Recap: While eating out at a cafe, Lauren tells Whitney that Spencer admonished Stephanie for attending her birthday party at S Bar last episode, and that his dickishness about it was so harsh that it made Stephanie burst into tears. Whitney points out that since Stephanie (presumably) had zero to do with sex tape-gate, she has no reason not to be nice to her...then promptly changes the subject to her recent New York trip to help out with the Sass & Bide fitting during the run-up to Fashion Week. She describes her assigned tasks of putting the models in proper order and announcing them as they hit the runway, and Lauren coos excitedly and says she'd looooove to be able to do fun stuff like that. Over at People's Revolution, Kelly calls an impromptu staff meeting, and begins by barking at her staff to..
Kelly then asks Jessica (the L.A. publicist) what she's done regarding celebrity outreach and/or if she has any press scheduled for their clients with preview opportunities...and Jessica stares back at her blankly and is like, "Uh, no, no, and no..?", then weakly says she's been half-heartedly working on something or other. Whitney makes a helpful suggestion about reaching out to celebrities who have performed with someone I'm guessing is one of clients (?) ... and Kelly applauds her 'out of the box' problem solving abilities while simultaneously shooting Jessica the stink-eye. Lauren is sitting by herself in the Teen Vogue closet office when she decides to call Whitney to say hey. Whitney tells her she's sooooo busy gearing up for L.A. Fashion Week, glumly wishes they still worked together, then hastily gets off the phone when a styling emergency arises. At Casa Stephanie, Heidi and Stephanie vow to indulge in a 'girls' night out' at least once a week. Heidi reminisces about how she used to go clubbing every night, and can't wait to get back into the nightlife scene. Later, the two arrive at a club called Vice...and after a few minutes, Heidi notices that Audrina, Chiara, and a couple of guys are sitting at a table across the room. Heidi reminds Stephanie that she was friends with Audrina before Lauren was friends with her, then figures that that entitles her to wander over and say hey. Heidi asks Audrina if she can sit down for a minute, then laments how hard this ongoing feud with Lauren has been on her...and, now that she's having problems with Spencer, she realizes how desperately she needs her gal pals back in her life. Audrina diplomatically calls it "a learning process" to figure out that you're supposed to keep your friendships intact while dating someone, and Heidi earnestly tells her that if she ever wants to hang out or go clubbing during a 'girls' night out', she should give her a call. After the two hug goodbye, Audrina tells Chiara it's somewhat encouraging that Heidi is making an effort to reconnect with her - but that she can't help but feel wary about the shit-storm this renewed friendship is likely to bring about. Heidi and Stephanie are shopping for decor items at a store called Room Service...and Heidi is gleeful about being able to pick out stuff for an apartment that no longer has unsightly graffiti art sprayed across her living room wall. She mentions that she left behind a few items at Lauren's apartment and would love to pick them up, preferably when Audrina is home alone. She adds that there's no reason for the two of them to not be friends - but Stephanie points out that since Audrina is under "Lauren's wing", she's likely going to do everything possible to not piss her off. Lauren, Lo, and Whitney are working out together at the gym...and Whitney describes her new job at People's Revolution as waaaay more intense than anything she ever did at Teen Vogue. Lauren recalls meeting a very crotchety Kelly Cutrone during the Season 1 finale, and Whitney chucklingly says she recalls the panicked phone call she got from her afterwards...then dishes about how Kelly directed her ire at Jessica, the L.A. publicist, during a recent staff meeting, and that it was a scary sight to behold. She then suggests that Lauren drop by during her lunch break sometime so that she can see her new workplace. At FIDM, Stephanie reports to Lauren that she and Heidi went to Vice last night, ran into Audrina, and that the two are cool after a heart-to-heart. Lauren reacts to that development by staring back at her with an expression of irked contemplation. When Audrina returns home to Hillside Villas, Lauren comes right out and asks her if she talked to Heidi at Vice last night...and when Audrina confirms that she did, Lauren cautions her to be careful about resuming that friendship 'cause she wouldn't put it past her ex-bestie to want to hang with her (Audrina) just to piss her (Lauren) off. Audrina promises to be careful, but insists that she's only mildly tempted to go behind her back and consort with someone who was even tangentially associated with something as sleazy and friendship-ending as sex tape-gate. Lauren arrives at People's Revolution to lunch with Whitney - but Whitney says she doesn't have time for lunch after all, then asks her if she'd like to help catalogue a rack of clothing. As they're doing that, Emily (a co-owner of People's Revolution) wanders over and tells Lauren that they're always looking for extra help during Fashion Week, and Lauren says she's definitely intrigued by the prospect. Heidi drops by Hillside Villas to visit with Audrina as she picks up the odds and ends she left at the apartment in Season 1. She says it's very awkward being here, and both agree that it's "crazy and random" that Lauren and Stephanie have become fast friends. A few minutes later, Heidi says she should prolly high-tail it outa here before Lauren comes home, then tells Audrina again that if she's ever interested in hanging out, she need only give her a call. When Lauren returns home, Audrina dutifully reports that Heidi stopped by earlier to pick up the last of her stuff. Lauren's all 'the fuck?' and makes it clear how much she haaaaates the idea that Heidi was in her apartment, chillin' and chattin' as if everything were normal. Audrina mumbles about how it's "just weird" and that she doesn't know what more to say about the defrosting of this estranged friendship...and the two just exchange mute stares before the end credits start rolling. Thanks for reading! 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