Recap: Blake is on the phone with Andrew Laird after summoning him from New York to help him deal with Alexis' plan to take control of Denver-Carrington. Blake orders him to meet him at his office, then ends the call just as Krystle enters the room cradling Danny. Blake kisses both of them good morning and grimly says he's off "to do battle with Alexis". Krystle shakes her head in pensive disgust and says she has a feeling that Alexis is hiding something regarding Jeff's poisoning. At the very least, she believes that Alexis took advantage of Jeff's illness in order to get him to sign over Baby Blake's Denver-Carrington shares to her. Blake assures her he'll handle the matter and heads off to work. Blake grumbles to Andrew about how Alexis wants his head "on a silver tray" and Andrew says he's surprised that Alexis wants to be the CEO of a merged oil company 'cause it sounds "too much like work". Hee, that's exactly what I was thinking too. Blake tells him that this is "a new Alexis" and that she's called a meeting to lay out a plan for a merger of Denver-Carrington and ColbyCo, during which she'll declare herself CEO of the oil though she's in any way qualified to take on that kind of a role. Blake suggests getting a judge to issue an injunction to prevent a takeover on the grounds that Jeff was acting very squirrelly at the time he signed over his son's shares to Alexis - but Andrew grimly shakes his head, says it's not feasible or provable and that he doubts any judge will buy that. Blake snappishly retorts, "Damn it! I don't want to hear that!" and bitchily adds that he doesn't pay him to argue and he wants action. He barks, "And I want it fast!" I'll bet Andrew is wishing he stayed in New York. Alexis is preparing to travel to Switzerland to accompany Jeff to the spa...and by preparing to travel to Switzerland, I mean she's decked out in a fantastic white turtleneck, matching pants, and a furry white hat - as though she's about to hit the slopes of St. Moritz. Adam arrives at the penthouse and is all, "Wha-a?" and says he thought she was simply going to ship Jeff off to an out-of-country spa so they wouldn't have to worry about him spilling the beans about poisoned paint to investigators. Alexis explains that she doesn't want Jeff to travel alone, particularly after what he (Adam) did to him, and Adam snaps, "Why not?!" and reminds her that she has more pressing business in Denver: the takeover of Denver-Carrington. Alexis shoots him a wary stink-eye and says, "I really don't care to be criticized by you" and tells him they'll just schedule the merger meeting for sometime next week. Adam barks, "You're giving Blake a week's reprieve! Time to regroup and counter-attack!" but Alexis shrugs indifferently and says that flying to Switzerland with Jeff is the least she can do for a man he so callously poisoned. Adam accuses her of harboring a "yen" for Jeff, and Alexis shakes her head dramatically, is all, "Wha-a?!" and demands an immediate apology for that filthy remark. Adam suddenly remembers which side of his bread is buttered and hastily apologizes, agreeing that it was unforgivable [though totally within the realm of possibility, considering Alexis' penchant for young-ish boy toys]. Alexis arrives at the hospital wearing a furry white coat that perfectly matches her furry white hat. She orders a nurse to get Jeff ready for travel, and the confused nurse informs her that she has no orders to release him. Alexis snarks, "You have now" and the nurse makes a beeline over to the nearest phone and calls Dr. Robinson. Alexis is in Jeff's hospital room, packing up his things and waxing on about how wonderful the Swiss spa is - while Jeff sits on the edge of the bed, looking groggy. Alexis tells him it's A-OK if he wants to travel in his robe and slippers, and she helps him off the bed and is steering him toward the door when Blake and Dr. Robinson suddenly burst in. Blake demands to know what the hell she's doing, then yanks her over to the side of the room and reminds her that Jeff still has a toxic chemical in his system. Alexis insists that he'll get better in the Swiss spa a lot faster than in this "dreary hole", so Dr. Robinson sternly reminds her that Jeff is his patient and he will not release him in his current state. Alexis poutishly argues, "But I've already chartered a private plane!" - LOL - but the doctor stands firm. As Alexis continues to protest, Blake drags her toward the door and throws her out of the room. Out in the hall, she snarls, "The glorious day is finally coming when I'm going to bring you down!" and Blake's just like, "Whatever" and informs her that he's posting a guard at Jeff's door to prevent anyone from unlawfully removing him from the hospital. Alexis lets out an exasperated sigh and flounces toward the exit. Back at Carrington manor, Krystle and a glum looking Blake are sharing a meal. She asks him whaddup with his bad mood, and he says it's 'cause they still don't know how Jeff was poisoned and is worried it could happen again. Andrew arrives at the mansion and joins them in the dining room to provide an update on Operation Stop Alexis From Merging Their Two Companies. He says that trying to get an injunction from a judge could take a year...and that he's called every judge he knows, but none of them would even listen to him 'cause they didn't believe he has any real proof that Jeff was too squirrelly to know what he was doing when he signed over his son's shares of Denver-Carrington to Alexis. Andrew suggests that Jeff formally revoke what he signed, but Blake doesn't want to put him through that and says they'll have to find another way. Well that's just dumb. Blake's brilliant idea is to order Andrew to contact their board members and convince at least six of them to get out town and remain incommunicado so that Alexis won't be able to get a quorum when she tries to convene a board meeting. Andrew nods obediently, and Blake says, "All right, my