Recap: Alexis is in the hospital waiting room, still decked out in her silly wedding gown and veil and trying to look despondent. Jeff wraps up a call on a nearby pay phone, then sits next to her and informs her that Cecil's funeral has been scheduled for Thursday. Alexis dabs her eyes and hunches over, and Jeff tries to ignore the scary cleavage of her frilly gown and tells her that if there's anything she needs, he's more than happy to help out. She gives him a grateful smile and tells him she's glad he's here, then marvels at his kindness. She recalls the day Blake ordered her to pack up and leave Denver, all those years ago. Apparently, little Jeff toddled into her room with a flower and told her he didn't want her to leave. Alexis kisses Jeff on the cheek and says he made a difficult day more bearable - the way he's doing right now. She then moans about what a strong man Cecil was (not counting his bum heart), then dramatically collapses against Jeff's chest and fake weeps. In the next scene, Jeff is hanging with Blake at Denver-Carrington, and the two are quietly sharing a drink. Jeff babbles something about how he just felt Cecil's presence in his office...and he now regrets hating him so much, as well as nearly strangling him to death when he learned that he was blackmailing Claudia. He shakes his head in bewilderment and rhetorically asks, "How can I love and hate someone so much at the same time?" Blake tells him he did nothing to hurt Cecil, and Jeff sucks up and says he loves him (Blake) as a father, and will ensure that Baby Blake grows up to love and respect him in the very same way. He chuckles and adds, "Fallon oughta like that" and Blake grimaces and says they should probably discuss his train wreck of a marriage. Over at the La Mirada, Fallon is meeting with a set designer named Bill, who she's hired to give the hotel a fresh new look. He shows her various renderings of his design ideas, and she squeals and gushes, "I love them!" She tells him she wants to turn the hotel into a pleasure palace, then offers him a percentage of the profits and $50,000. He cheekily negotiates the price up to $55,000, then grins and says, "You are going to be a fun lady to do business with." Fallon smiles at him with a goofily smitten look on her face...and it's going to be pretty awkward when she finally picks up on the unmistakable non-hetero vibe Bill's been giving off during this entire scene. Jeff arrives at the La Mirada to see whassup with Fallon and their crumbling marriage. When he doesn't find her in the lobby, he heads over to the hotel bar and sees her openly canoodling with her gay designer. He looks disgusted/dismayed/confused and beats a hasty retreat. Jeff returns to the mansion and heads up to the nursery, which I notice is now being monitored by a uniformed security guard. Jeff picks up Baby Blake, gives him a kiss and a nuzzle, then puts him back in his crib...and a few seconds later, Fallon enters the room carrying a stuffed bear. Jeff snorts and sarcastically snarks, "Oh. You're home." She tells him she just hired an awesome designer for the hotel, but he just bitches about how she never told him she was taking the job. He snidely asks her if she has any other surprises he doesn't yet know about, so she coldly retorts, "Yeah. I want a separation, and then a divorce." He asks her if this means he'll be expected to move out - um...d'yuh? - then declares that he refuses to leave his son. Fallon shrugs and tells him to pick a spare bedroom and start sleeping in there. (Isn't he already doing that?) She tells him she's very excited about her new life as a hotel proprietor, and that she thinks being fulfilled will make her a better mother. Jeff grumbles that he'd rather she stayed home full time to take care of Baby Blake, then shifts gears and mentions something about Cecil's funeral. Fallon gasps and goes, "Oh God! He died?!" LOL. Jeff glares at her and snarks that he doubts Cecil's death matters to her - him being a Colby and all - then storms out of the nursery. Alexis is hanging in Cecil's office with Cecil's secretary, Katherine, and the two briefly bond in their grief. Fallon stops by to offer Alexis her condolences, and Alexis says she's surprised she bothered to come, given how much she loathed Cecil. Fallon says she only hated him for trying to ruin Blake - but Alexis just gives her the stink-eye and guilts her about how she refused to attend their wedding, and then didn't bother calling her when Baby Blake was recovered from his kidnapper. She says the only family member who's shown her any kindness or consideration is Jeff. Alexis smugly tells her she'll probably become a very rich woman after the reading of the will, and Fallon reminds her that she's not going to be hitting her up for any of her newly acquired cash, since she already has unlimited access to her daddy's millions. She mocks Alexis for being on pins and needles about whether or not she's a beneficiary in Cecil's will, then flounces out of the office...and Alexis poutishly contorts her lips and looks contemplative. Krystle's wearing a weird looking flowy robe/dress thing and hanging at the lily pond on the estate when Blake comes galloping over on a horse. He dismounts and tells her he had a great ride and - ack! - we're forced to watch him walk around in very snug riding pants. Krystle tells him that Fallon called to say she'll be late for dinner 'cause she had some business to attend to at the hotel, and Blake rolls his eyes and wonders aloud how long her gung-ho-ness about having a job is going to last. (I