his mind. The phone rings, and it's Blake's secretary with the message that the old goat is summoning Adam to Denver-Carrington, like pronto. Adam heads right over to Denver-Carrington, and Blake greets him with an outstretched arm and an awkward looking half smile when he enters the room. Adam smiles and shakes it and says how important it is to him that he called. He tells Blake that he and Fallon have already met - but wisely leaves out the part about the near doink - and refers to her as "bright and pretty". Blake says that the last time they spoke was really uncomfortable for him...and he admits that he's still a bit uncomfortable. That said, he offers him a job at Denver-Carrington as a lawyer, but makes it clear that he'll have to start at the bottom and work his way up. Adam pretends to think it over, then declines and tells Blake that he got a way better offer at ColbyCo - haha! - and Blake scrunches his face with displeasure. Alexis drops in at the La Mirada as Fallon is discussing the outdoor landscaping and tennis courts with her designer. Alexis ambles over and asks her how she and Adam hit it off, but Fallon avoids answering and says she's very busy. Alexis looks over at the tennis courts and tells her they look great, then asks her if she's found a tennis instructor yet. Mmm hmm, I see where this is going. Fallon says she's still looking, so Alexis says that when she finds one, she'll be a regular customer - and Fallon says her sudden interest in outdoor sports is weird. Alexis wonders why she's being so weird about Adam and asks, "There's something more...something sibling, isn't it?" Heh. She asks Fallon if she's worried that Adam will usurp her place as Blake's pet, but Fallon stays tight-lipped about their incestuous interactions. Alexis gives up on the conversation and announces that she's off to the airport, and when Fallon says she doesn't give a hoot about where she's jetting off to, Alexis coyly retorts, "You should be curious" and flounces off. Krystle urges Blake to invite Adam over to the mansion for dinner tonight...and Blake hems and haws for a few seconds, then agrees it's probably a good idea. Adam runs into Jeff in Cecil's old office at ColbyCo, and Jeff politely introduces himself. He tells Adam he's looking forward to dinner at Carrington manor tonight, and Adam chuckles that, unlike his wife, he doesn't appear to be "the enemy camp". Jeff needlessly tells him he was just in Louisiana looking into some off shore oil leases, so Adam informs him that he's working for ColbyCo and that he and Alexis are also scouting oil leases. He asks Jeff to share his findings, and Jeff reminds him that he works for Denver-Carrington and that his reports are Blake's property. Adam points out he (Jeff) owns half of ColbyCo and shouldn't worry about his reports being Blake's property, and Jeff looks irked by his unethical cheekiness and says he has to get going. He says he may not be able to make it to dinner after all, and Adam sarcastically urges him to try his hardest to be there, since he needs someone there who's from a friendly camp. Dinner time! It's dinner for three: Adam, Blake, and Krystle. Fallon and Jeff pulled no-shows 'cause I guess they didn't want to eat with Adam. Krystle asks Adam if he'd like more wine, and he says he's more of a beer guy, and that Montana is beer country. Blake asks him to regale them with tales of Montana, but Adam just glares at him and says, "Why don't you tell me about it?" and says he knows that Blake was just there, asking about him. Blake looks sheepish and admits to traveling to Montana to look into his past. Adam says he got tipped off by a friend who thought it was really strange that his supposed father didn't believe his story. He quotes Oscar Wilde: "As for believing things, I can believe anything, provided that it is quite incredible", then says, "He was gay, wasn't he?" and Blake avoids eye contact and mutters, "I wouldn't know." Adam says, "We don't have too many of them in Montana" and Blake nonsensically retorts, "I wasn't looking." LOL. Adam switches gears and says he really resents him going to Montana to check him out, so then Blake snarls, "Then why the hell did you come to dinner then?" and Adam bellows, "To tell you how much I resent it!" He then gets up from the table and storms out of the mansion, and Krystle just sits there uselessly and stares over at Blake with a look of pensive concern. Alexis is in a swanky New York hotel room, wearing a weird looking gold headband. ('80s headbands were such a funny fad.) When someone knocks on her door, she opens it, flashes a bright smile, then says, "I've been anxious to see you, Mr. Jennings!" and we see a moustached man with a lustrous mulleted 'fro standing in the doorway. Alexis tells him that Krystle desperately needs his help, and he just stares back at her with a vacuous expression on his face. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
1 Comment
8/8/2018 04:36:15 am
Ewww....GROSS! Poor Fallon, to find out the very handsome guy she exchanged tongues with (and almost errr...) is her brother and in the WORST possible way!
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