Recap: Blake is staring at the 'your wife is sleeping with her shrink' note when Joseph enters his room with a breakfast tray. Joseph says that since he can see again but doesn't want anyone to know, could he please share with him what his ultimate plan involves? Blake says he has to do this on his own - plus, the writers don't seem to know exactly where they're going with this pointless storyline. He tells Joseph he doesn't need to sleep in his room anymore, and if anyone asks whassup with that, he's to tell people that his master has gotten used to his blindness. Joseph's like, "Er...OK" and heads out, and Blake stares down at the disturbing note again. Steven is sweatily pumping iron in the mansion's dedicated exercise room - a new set on Dynasty that is a wood-paneled, carpeted delight! Alexis enters the room looking like '80s exercise-wear threw up on her; she's decked out in a green leotard, tights, thigh-high leg warmers, a white scarf (you heard me), and a matching headband to cap off the ridiculous ensemble. She tells Steven that the two of them need to get certain things straight regarding his idiot wife, and asks him why in the hell he would tell Sammy Jo that Blake isn't Fallon's bio dad. Steven says he didn't tell her; she overheard the two of them talking about in the hall...and when she asked him about it later, he told her the truth. Alexis is like, "What'd you do that for?!" and Steven looks indignant and retorts, "We're man and wife. We trust each other." Alexis rolls her eyes derisively, so Steven explains that he ordered Sammy Jo to forget what she heard, and she pretended she'd go ahead and do that. Alexis glares at him (while getting a quick workout in with some hand weights...LOL) and warns him that if his human Barbie doll of a wife breathes another word of this tawdry gossip to anyone, she's going to personally attach hand grenades to the tiny wheels of her roller skates and gleefully watch as she blows up...and judging by the look of disgust on her face, I'm not entirely confident she was just joking around 'bout that. Fallon drops by Nick's place because she still can't grasp the fact that this man wants nothing to fucking do with her and tells him she's been driving around aimlessly since dawn. She came by to tell him how ashamed she is about Alexis coming to see him under the pretence of needing a therapy session and then extolling her (Fallon's) non-existent virtues. Nick tells her not to worry 'bout that and says he totally understand that it was a maternal gesture - one which he found immensely entertaining. Fallon pouts and asks him if he was entertained because she means so little to him, and he's like, "Well, d'yuh" but then pretends they'd have a shot at a relationship if only they'd met sooner...or if she were a more mature, pensive blonde. She asks him if he's still in love with the woman he's been rebuffing her advances for, and he nods and admits he is. Fallon abruptly says goodbye and leaves...and a few seconds later, Blake calls Nick to set up a face-to-face meeting so they can discuss any family-related grudges that might exist between them. Nick agrees to meet him at Denver-Carrington. Blake's in the study reading the paper, and when Krystle enters the room, he hastily puts the paper aside and scrambles to put on his dark glasses so she'll continue to think he's blind. He tells her he'd like them to have lunch together today, and she beams and says she'd love to, then puts her sad face on and says how awful it is that he's been eating all of his meals alone. He explains that he didn't think he'd be very good company, what with his blindness and all - which I found funny, since Blake is generally shitty company even when all of his senses are in proper working order. He informs her that they have something important to discuss, but doesn't give her a hint what it's about...and Krystle stares back at him and looks confused. Steven steers Blake to his office in the Denver-Carrington building. Blake tells him he should strongly consider returning to the company and give up his half-baked dream of being a race car driver. He advises Steven to spend some quality time with Jeff - in the hopes that maybe his industriousness will rub off on him...but Steven just sneers and and tells his father if he loves Jeff so much, he should adopt him...and Blake's all, "Hmm..." After Steven stalks off, Blake finds Alexis sitting in his office, waiting for him to arrive. He grumbles at her that he's too busy for a visit, but she insists that they need to discuss Steven's gold digging wife. Apparently, she's been charging expensive items to Steven - most notably a mink coat - and has been overheard admiring jewelry and Jaguars. Blake scrunches his face in annoyance and says that Steven can't afford any of that. [Well, d'yuh. I think the idea is that you'll be paying for the stuff.] Alexis says she made that perfectly