Recap: Alexis is carrying a basket of freshly cut roses and strolling near the pool where Blake is swimming - and I use the term (swimming) loosely 'cause he looks really awkward flapping around in the water. For someone who owns a pool, he doesn't seem like a very adept swimmer. Blake climbs out of the pool and puts on his robe, and I'm grateful for the clever camera work that spared me from having to view too much of his bare-chested, pasty little body. Alexis remarks that he's kept himself in fantastic shape, and he gruffly thanks her for the compliment. She then informs him that she asked the gardener to cut some roses for her, and he tells her he knows that that's bullcack, since the gardener has the day off. Alexis chuckles and breezily reminds him how he always used to forgive her fibs...and then the two reminisce about their honeymoon, blah blah. She tells him that he and Steven should kiss and make up, and he snarls, "Why?" so she says, "Well, for one thing, he's your only child." Blake growls that he's not going to stand there and listen to "that damned lie" about Fallon, but Alexis insists that he's not her father. Blake insists he is, then accuses Alexis of saying this merely to hurt him. Alexis tells him he's denying the truth, and he growls at her to take him up on his offer to buy the studio, then leave Denver for good. Jeff finishes getting dressed, then ambles over to the bed where Fallon is still asleep and gives her a playful kiss to wake her up. He reminds her it's Saturday and that she promised to go house-hunting with him, but she frowns disinterestedly and moans about how hungover she is (apparently she drank an entire bottle of wine the night before). Jeff is eager to look at houses now that they're trying to start a family (ew), but she just shoots him a blank stare and denies making any such promise and basically says she's not interested in moving out of daddy's ever. Their conversation gets interrupted by a phone call from Steven, who tells Fallon she needs to come over to his apartment for an important chat asap. She furrows her brows concernedly and tells him she'll be right over. Fallon tells Steven she's surprised he's even talking to her 'cause of how mad he was at her for being so bitchy to Alexis. Steven concedes that he has no right to tell her how she should feel about their mother, then says she's his sister and doesn't want to fight anymore. She gives him a hug and tells him she's missed him...then says that Blake has missed him too and that the two of them should just let bygones be bygones. She tells him to put himself in Blake's shoes and asks him how he expected their father to react when he walked in and found his son practically tonguing another man. Steven points out that that's not at all what happened when Blake burst in on him and Ted, but Fallon's like, "Whatever" and tells him they "struck it rich" when they got Blake as a father. Steven makes a blech face, then tells her that no matter what she hears or what anyone else says, he's her brother and they'll always have each other. Fallon scrunches her face in confusion and asks him what he's trying to tell her, but Steven remains tight-lipped and just says he loves her. Jeff is finishing up his breakfast when Krystle enters the dining room and starts slamming stuff around. Jeff asks her if she's OK, but she doesn't respond and glares out the window that faces Alexis' studio. Jeff tells her that he and Fallon are house-hunting today, and Krystle looks over at him in surprise and is all, "Wuh?" and says she hopes he and Fallon don't feel any pressure to move out because of her pregnancy. Jeff goes, "Wuh? You're pregnant?" and Krystle gives him a funny look and says she told Fallon days ago and assumed she'd have told him by now. Blake enters the room, and Jeff congratulates him on the baby then heads out. Krystle tells Blake she's miffed 'cause she wanted to take roses up to Claudia, but couldn't 'cause Alexis cut the last of the roses for herself. Blake advises her not to let Alexis get to her, then promises she'll be out of the way soon enough. Joseph enters the room carrying a rotary phone and tells Blake he has an important phone call from L.A. Ahh, the unfortunate pre cell phone era. Blake picks up the phone, looks irked at whatever news he just got, then tells Krystle he has to head over to the airport right away. After he leaves, Krystle asks Jeannette (the maid) who the mistress of the house is, and Jeannette looks befuddled by the dumb question and says, "You are, ma'am." Krystle gives her a smug smile, says, "Thank you!" and rushes out. Alexis is trying to get