give it a week.) Krystle chides him for treating Fallon like a doll instead of a grown up, then points out that she's trying to find herself and thinks maybe having a job is a good way to do that. Blake snaps that he thinks Fallon is just doing this to cut Jeff out of her life, then apologizes for his snappishness two seconds ago and whines that if he hadn't given Fallon the La Mirada to run, she would have left Carrington manor with the baby. I really don't get why this would be such a terrible thing. Krystle urges Blake to "bend a little", so he agrees to not be so controlling, if. She then gives the old goat a neck massage - gross - and he remarks how ironic it is that both Steven and Fallon are desperate to get out of the Carrington fold - while a fake spawn (aka Michael Torrence) is so willing to fight his way in. At the La Mirada, Adam is on the phone, trying to track down his bio ma, Alexis. Bill arrives at the La Mirada with a bunch of new sketches, and Fallon glances at them and says she loves them all. Bill dishes about how he ran into her manager, who haughtily asked what he and Fallon are up to...and Fallon rolls her eyes and calls the manager "the king of status quo". Bill tells her it's clear that the man doesn't like the idea of change, but Fallon just shrugs and says he can work somewhere else if he's unwilling to conform to her pleasure palace vision. Bill informs her that he also chatted with a few of the hotel regulars, and they too told him they like the place the way it is - but Fallon doesn't give a rat's ass 'bout that either and says she hopes to attract a fresh new clientele. She gives Bill the green light to proceed with his design ideas. Adam tells the hotel clerk he plans to check out tomorrow, then bumps into Fallon, and the two recall their recent encounter in the elevator at Denver-Carrington. He jokes that she's probably been searching for him ever since, and when she raises her eyebrow to give him a seriously? look, he quickly says, "I'm just putting you on." She snarks, "I'm putting you off" but he's unfazed by her haughty 'tude and gives her an intense stare as he invites her to join him for a drink. Somehow she's not creeped out by his inherent creepiness, and the two head over to the hotel bar. In the next scene, Adam is ordering a second round of drinks for Fallon and himself, and he starts to get very touchy-feely and puts his arm around her. They have a discussion about how they both sleep naked during the summer months...and then - oh sweet baby Jesus - the two start feverishly making out. Fortunately, before things can get any blechier, Fallon abruptly gets up from the table and makes a beeline toward the exit. Adam yells after her that he still doesn't know her name, and she grins and playfully retorts, "I know you don't!" A few seconds later, Adam happens to look up at the TV and catches a news broadcast about Cecil Colby's death...and the reporter informs viewers that he died only moments after marrying Alexis Carrington. They show footage of Alexis leaving the hospital, and Adam perks up and is all, "Mama..?!" and rushes back to the hotel clerk and tells him he's not checking out tomorrow after all. He announces, "I have things to do!" and smiles gleefully. Fallon's back at the mansion, interviewing a candidate for the position of baby nurse. Jeff enters the room, and the woman being interviewed accidentally knocks over her papers when she gets up to shake his hand. Jeff furrows his caterpillar eyebrows, tells the woman they'll be in touch, and abruptly dismisses her...and she exits the mansion, looking bewildered and befuddled. Fallon snarks, "What the hell are you doing?" so he explains that he smelled alcohol on the woman's breath. Fallon's all, "Wha-a?!" and says she may need his help with hiring a baby nurse. Fallon flounces over to Krystle's room and asks her if it's OK to keep Jeannette (the maid) on baby duty until she can find a suitable baby nurse. Krystle says it's A-OK with her, then adds that it's not really up to her since she doesn't actually supervise Jeannette. Fallon asks her if she thinks she should be taking care of the baby herself, and Krystle insists that she doesn't think anything of the kind. She tells Fallon she should do whatever she wants...and that if she gave a rat's ass about her life, she'd blindly accept all of her life decisions. To underscore her support, she tells Fallon she just told Blake that he should let her give her faux career a chance - but Fallon snarks that she doesn't buy that and storms out of the room. Cecil's lawyer (Gerald) is in the study, chatting with Blake and Krystle. He tells them that for some reason Cecil wanted the two of them to be present during the reading of the will. Blake's all, "Wha-a?!" and calls it bizarre, so Gerald explains that Cecil arranged for some sort of dramatic reveal that will take place just after the reading of the will. Apparently, Cecil had a premonition that he was going to die soon, so he ordered Gerald to go to his office and retrieve a secret envelop...and when it's opened tomorrow, all will be revealed. Joseph arrives at the La Mirada to pick up some papers for Blake. As he's chatting with the hotel clerk, Adam overhears him say Carrington, so he rushes over to introduce himself and learns that Joseph is in charge of the household staff at the Carrington mansion. Adam asks him if he knows Alexis, and Joseph stares back at him with disdain and says if he wants to know anything about that she-devil, he should ask her himself. As Joseph stiffly stalks off, Adam looks