clear to Sammy Jo, but the little tart just smirked at her and flounced off. Alexis then switches gears and tells Blake that Fallon told her all about the 'your wife is sleeping with her shrink' note he received, then pretends to be aghast at the cruelty of the sender. Blake just kind of shrugs and is all, "Whatever", but she insists it was a vicious act. She wonders aloud if perhaps the culprit is an enemy of Blake' who's jealous of his success, and Blake grumps that he definitely has an enemy - the evil [but non-existent] Logan Rhinewood...grrr - then angrily vows, "I'll deal with him." Alexis looks kind of turned on by her ex-husband's angry passion and tells him it's wonderful to see him express the "splendid Carrington pride" she so adores, and then leans in to give him a smooch. A few seconds later, his secretary buzzes him to let him know that Nick Toscanni has arrived for their meeting...and Alexis sashays out of the office, smirking at Nick as she passes him. Blake gets right to the point and tells Nick he knows about Gianni, and that he (Nick) blames him (Blake) for his death. Blake swears that he had no idea Gianni had been jailed until he got a cable about it...but the cable took so long to get to him that by the time he read it, Gianni had already hung himself. (He clearly had no patience for Middle Eastern prison life.) Nick rails, "One word from you could have saved my brother's life!" and Blake snaps, "My hands are clean, and your brother's death isn't my fault." After the two men glare at each other for several tediously looong seconds, Blake tells Nick that he has no reason to bear a grudge against him, and Nick mulls that over and says, "That's a lot of rug you're trying to pull underneath me." [LOL, writers.] He then admits that, yeah, he's definitely been carrying around a lot of anti-Blake hate for a ridiculous amount of time, then lights up a cigarette and moves closer to Blake. For some reason, he suddenly seems suspicious of his blindness and holds a lighted flame in front of Blake's face to provoke a reaction - but Blake manages not to react and get caught seeing. Blake tells Nick he was misled to think he had anything to do with Gianni's death, and Nick admits he's done him an injustice. Blake is like, "No worries" and points out he didn't actually do anything to avenge his brother's hanging, then suddenly gets all prickly and growls, "Or did you?" and Nick's like, "" so the two finally kiss and make up. Blake declares that as far as he's concerned, this meeting has totally cleared the air, and the two men shake on it...and after Nick leaves, Blake asks his secretary to confirm with Krystle that he'll be at the mansion for lunch as planned. Cecil and Claudia are lunching together at the fancy restaurant. He tells her that his search team has managed to track her daughter to a remote village near a Peruvian jungle...or some such shit, and Claudia beams happily. He remarks that tracking her down was "quite the job", so Claudia says she's very grateful to him...but then he continues to yammer on and on about how he had "a whole platoon of men" involved in the faux search. Claudia vows to pay him back for the expenses he's incurred, and he breezily waves his hand at her and tells her that the money means nothing to him, then says, "I'm a businessman. I make deals." Claudia, who clearly doesn't get that he expects a favor in return for the endless fake search throughout South America, cocks her head and says, "I want my daughter." He promptly retorts, "I want access to Denver-Carrington's oil shale extraction process" and slides a gift-wrapped box that contains a camera across the table and tells her she can use it to take snapshots of the relevant documents in the Denver-Carrington file room...but she slides the box back toward him and tells him she won't agree to spy on Blake. Cecil sneers as he snidely refers to Blake as her "benefactor", then smugly reminds her that Blake isn't the one who located her daughter. Claudia insists she wants her daughter back, but it's not worth becoming a thief for. She gets up from the table and is about to storm off, but Cecil promises to drop the entire thing if she stays and finishes her she slowly sits back down. Over at Carrington manor, Blake tells Jeff to look over some prospective oil leases - then says if they look good, he should just go ahead and buy them. Jeff thanks him for entrusting him with such a monumental task and earnestly says he hopes he does a good job. He then admits to his father-in-law that his marriage to Fallon is a total sham, and that once the baby is born, he's filing for divorce and taking custody of their child. Blake says he's afraid of losing his grandchild, but Jeff assures him they'll live nearby...and Blake says he also doesn't want to lose touch with him, so Jeff reminds him that he'll see him at the office every day. The conversation