Recap: Lauren is in her class at FIDM when the teacher starts a roll call, which includes the name Stephanie Pratt. As Lauren's all, "Wha-a-a?!", Stephanie rushes into the room and takes her seat, and is as shocked as Lauren to learn that - surprise! - they're both in the same computer class. Whitney arrives at People's Revolution in New York just prior to Fashion Week and is quickly briefed by Kelly Cutrone about her duties for the day: stand around and be as helpful as possible during the Sass & Bide fitting. Whitney assures her new boss that she's willing to do whatever it takes to be a successful stylist helper (?) ... and a few seconds later, Kelly introduces her to Sarah Jane and Heidi, aka the Sass & Bide designers, and says they'll all likely be working late into the night. Back at FIDM, Stephanie is texting Heidi about her Lauren sighting...and Heidi reads the message while lunching with Kimberly, calling the [non]coincidence "so crazy". She texts Stephanie back, jokingly urging her to say hi to Lauren, at the same time Stephanie is sneaking a peek over at Lauren, who's texting Audrina...who's at Epic Records and squealing to Chiara about how Lauren currently finds herself trapped in a classroom with Spencer's sister. Chiara chuckles, "Poor Lauren." At the Sass & Bide fitting, Whitney offers the designers some particularly useful input about whether or not some scarily tight leather pants (on one of the models) could be in the 'ready to wear' category. Or some such thing. At Hillside Villas, Lauren cackles with Audrina over the "random" coincidence of Stephanie Pratt being enrolled in the same FIDM computer class as her. Lauren says she'd have no issue if this were a bigger class in a lecture hall, as opposed to a small group of sixteen students - but then shrugs and says [that despite the MTV camera crew hoping to capture some juicy 'you know what you did!' type screaming matches] she just wants to get through the class with as little hostility and drama as possible. The next day at FIDM, Stephanie ambles over to where Lauren is sitting and apologizes for her bitchitude during the A Night At the Opera episode, and Lauren says she too is sorry if she came off like a bitch. Stephanie sheepishly explains that she was [over]reacting to her brother and Heidi being upset from all the fallout of sex tape-gate, declines to further elaborate on the [now tiresome] feud, and acknowledges that she's well aware of what a complete horse's ass her brother can be. Lauren says she gets that she's protective of her brother and future sister-in-law - but didn't like being yelled at in a nightclub...however, greatly appreciates her sincere apology. Back in New York, the Sass & Bide team is primping and assembling the models for the fashion show. The designers make it a point to tell Kelly Cutrone that Whitney was extremely helpful last night and seemed to know her way around 'ready to wear' (or not) tight leather pants...while Whitney is getting instructions on how to line up the models in proper order and send them out to the runway. The show seems to run largely without a hitch...and afterwards, Kelly applauds Whitney for the great job she did, and promises that when they get back to L.A., her role will be expanded [though not really, 'cause she's well aware of the time commitments involved when filming for The Hills]. Heidi has enlisted Stephanie to help her paint her living room a deep green...and Heidi remarks on how this was the color of the apartment she first shared with Lauren. She then tells Stephanie she thinks it's HI-larious that she's in the same computer class as Lauren and jokes that they should become friends...and Stephanie's like, "Well, actually.." and tells her she did, in fact, apologize to Lauren for her boorish behavior at Opera and vowed henceforth to keep her nose out of the Heidi/Spencer/Lauren fracas. Heidi shoots her a troubled 'seriously?' look, then quietly resumes painting her living room wall. While out at Lola's, Lauren, Audrina, and Lo discuss the interesting turn of events regarding Stephanie Pratt. When Audrina and Lo try to counsel Lauren to be wary of trusting Stephanie, Lauren insists that there's no real risk involved 'cause her plan is to simply not get into public arguments with the She-Pratt. Heidi and Kimberly are tottering around town in their stilettos, discussing the awkwardness of Stephanie's budding friendship with Lauren. Heidi says she simply can't grasp how Lauren can be friends with Spencer's own sister while continuing to shun her...and Kimberly somehow refrains from pointing out that, to anyone's knowledge, Stephanie had nothing to do with the crux of Lauren's beef with her and Spencer: sex tape-gate. While eating takeout, Spencer grumbles at Stephanie that since she's about to go clubbing with Brody and his posse and attends a FIDM class with Lauren, he can no longer count on her to be on his side. Stephanie insists she's not a disloyal sister, but then calls him immature, lame, and a homeless loser...and expresses incredulousness that a hottie like Heidi would even contemplate coupling with him. Spencer's just like, "La la la...I don't even hear you anymore" and says that, from this point on, he's firmly keeping his mouth shut around her. At FIDM the next day, Lauren and Stephanie lunch outside and chat about their computer class...and also how annoying it is for Stephanie to be saddled with a brother who's squatting in her apartment. She tells Lauren that Spencer no longer trusts her because of their budding friendship...and Lauren clucks sympathetically, but points out that it's silly to penalize her for being a good person. Lauren expresses some half-hearted worry that she's going to get Stephanie in trouble for hanging out with her, and Stephanie agrees that, yep, when Spencer finds out that they're fast becoming friends, it ain't going to be pretty. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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