a hold of Cecil, but he's not in his office yet so she tells his secretary she'll call back. Krystle strides purposefully across the lawn toward the studio, then meekly knocks on the door...and Alexis, who's working on a new painting, invites her in. Krystle gripes at her for taking the last of the roses and says it pissed her off 'cause she wanted to make a special rose bouquet for a sick house guest. Alexis glances over at her vase of roses and remarks on the delicateness of the petals and how they make a good painting subject. Krystle sternly orders her never to do that again - then makes it clear that she's not a house guest, and the only reason she and Blake are tolerating her presence on the property is 'cause she holds the deed to the studio. She then snarks at her to buy her own damn flowers if she needs something to paint. Alexis tells her she's absolutely right, then picks up the rose filled vase and carries it over to Krystle...then pretends as though she's just noticed Krystle for the first time and tells her she's very beautiful and would be a lovely subject to paint. Krystle snaps back that she's not looking for phony compliments and starts to leave, but Alexis insists she'd love to do a portrait of her, and that they could give the painting to Blake! As a gift! LOL. Krystle's like, "You have some nerve!" and storms out, and Alexis smirks to herself in amusement. Blake arrives at the airport to meet Cecil's private plane, which has just landed. The two discuss Alexis's return to town, and Cecil remarks that she's still as beautiful as ever. Blake's like, "Whatever" and then snarks at him for being duplicitous in the way he pushed him out of some offshore deal. He demands an explanation, so Cecil assures him that he fought to keep him included, but the others (investors? stockholders?) were understandably turned off by his recent guilty verdict. Blake grumbles that he could have fought for him if he'd really wanted to...and Cecil insists he did his best, but Blake doesn't buy it. Ho hum.. Nick Toscanni arrives at the mansion in his fancy sports car. He enters the house and finds Krystle working on an arrangement of roses. Hmm...I wonder if she went out and bought some? Or maybe Joseph delegated someone for that task. She asks Nick if he thinks it would be OK for her to visit with Claudia in order to make her feel welcome in her home...and Nick responds by muttering something in Italian, which translates to "the only thing more welcome than friendship is an old love." Thanks, weirdo. We'll take that as a yes. Nick enters Claudia's room and finds her sitting on the side of the bed, staring into space. She tells him she's been trying to sort out her feelings, but that it's not helping much...and he tells her it'll take time, and that he wants to be a friend to her 'cause he doesn't give up on anyone. She sarcastically retorts that it's wonderful to have a shrink cheering her on...but, unfortunately, it won't help her get her husband to love her again or get her daughter back. She wonders aloud if she'll ever see them again, then says she probably doesn't deserve it 'cause of her affair with Steven. OK - this constant self-flagellation is becoming really annoying. Could someone please explain to me why Claudia's affair with Steven was so much more destructive to the Blaisdel marriage than when Matthew carried on an affair with Krystle that everyone in Denver seemed to know about?? Nick asks Claudia about her feelings for Steven, and she admits that a part of her will always love him. Nick tells her that that's human, then says there's nothing terrible about a woman loving two men...well, except when one of those men becomes so enraged that he absconds to South America and kidnaps their only child. Then it's probably bad. Not that I miss Lindsay and her tears. Or Matthew, for that matter. Cecil arrives at Alexis' studio to see whassup. She tells him he's looking handsome, and he dutifully tells her she's as ravishing as ever, then gives her a kiss on the cheek. He asks her what's so urgent, and she tells him she came back to Denver to fix the rift that's growing between Steven and Blake, and needs his help. Cecil's not interested and tells her that Blake is his own man, and when she begs him to help her, he tries to explain that once Blake makes up his mind, that's it. She tells him he has to help her, otherwise she'll tell Blake about their affair, which apparently occurred while she and Blake were married. Cecil scoffs and says that the "affair" was practically a one night stand, and she chortles and sarcastically blurts out, "How gallant!" She then stares