friend. You've got your work cut out for you!" and the camera pans around the table while Blake, Krystle, and Andrew mutely stare at each other for what seems like a really loooong time. Jeff has been released from the hospital and arrives at Carrington manor, still dressed in his robe and slippers. If he's too weak to put clothes on, maybe he still needs to be hospitalized. Krystle and Blake warmly welcome him, and Dr. Robinson orders him to get some rest, like pronto. As Krystle helps Jeff up the stairs, Blake and Dr. Robinson head over to the study. Blake says he's miffed that the lab technicians at the hospital aren't devoting every waking hour to identify the chemical that poisoned Jeff. The doctor says the important thing is that Jeff is recovering, even if they can't identify the chemical in his system - but Blake doesn't accept that and says he's going to hire a private lab to get the job done. Krystle brings Jeff some flowers to brighten up his room, then apologizes for not getting him to a doctor before he collapsed in Blake's arms. Jeff says he barely remembers that, and is bothered by all the terrible things he did to so many people. He asks about Fallon, and Krystle tells him she's returning from Haiti tomorrow. He sheepishly says he should probably look for another place to live, considering he recently tried to kill her - plus he's not really part of the family anymore. Blake suddenly appears in the doorway and barks, "The hell you're not" and assures Jeff that he'll always be part of the Carrington brood. Blake asks him if Alexis pressured him to sign any legal documents, and he furrows his furry caterpillar eyebrows and says, "I don't think so." He does, however, recall that Adam was in his office, and that he asked him to sign a document...and shortly after that Alexis flounced in, and then she and Adam left together. Jeff remembers that the document he signed had something to do with Baby Blake's shares of Denver-Carrington, which prompts him to wail, "What did I doooo?!" Jeff ambles over to the nursery, where he finds Kirby playing with Baby Blake. Jeff cuddles his son and tells Kirby she'll make someone a wonderful wife one day. Kirby, who clearly wants to be his wonderful wife, grimaces and stares unhappily into space. Andrew reports back to Blake and tells him it's been a rough but productive day. He managed to convince five board members to abruptly leave town - but needed one more, so he went to Sam Dexter and strong-armed him by reminding him that he owed Blake a favor. Dexter gave him a lot of flak, blah blah...but in the end agreed to leave down. Blake is thrilled that his dumb plan worked, and pours him and Andrew drinks while smugly saying, "Alexis is going to find out what it's like in the big leagues." LOL. Not from this she's not. It's the middle of the night and Kirby peeks outside her bedroom door and notices an armed guard patrolling the hallway. When he's out of sight, she tip-toes down the hall to Jeff's room. She hovers over him as he sleeps and asks him why why?! he had to be unconscious that day in the hospital when she finally had the courage to profess her love for him. She sits on the edge of the bed and continues nattering about her feelings...and a few seconds later, Jeff wakes up and silently listens to her. She says she "almost died" when he told her she'd be a wonderful wife for someone, then confesses that she's always wanted and loved him. Jeff suddenly rolls over, which startles Kirby, and she gets up and starts to scurry toward the door...but he asks her to stay, and she strips off her robe, leans over him and gives him a big smooch. Kirby wakes up at 5am and is being spooned by a sleeping Jeff. She quietly slips out of his bed, then tip-toes back to her room without getting caught by the armed guard. Later that morning, Mark and Fallon return from Haiti. As they stand facing each other in the vestibule of the mansion, Fallon thanks him for seeing her through a bad time and for being a real friend. Mark tells her that their platonic-ness is only temporary, then says, "I have designs on your beautiful soul" - LOL - and Fallon grins and says she's not exactly turned off by him either. The two start smooching in earnest - and at that moment, Krystle happens to walk onto the landing at the top of the staircase and sees them kissing. She stares at them in shock for several seconds before quietly scurrying off. Fallon heads over to the nursery to spend time with her baby, so Kirby says she'll leave them alone for some quality time and heads downstairs. She runs into her Papá, who remarks that she looks tired, then tells her that Adam is waiting for her in the solarium. She immediately heads over there, and Adam hands her a French/English dictionary that includes commonly used words/phrases used in the oil business. Kirby says she won't be needing that and informs him that she's changed her mind about taking the job. Adam looks peeved and says he desperately needs her translation services for an important meeting in Colorado Springs this week. He begs her to pleeeeease not back now she gives in and promises to help him out. When she turns around to exit the room, Adam smirks to himself, which can only mean he's up to no good. Krystle asks Blake how Fallon reacted to her son's shares being signed over to Alexis, and Blake says there's not a whole heckuva lot she can do about it, since Jeff was the trustee of those shares. He assures Krystle that he'll take care of the matter and actually says the words, "Don't worry your pretty head about it" (!) and Krystle responds by smiling serenely and telling him he doesn't have exclusive worrying rights in this family. After Blake leaves for the office, Krystle heads down to the dining room, where Fallon is eating breakfast. Krystle brings up her breakup with Mark and says that when they split, she shied away from any romantic involvements for a long time. Subtle, Krystle. Fallon asks her