intrigued and murmurs, "OK. I'll have to do that." Alexis saunters into Cecil's office at ColbyCo, dressed in a black dress and veil - and she finds Katherine looking sad and clutching a big bouquet. (I really think Katherine's taking her boss's death much too hard.) A few seconds later, Krystle arrives wearing a weird looking fur thing slung over one shoulder, and Alexis demands to know what she's doing here. Krystle explains that she and Blake were summoned (from beyond the grave by Cecil - eeek!) to attend the will reading. Alexis snaps, "That's impossible!" and Krystle agrees that it is very strange...but nevertheless, Cecil did leave his lawyer with those instructions shortly before he died. Alexis asks what her connection to Cecil was and snarkishly hints that since she's so ambitious, she probably had a dalliance with him on the side - and Krystle gets indignant and says that that sounds more like something she (Alexis) would do - which, it kinda does. Krystle mocks her for pursuing Cecil when it became clear that she was never going to win Blake back, and then forced the dying man to marry her two seconds before he keeled over. Alexis gets incensed and asks her if she's accusing her of killing her husband, and Krystle looks fake bewildered and says that that hadn't occurred to her until she mentioned it just now. She and her fur thing flounce off, and Alexis shoots her the stink-eye from behind her black hat veil. It's will reading time! Gerald reads aloud Cecil's final wishes: $10,000 and a year's salary goes to his housekeeper, and $50,000 goes to his secretary, Katherine. Alexis, his wife of two minutes, receives his estate and penthouse apartment, along with all of his business holdings. Cecil then included in his will that if his wife fails to produce an heir (say what?), then half of his business holdings will be bequeathed to Jeff. Since I'm pretty sure that Alexis is waay past the childbearing stage of her life, enjoy your newfound riches, Jeff. Now that the reading of the will is concluded, Gerald announces that he received further instructions from Cecil, then pulls out the secret envelop. Inside is a letter informing Blake that he (Cecil) is now speaking to him from his grave. Eeek! It basically says that he's hated him ever since he stole his beloved Alexis away from him and married her...and, in the interest of payback, he now wants to share the details of his sophomoric revenge plot against him. Gerald then hastily pops a videocassette into the VCR and hits play, and we see that it's footage of Blake from The Fragment episode as he barks to Rhinewood about how tired he is of this farce. For some strange reason, this scene was re-shot with Blake standing in front of a white wall instead of sitting in the tacky Vegas suite the way it actually occurred during that episode, but I guess producers in the '80s weren't so concerned with continuity. Blake asks Gerald what that tape is doing here, so Gerald continues reading Cecil's letter, which pronounces, "I am Logan Rhinewood." He then declares that he leaves it in the hands of Alexis to take control of Denver-Carrington and bring Blake to his knees. A few seconds later, Gerald abruptly announces, "This concludes the reading of the will", then packs up his stuff and flees. LOL. An incensed Blake storms over to Alexis and accuses her of being in on the nonsensical Rhinewood masquerade, but she poutishly retorts that she didn't know a thing about it. He doesn't buy that and bellows, "You just try to take Denver-Carrington away from me! I'll fight you for the rest of my life!" Once everyone has left, Alexis adds a shot of liquor to her coffee. She ambles over to Cecil's chair and dramatically shakes her head and wails, "Damn you, Cecil! Damn you for dying and leaving me to take care of this myself!" She says she has no idea how to bring Blake to his knees all on her own. Suddenly, she senses that someone else has entered the room and whirls around to face the doorway and sees Adam. She asks him who he is, and he cryptically replies, "I wonder. They call me Michael Torrence." He says he came a long way to see her, and she perks up and looks intrigued. He tells her that a dear old woman/deranged kidnapper died in Billings last week...but before she kicked off she gave him something of great importance. He then pulls out the silver rattle that bears his initials and hands it to Alexis. She studies it carefully as he tells her that his faux grandmother stole him from a baby carriage in front of a store on a rainy day, twenty-five years ago...and that she told him his real name is Adam Alexander Carrington. Alexis looks stunned, and Adam tells her he recently told all this to Blake, but the dickwad threw him out of his office...and he pretty much expects her to do the same. Alexis suddenly gets faint and sinks into the nearest chair. She weakly asks him where he's going, so he tells her he's staying at the La Mirada. He says if she believes he's really Adam, she should drop by or give him a call...but if she doesn't, he'll understand and return to Billings and live out his life there. As Alexis stares over at him in mute shock, he smarmily tells her he'll always cherish setting his eyes on his real and very beautiful bio ma, and then leaves her alone to digest this startling revelation. Alexis picks up the rattle and murmurs, "Adam..? Is that you? Is it really you?" and Adam is standing right outside the door, listening and smirking. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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