at him smugly and tells him that their one night stand made a more lasting impression on her...namely, nine months of pregnancy. Cecil furrows his brows and asks her what the hell she's talking about, so she comes right out and tells him he's Fallon's bio dad. Cecil looks startled as he suddenly recalls his dalliance with Fallon during Season 1 and says, "One night, she and I nearly went to bed together." Oh come on - really, writers? Are you really going to pretend like the Fallon's Wedding episode, which makes a direct reference to Cecil and Fallon hitting the sheets together, never happened?? I cry foul! Furthermore, proof of their coupling can be seen in the following excerpt from my recap of that episode - specifically, the scene where Cecil tries to convince Fallon to marry Jeff: "Fallon stubbornly retorts that she doesn't think she'd be good for Jeff and that they'd drive each other insane. She and Cecil, on the other hand, would be magic together. She reminds him about the night they doinked, and he nods and woodenly reminisces, "That night. It was very good between us." So there. And ew. Alexis reacts to Cecil's disturbing revelation by exclaiming, "How deliciously May-December!”, which I think is a weird fucking thing to say after learning that your daughter and her biological father have, at the very least, fooled around in the sack together. Cecil shakes his head in disbelief and mutters, “I can’t believe this", and Alexis snaps back, "Believe it." He thinks back and reminds her that she was doinking plenty of other men during that time, but she insists that he made such an impression on her that "it blurred all the others". Er, OK...but I'm not sure how that qualifies as proof of paternity. Alexis tells him she's going straight to Blake with this "information", but Cecil stops her and says he only likes to relate to Blake on a business level (if he has to relate to him at all), then barks, "Do you understand?!" She replies, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't" then says her main concern right now is Steven. Cecil doesn't want to risk her blabbing about the affair to Blake, so he agrees to try to help Blake and Steven mend fences. Alexis smarmily thanks him and calls him "a very special old friend". Krystle enters Claudia's room with the roses, and Claudia just gives her a dull stare. Krystle reminds her of the day they ran into each other at the art gallery and admits that she should have been more honest about her naughty affair with Matthew. She tells Claudia she never meant to hurt her and is deeply sorry for what happened and would like for them to be friends. Claudia continues to stare at her blankly and mutters, "Friends..?" and Krystle nods encouragingly and suggests that the two of them go to lunch tomorrow. Claudia gives her a half-hearted nod as a response, so Krystle smiles happily, then turns toward the door. Claudia suddenly asks her if she's heard from Matthew, and Krystle says she hasn't...but Claudia doesn't believe her and starts begging her to tell her where Matthew's taken Lindsay. Krystle assures her she wouldn't keep that kind of information from her, but Claudia suddenly wigs out and starts railing at Krystle about how she has everything, while she (Claudia) has nothing except her own self. She snarls, "It's not very much. Is it?!!" ( Krystle beats a hasty retreat, then winces when she hears the sound of glass shattering. While dining together at a fancy restaurant, Cecil tells Steven that he recently spoke to Alexis about the rift between him and Blake, and points out that if he gets disinherited, everything goes...he pauses, then asks, "To whom?" and Steven replies, "That's right. Blake's daughter, Fallon" and, by association, Jeff, who will likely want to merge Denver-Carrington and ColbyCo. Steven asks him why he's telling him all this, and Cecil pretends it's 'cause he gives a rat's ass about the emotional and financial well-being of the Carrington clan. Steven moans about being Blake's big disappointment, and Cecil tells him he's wrong 'bout that: he's still Blake's blood and that can never change. Fallon's on the tennis court, practicing with the machine, when Jeff strides over. He asks her why she didn't tell him that Krystle is pregnant, and she just shrugs and asks him how he found out. He says it's kinda funny how the idea of them having a baby just seemed to pop into her head out of nowhere, then asks her if she's interested in conceiving a spawn just so she can give Blake his first grandchild. He jokes that she should have it prematurely so she can beat Krystle to the punch, and Fallon tells him that