Recap: Oscar and his assistant Russ are sitting in the back of an OSI car, monitoring the movements of an informant named Antonio Pinedo as he covertly exits a building and scurries over to a nearby park. Oscar solemnly tells Russ he's off to conduct his secret one-on-one with Pinedo, then exits the car and follows him into the park. He finds Pinedo hiding in a gazebo amid a giant cluster of rose bushes...and Pinedo tells him how fearful he is of being killed now that he flipped from whatever South American government he was working for and became an informant for the U.S. government - just as a hitman who's been pretending to be a gardener points a gun at the gazebo and fires. The bullet misses Pinedo, who's all, "Ack!", and lashes out at Oscar for compromising his safety yet again. As he flees the park, Oscar chases after the hitman, who's high-tailing it to a nearby wooded area. At OSI headquarters, Callahan is excitedly gabbling about her new boyfriend to Jaime, who's dressed in a scarily low cut blouse that reminded me a lot of the hideous boob baring green thing J.Lo wore at the 2000 Grammy Awards. Yikes. Callahan says her new beau's name is John, and that he owns a super successful hair salon...and would like to introduce them so she can get Jaime's official seal of approval. Oscar and Russ return to headquarters, and Oscar barks at Callahan to get in his office. He gruffly asks her who knew about his secret meeting with Pinedo, and she says that only a small handful were in the know - and they're pretty much all standing in this office right now. Oscar says that he and Pinedo were just shot at, and is certain it means that there's a leak within the OSI. He explains to a puzzled Jaime that Antonio Pinedo is a South American diplomat who disappeared at the height of an embassy bribery scandal last year, and is seeking immunity from the U.S. in exchange for providing information that will lead to the criminal prosecution of four South American diplomats. Translation: he's considered a traitor, and lots of people want him dead. Oscar is worried 'cause every time he tries to meet up with Pinedo, there's always a near fatal attempt on his life. A few seconds later, Pinedo calls and agrees to try for another meeting...and Jaime activates her bionic hearing 'cause she's nosy and wants to hear both sides of the conversation. Pinedo tells Oscar he'll secretly write down the place and time of their next meeting on page 400 of the phone book in a public phone booth, then gives him the address of the phone booth. Callahan brings Jaime to John's hair salon to introduce the two...and John somehow refrains from ogling Jaime's scarily low cut blouse and gets all canoodley with Callahan, who tells him she'd really love a wash and set. John escorts her to the exclusive Gold Key Room (LOL) and in the next scene, drops by the waiting room to needlessly spark Jaime's curiosity by telling her that Callahan is currently under the dryer, singing like a canary. Jaime's all, "Wuh? Singing?" so she activates her bionic hearing and is alarmed when she overhears Callahan, talking really spacey-like as she reveals classified OSI intel about Oscar's upcoming meeting with Pinedo. Back at the OSI, Callahan eavesdrops on Jaime telling Oscar that she was overheard revealing OSI intel to someone at the hair salon. She moans about how awful she feels, ratting out her friend, but Oscar assures her she did the right thing and that he'll give Callahan a BS research job somewhere out of town so they can gather hard proof of her betrayal. Callahan bursts into the room and tearfully says that that won't be necessary, tells them how hurtful it is that they'd believe she'd ever betray the OSI [not counting all the damage the Callahan fembot caused in two separate episode sequences], then abruptly announces, "I quit." She rushes back to her desk to clear out her stuff, and Jaime follows her and tells her they should prolly discuss this - but Callahan denies any wrongdoing and tells her to get lost. Jaime heads over to John's salon to see if she can get to the bottom of what is going on at that creepy place. She tells John she'd love a new 'do, so he ushers her over to the Gold Key Room while not-so-subtly fishing for information about Callahan's abrupt resignation from the OSI. Jaime shrugs helplessly and says she doesn't know a thing about it...and when he briefly exits the room, she snoops around and finds various electrical cords plugged into a strange box with a switch labelled override. John catches her snooping and says that the electrical cords are all attached to a hidden stereo system, and Jaime pretends to buy that explanation and sits down to get shampooed. As John lathers the shampoo into her hair, her starts asking her questions about the OSI...and Jaime's vision blurs as she woozily answers. After a few minutes of lathering, John tells her she's ready for his dryer, and Jaime sleepily says she feels great, then loses consciousness. John places the dryer over Jaime's head, then hits a record button to tape Jaime as she spills the beans about being a schoolteacher and bionic special agent. When John scrunches his face confusedly and asks her what bionic means, she demonstrates her super human strength by bending the metal arm rest on her chair, then bends it back into place. He puts a pin in that startling revelation and asks her about Oscar's upcoming meeting with Antonio Pinedo, and Jaime gives him the address of the phone booth where Pinedo is planning to provide Oscar with the location/time of the meeting. John looks pleased with that helpful intel and orders Jaime to return