if she's passive-aggressively trying to tell her something, but Krystle just advises her to not rush into any new relationships. Especially with her '70s porn star ex-husband. Alexis sweeps into the La Mirage, decked out in a fabulous fuchsia suit accessorized with a black fur hat and matching scarf. She runs into Mark and asks her boy toy to forgive her for not being in touch lately, and he says it's not necessary and that he understands she has more important things on her schedule. She insists that he's an important thing on her schedule, then saucily asks him if he's free for dinner (aka a romp) later. Before he can think up an excuse to decline boning the old gal, a hotel employee interrupts their conversation to tell Mark that he has a bunch of messages from people about getting some tennis lessons, now that he's back. Alexis stares at him in puzzlement and asks, "Back from where?" and remarks that he's all tanned. Mark gives her a vague retort that doesn't actually answer her question, then breezily says, "See ya later!" and Alexis stares after him, looking miffed. She snarks to herself, "Well...aren't we suddenly circumspect?" Over at ColbyCo, Adam hands Alexis a stack of telegrams that were sent out earlier, summoning the board members of Denver-Carrington for an emergency board meeting tomorrow, and then gleefully tells her that by tomorrow she will have replaced Blake as the CEO of Denver-Carrington. She still looks miffed about Mark blowing off her sex invitation, and she tells Adam that she's distracted by a minor personal problem. Her male secretary abruptly enters the office to deliver a memo, which states that the telegrams that were sent out could not be delivered to six of the board members, which means they can't make a quorum. Alexis slams the stack of telegrams down and shrieks, "Damn it!" and Adam snarks about how incredible it is that six board members are suddenly unavailable. Alexis says this isn't a coincidence - it's a manipulation...and she refuses to be out-manipulated by anyone. She declares to Adam that she wants all of the missing board members found by tomorrow...then dramatically crumples up the memo. Krystle gets a call from Sammy Jo, telling her that she signed the adoption papers and dropped them in the mail - so they should arrive at Carrington manor in a couple of days. Blake is delighted at this latest development, and he and Krystle playfully chase each other around the room and throw pillows at each other. I guess it's better than him raping her again. He mounts her - ew - and she stares up at him, flushed with happiness as she says that once her divorce from Mark is final, they can remarry and officially adopt Danny. She squeals, "I want to celebrate!" and the two start getting it on, which...blech. Kirby is moping in the solarium when Jeff enters the room. He asks her why she's been avoiding him, and she says, "No reason" then tells him she meant every word she said to him the other night...but that it's obvious he doesn't feel the same way. Jeff lifts her up so that they're in a really awkward looking embrace and credits her for being there when he needed her...and the two start smooching. Singapore! Steven and his doctor are playing a game of chess. The doctor asks him if he plans on returning to wherever it is he came from, and Steven glumly says, "Probably not." The doctor urges him to "confront things" in his former life and explains that in his culture, it's common to examine life over and over again, blah blah...then announces that he has to go make his rounds. Dan Cassidy (from Bali) arrives at the hospital in Singapore, 'cause apparently the doctor had summoned him to discuss "Ben Reynolds". Cassidy says that Ben Reynolds was on the rig in the Java Sea before it blew up, so it's possible this blonde mystery man could be him. The doctor says he's doubtful of that, since he was wearing a belt buckle with a big "C" on it (instead of an "R"). Cassidy mulls that over, agrees that it's really weird for a man to wear a belt buckle that has on it a letter which doesn't match the first letter of his last name, and says he'd be willing to take a look at "Ben". The doctor explains that he had to do extensive repairs on his face and didn't have photographs to work off of, so it's likely he'll be unrecognizable. The two step into Steven's room as he sleeps, and Cassidy glances down at him and studies him for several seconds. The doctor goes, "Well..?" and Cassidy shakes his head, then mutely stares at the doctor. Blake arrives at Denver-Carrington and finds an enraged Alexis waiting for him in his office. She asks him if he received a summons to appear at a Denver-Carrington board meeting today, and he openly smirks at her and says yes. She haughtily informs him that six members of the board cannot be located, which means they can't have a quorum. Blake grins and retorts, "Yeah, I heard about that" so Alexis snaps, "You're playing me!" and Blake tells her she's in "a high stakes game" and that he has no intention of losing to her. Alexis dramatically shakes her head from side to side and vows to track down every missing board member and force them to attend her meeting - but Blake tells her not to bother, since he has all kinds of weapons he can use against her. Blake's secretary suddenly buzzes him and tells him he has an urgent call from Dan Cassidy in Singapore, and he's all, "Wha-a?" and picks up the phone. Cassidy tells him that a man who survived the rig blast on the Java Sea is recovering in a hospital in Singapore, and it's possible that this man could be Steven. Blake gasps, "Steven...alive?" and Alexis clutches her chest and breathily murmurs, "Oh God. Please let it be true." be true. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
1 Comment
9/18/2023 03:57:48 pm
OMG! our recaps make me snort into my coffee! Oh, the sophisticated ID analysis: belt-buckle-monogram-ology.
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