that's ridiculous, then wonders aloud if them having a baby is a mistake. He goes, "Maybe it is" so she gives him a coquettish once-over, seats herself on his lap and tells him they'd make beautiful children. The two start smooching. Nick Toscanni is at home, working on his fancy sports car when Krystle calls. She asks him if he could come by the mansion to talk about some stuff, but he tells her he has no ride at the moment 'cause he's fixing his car. He suggests she come over to his place, then proceeds to give her directions. In the next scene, he and Krystle are sitting on his deck, and she tells him she's worried about Claudia. He asks her to describe Matthew - which seems weird, but whatever - so Krystle tells him that Matthew is basically a decent guy, and then gives him a brief synopsis of his life. She sheepishly admits that she and Matthew had an affair while Claudia was laid up at the funny farm, and Nick assures her he's not judging her. He tells her she's beautiful and then awkwardly tries to feed her a grape (?), and Krystle tells him there's something about him that makes her uneasy. Nick laughs and says he tends to have that effect on women, and when Krystle asks him who he really is, he nonsensically retorts, "I'm me." Krystle suddenly announces that she has to go - but when she gets up, she nearly keels over from a dizzy spell, so Nick insists on driving her home. Over at the mansion, Blake is pouring himself a drink and tells Steven he'd offer him one, then wryly says he has the distinct impression that he's had enough...and when the camera pans over to Steven, we see that he's stumbling around drunkenly and slurring his words. Blake throws it in his face that he recently said he'd rather be an orphan than have him as a father, and Steven mulls that over and says it totally sounds like something he'd say. LOL. Blake asks him why he came over, so Steven says, "Blood is thicker than water" and that he forgives him for his relentless douchbaggery. Blake asks him what brought about this sudden change of heart, so Steven tells him he talked to Cecil about the whole Fallon/paternity mess, and Blake gets miffed that Cecil would dare meddle in Carrington affairs. Steven tells him it was a favor to Alexis, and Blake looks bothered by this as well and grumbles that she has no right to meddle in their lives. Steven tells him to give his mother a break, then points out that he's lucky she didn't spill out the whole truth. After that, he starts railing about how Blake threatened to pin the Roger Grimes attack on Alexis...then suddenly decides he doesn't actually want to make nice with his father after all. He starts ranting about how Blake uses everyone all the time, that he hates being in "this miserable house", and the only one in it he cares about is "your dau-" then stops himself and says, "My sister, Fallon." He suddenly bolts out of the room, and then looks really funny weaving drunkenly down the hall and out of the house. By this time, Nick and Krystle have arrived at the mansion...and Steven is running toward the pool, somehow hits his head on the pool stair railing, falls into the water, and sinks right to the bottom. LOL. Two Dobermans, the only witnesses to the accident, stand near the edge of the pool and urgently bark for help...and Nick hears the ruckus and tells Krystle he's going to check it out. When he arrives at the pool area and sees Steven's lifeless body submerged, he dives in and fishes him out. Krystle comes running and gasps, "Oh my God! It's Steven!" and Nick gives him mouth-to-mouth, but he doesn't regain consciousness. In the next scene, Steven's in the hospital, hooked up to a ventilator and a bunch of tubes. Blake looks distraught as he stares over at him and mutters that he should have done something to stop him from leaving the study. Alexis arrives at the hospital and races to Steven's room, then hovers over him and tells him that "mummy's here" and implores him to open his eyes. Blake asks the doctor if there's a chance he may have suffered brain damage, and the doctor says there's a real possibility he could wind up a turnip for the rest of his life. He then ushers Blake and Alexis out of the room so they can do more tests (or whatever). Alexis moans, "Oh God, Blake! What have we done to our son?!" and he pulls her into a hug. Krystle and Nick, meanwhile, arrive on the scene with some fresh coffee. Krystle looks startled and dismayed by the sight of Blake hugging a sobbing Alexis...and Nick carefully studies her reaction. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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