to his salon once a week so she can get her hair done and spill more OSI secrets, then commands her to forget about this session, including everything she just revealed to him. Oscar goes to a public payphone and rips out page 400 of the phone book, where Pinedo has written Kennedy Stadium, 6AM. Callahan arrives at the hair salon - just as Jaime is gushing to John about how much she looooves her restyled hair, which - OMFG - has been transformed into a ginormous, flyaway afro 'do. John tells her she looks fantastic, then gets all touchy-feely as he smarmily coos about what a beautiful woman she is. Callahan enters the Gold Key Room at that moment, stares at Jaime and her poofed up mane in shocked disbelief, and angrily storms out. Jaime and her afro 'do run outside after her, and she insists to Callahan that John means nothing to her...not least 'cause he's a fugly dork she wouldn't normally give the time of day to. Callahan tearfully squeaks, "Then why are you trying to take him away from me?" and chides Jaime for treating her like a sidekick and for always having to be the tall, good looking one in the friendship - who now can't stand to see her friend have her "moment in the sun". Jaime tearfully croaks, "I love you, you're the best friend I've got", but Callahan just shoots her a skeptical glare and asks her why she was in the Gold Key Room with John. Jaime lamely replies, "I needed to get my hair done" and Callahan snorts derisively and stomps off. The hitman who shot at Pinedo earlier stops by the phone booth and sees that page 400 has already been ripped out of the phone book. He uses the pencil shading trick to see if he can make out the imprint of the message (clever!), and is able to extract the time/location of the meeting. He calls his South American boss to report this development, and the old man warns, "This time, no mistakes." Jaime has troubled dreams about her wash and set at the salon and remembers John's creepy, hypnotic voice asking her various OSI-related questions. She wakes up in a sweat and calls Callahan, prefaces the call by begging her to not hang up, and asks her if she remembers what goes on while John is doing her hair. Callahan thinks hard, then says she's fallen asleep during every single appointment...and for some reason never thought that that was any kind of red flag. Jaime breaks into the salon's Gold Key Room, is able to locate a giant tape recorder, and hits the playback button. She listens to her session from earlier, and is startled to hear herself providing the details of Oscar's upcoming meeting with Pinedo. She's about to flee so she can warn Oscar - but John and his flunky Benny enter the room with guns pointed at her. John ominously says, "You're not going anywhere." The hitman has arrived at Kennedy Stadium. He climbs atop the roof of the press box and gets his high powered rifle ready for firing. Callahan, who must have gotten suspicious about her weekly 'wash and set' snoozefests with John, enters the hair salon, tiptoes over to the Gold Key Room, and overhears John cackling to Jaime about what a "pool of information" she (Callahan) has been to him during their "courtship". Callahan's all, "Why, you!" and bursts into the room, grabs John from behind, and yells at Jaime to run. In the chaos, Jaime grabs Benny's gun, and then shoves a table at John as he lunges at her...and when he crashes to the floor, Callahan slaps him hard and calls him "a filthy lying rat". The hitman watches as a nervous looking Pinedo arrives at the stadium...and it remains unclear why he doesn't just open fire on him at that point. Jaime decides to give John a taste of his own medicine - or shampoo, as it were - and lathers his '70s pageboy 'do before questioning him under the dryer. John reveals that there's a hitman waiting on the roof of the press box at Kennedy Stadium so he can shoot Antonio Pinedo. Oscar arrives at the stadium with his briefcase and screeches, "Antooooooonnnio!! Where are you?!!!!!" - subtle tradecraft, Oscar - just as Jaime and Callahan pull up in the parking lot. Jaime tells Callahan to call the police, then bionically races toward the press box to thwart the murder plot. Antonio yells, "Do you have my paaaaaapers?!!" and Oscar holds up his briefcase and yells, "Right heeeeeere!" and Antonio yells back, "I'm in tunnel 19, row 55!!" - LMAO - just as Jaime spots the hitman, who's about to pull the trigger. She warns Oscar to duck, then grabs a steel pipe and smashes it into the rifle, which misfires. The hitman panics at the sight of Jaime's super human abilities and tries to run off, but she catches him and ties his foot to the railing so he can't get away. Back at the OSI, Rudy tells everyone he ran tests on the shampoo John was using on Callahan and Jaime, and discovered that it was laced with some kind of woozy-causing truth serum that penetrates through the large pores of the scalp. We then learn that John has been sentenced to twenty years in prison for his crimes, so I'll assume he either plead guilty and was immediately sentenced, or had a really speedy trial off camera. Pinedo stares perplexedly into space and natters something about the suspicious nature of people, even between friends...and Callahan and Jaime exchange sheepish glances. They both admit they were wrong to doubt the other, and Callahan assures Jaime she doesn't resent her looks or her exciting spy missions. She then perks up and tells her she just met a new guy, and Jaime scrunches her face in exasperation and is all, "Nooooooooooo!!" Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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