then takes a weird turn when Blake asks, "How would you feel about my legally adopting you?" and Jeff's like, "Are you [fucking] serious?" and Blake assures him he's very serious. Jeff tells the old goat he's truly honored, but he just can't do it, since in addition to being a grown man and therefore not needing an adoptive parent, he was born a Colby and should probably stay a Colby. Blake grins stupidly and says that the offer remains on the table...and Jeff leaves the room looking very weirded out. Or maybe I'm just projecting what my reaction to that bizarre proposition would be. During lunch, Blake tells Krystle that Nick had a brother who hanged himself several years ago. She looks aghast, and he insists that he had absolutely nothing to do with the young man's death...but is annoyed that Nick may have used his family - namely her - to exact revenge for the tragedy. Krystle's all, "Wuh?" so he asks her: a) if she's ever been alone with Nick, or b) if he's ever expressed any romantic interest in her. She's like, "No and no" and tells him that these questions are upsetting her, and he raises his eyebrows and looks fake surprised as he asks her why they're upsetting her so much when he's not actually accusing her of anything. He says he was merely talking in hypothetical terms about men who seek revenge against other men they strongly believe caused a family member to hang himself, and that it's a common tactic to poison the enemy's woman against him...and to use her body and soul. Krystle just stares back at him mutely as he sarcastically adds, "But I know what kind of woman you are: moral and strong." How Krystle has stayed married to such a passive-aggressive, hateful dinkwhistle for this long, I have no idea. Krystle drops by Nick's house...but when he hugs her hello, she pushes him away. She tells him that Blake told her all about their meeting, then asks him if he's been using her to destroy her husband. Nick chuckles nervously, then turns around and mumbles a weak denial. When she demands that he face her while denying it, he admits that he may have targeted her for that purpose when they first met, and she yells, "What kind of a man are you?!" He tries to give her a reassuring smooch, but she slaps him hard (!) and he glares back at her maniacally. She says she's ashamed she almost divorced Blake for him, then heads toward the door and storms out of his house, ignoring him as he yells, "You're wrong, damn it!" Jeff drops by ColbyCo to visit Cecil and asks him if he'd consider selling (to Denver-Carrington) whatever oil related research findings he had recently commissioned - but Cecil gives him a big fat no, since he has no desire to do Blake any favors. Jeff says he owes Blake for calling in that stupid loan from Season 1 - but Cecil disagrees. Jeff says he's ashamed of being a Colby, so Cecil wryly tells him to change his name if he feels that way...and Jeff says he may, in fact, change it to Carrington. And then, without a shred of embarrassment, he informs his uncle that Blake has offered to adopt him, and Cecil's all "Wha-a?!" and scrunches his face angrily. As Jeff storms out of the office corridor, we see that Claudia is waiting to get in to see Cecil...and I wonder if maybe she had a change of heart about her spy mission? Nick has a job interview at a hospital and tells the interviewer he's tired of counselling spoiled rich bitches and wants a job in which he can help people in need. The interviewer says he'll consider his application, then looks over his resume...blah blah. Boring. Fallon tells Alexis she now regrets her part in sending Blake the 'your wife is sleeping with her shrink' note and blames her mother for executing the nefarious scheme. She wants to come clean to Blake, but Alexis poutily contorts her lips and says it would be a serious mistake...and besides that, the letter told the truth. Fallon laments hurting Blake and says she's now being punished by losing the man she loves - despite the fact that Nick has never given any indication that he can stand the sight of her. Alexis says she'd do anything to prevent Blake from finding out it was them who sent the note, then threatens to tell Nick about her part in note-gate...and Fallon's all, "Wha-a?! You'd do that?!" and Alexis is all, "Well, d'yuh." Krystle delivers flowers to Blake's room and finds the 'your wife is sleeping with her shrink' note atop the dresser. She stares at it pensively. A little while later, she storms into Blake's office, tosses her fur coat on a nearby chair, and waves the 'your wife is sleeping with her shrink' note at him (even though he's "blind" - LOL) and then reads it aloud. She says that obviously someone's already read this filth to him, and insists he owes her an honest confrontation about it instead of reacting with his usual dickish passive-aggressiveness. Blake snaps, "On what honest grounds do I owe you a confrontation?" so Krystle tells him everything: she was, in fact, attracted to Nick...but she fought her attraction (well, sorta), and it wasn't easy. She wails, "I never forgot I was your wife!" and Blake just stares stonily at her through his stupid dark glasses. Krystle then turns to leave - and as she grabs her fur from the chair, she finds one of Alexis' monogrammed white hankies she must have "accidentally" left behind. She holds it up and stares at it for a few seconds before snarling, "Believe what you like - I just don't care anymore!" and storms out. Alexis is blissfully working on her latest painting in the studio when Krystle barges in without knocking. She holds up the white hanky and says she dropped by to return it, and Alexis smirks and says, "That's very sweet of you. Thanks." She then explains to Krystle that she stopped by Blake's office earlier to discuss the spending habits of Steven's gold digging wife and that "she's been drawing heavily on the Carrington credit". She then politely tells Krystle she's busy and to beat it, then swivels her easel a few inches in Krystle's direction so she can get an eyeful of the - ack! - Blake portrait she's currently working on. Krystle accuses her of moving back to Denver to get closer to Blake and his money, then says she knows that the trip to Rome in the Psychiatrist episode was a ploy to accomplish this. She then tells Alexis she suspects her of being behind the 'your wife is sleeping with her shrink' note, but Alexis pretends to not know what she's talking about and then smugly points out that she and Blake share a bond the two of them can never have: children. Krystle looks stricken and says, "You're right. You and Blake deserve each other!" then flees the studio...and Alexis smirks after her in satisfaction. As Krystle packs her things to leave Denver forever (again), Jeannette (the maid) tears up and tells her she wishes she wouldn't go 'cause the house won't be the same without her. Krystle says she needs to leave 'cause she can't stand another minute of married life with her dickwad husband. Krystle's at the airport, in line to board her plane, when Blake and Joseph show up. Blake pulls her out of line, and she informs him she's moving back to Ohio, where she has honest, uncomplicated friends who don't get pleasure from pulling frequent head trips on her. He tells her her home is in Denver, but Krystle says she wants a divorce and that Alexis can have him. Blake begs her to stay and says she's his entire world, so she wails that he doesn't trust her, and that she's fed up with his manipulative, douchebaggish ways. He bows his head sheepishly and replies, "I'm sorry about that, but you know what I've been going through" and Krystle snarks that he bitchily refused to let her help him through his fake blindness, so then he snarks back that he doesn't want her pity, and then she counter-snarks that her feelings are about love not pity. He mercifully gives up on the argument and assures her he'll be a whole person any day now - LOL - and that once his sight "returns", they can go away together and maybe finish having the honeymoon that got cut short in Season 1. He promises her she doesn't have to doink him if she doesn't want to...he just wants her close by. Krystle looks pensively tortured and cries, "I can't!" and dashes over to the gate and out of the airport to board her plane. We then get footage of the plane's engines starting up, and the plane pushing back from the gate...and just when all hope is lost for a change of heart from Krystle, we see her quietly slinking back into the terminal. She rushes back to where Blake is standing, touches his shoulder, and he pulls her into a tight hug. He thanks her for not leaving him, and promises her that somehow they'll make their dysfunctional, train wreck of a marriage work. She continues to hug him and looks pensively hopeful. Nick has summoned Fallon to his house...and naturally she immediately rushed right over. He tells her that everything he's been saying to her up until now has been untrue...and that he suddenly realized she's everything a woman should be: honest, sincere, and not calculating. Bwahaha!! Say what?! He then gets teary and laments about how some women can't make a commitment to true emotions, and he likes the fact that Fallon doesn't tease or do numbers on people...even though in past episodes we've seen her brazenly tease the very people she's doing numbers on. He tells her to have her baby, get a quickie divorce, and then they can be together. He then kisses her and has flashbacks of kissing Krystle...or maybe it's Fallon imagining Nick kissing Krystle - I dunno. Fallon, who clearly has no problem being sloppy seconds, asks Nick about the woman he was in love with, and he emphasizes, "Was" and hugs her tightly. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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