Recap: As Jaime drives home from work, something explodes under her car and causes her brakes to go all out of whack. She swerves around the road helplessly, then spots a downed tree up ahead blocking the road. She swiftly opens the car door and uses her bionic foot to safely bring the vehicle to a stop...and while she's doing that, someone is hiding in the bushes, covertly filming her. Jaime gets out of the car and stares curiously at the downed tree, then groans with dismay at her sandal, which still has smoke coming off of it. The people who were filming Jaime flee the area, and Jaime's bionic ear kicks into gear in time for her to hear someone say, "Come on, let's get out of here!" followed by the squeal of tires. Jaime tells Mama Austin what just happened, and how annoyed she is that she ruined her favorite pair of shoes. Mama Austin wonders whether or not this was really an accident, then tells her that a very worried sounding Oscar just called to ask if she's all right. Jaime jokes that Oscar always sounds worried, then decides she should probably call him back. She picks up the receiver - but her bionic ear detects some weird interference, so she quickly hangs up and tells Mama Austin to call Oscar at her place and tell him to come over asap 'cause something very strange is going on. Oscar drops by Jaime's classroom after the final bell rings and tells her that a couple of his agents checked out her car and discovered that someone tampered with her brake lining. The agents also discovered that the phone in her apartment is bugged, and traced the bug to two men who work for Carlton Harris. Jaime murmurs, "Ah yes, the lady killer.." and has a flashback of her dealings with him during the final crossover episode. Oscar confirms that Harris is definitely a bad guy, and that he mixes his legitimate business dealings with the illegitimate ones. The OSI suspects him of exporting government secrets, but they haven't been able to prove it yet, and they've lost three agents trying to infiltrate his criminal organization. Oscar tells Jaime he's concerned about her safety and worries that Carlton may want to kill her because she infiltrated his refinery. Jaime's all, "Wuh?" and reminds him how badly she screwed the pooch on that mission, and says if Carlton Harris wanted her dead she'd probably be six feet under by now. Oscar brings up the various car accidents she's been involved with lately, and Jaime looks contemplative and wonders if maybe Carlton is trying to test her abilities for some nefarious purpose. She proposes to pretend to be fed up with the OSI in the hopes that Carlton will take the bait and offer her a job working for him. She asks Oscar if Carlton's henchmen could be moles on the school's military base, and Oscar furrows his brows and says it's definitely possible. She replies, "Then brace yourself. I'm about to get mad at you" and Oscar grins conspiratorially. Jaime fake snaps at Oscar to call her when he's got a better deal to offer her, then fake storms out of her classroom and down the hall. Oscar cries after her, "Jaime!" as a suspicious looking janitor, who just happens to mopping the floor outside her classroom at that moment, looks as though he's trying very hard to eavesdrop. Oscar takes note of the janitor, then goes back into the classroom and makes a phone call that's loud enough for the mole to overhear. He tells whoever he's fake talking to that Jaime hasn't come around yet, and that they still have a money problem. Oscar phones Jaime at home so they can engage in another pretend argument. He offers her $19,000 a year, and when Jaime pretends to be appalled at the paltry amount, Oscar cries, "Be reasonable!" She barks at him to not call her back until he's ready to offer her some real money, then slams the phone down. She giggles, chirps, "Sorry, Oscar!" and blows a kiss at the phone. Carlton Harris and two henchmen are in a van, listening to a recording of the phone call. Carlton remarks, "Well now...this is a very interesting development" - then wonders if the rift between Jaime and Oscar isn't "just a trifle convenient" and recalls how squirrelly Jaime got when she infiltrated his oil refinery. He credits his henchmen for tampering with Jaime's car and forcing her to showcase her superhuman abilities, and calls her "very special". We learn that one of the henchmen is Carlton's nitwitted son, Donald, and that he's interested in working for his father...but would prefer to focus on the more legitimate parts of his business. Carlton declares that every business has at least some minor corruption associated with it, then nonsensically pronounces, "One man's corruption is another man's legitimate behavior." Donald scrunches his face disapprovingly and says he doesn't like the idea that everyone can be bought. Carlton phone Jaime and tells her he's aware of her problems with the OSI, and offers to make her a very wealthy woman. When Jaime pretends to be intrigued, he tells her she must be willing to move quickly...meaning, meet him in a downtown alley in ten minutes. Otherwise she can forget the whole thing. Jaime makes it to the alley on time...and Carlton and Donald creepily watch her from a nearby car. Donald asks his pop what's so special about Jaime, and Carlton grins evilly and says, "You're about to see for yourself" - and suddenly the car they're sitting in starts barrelling toward Jaime while a truck barrels toward her from the opposite direction. Donald screams, "You'll hit her! She can't get out!" - but Jaime quickly assesses the danger and bionically leaps up to the nearest fire escape. Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh.. Carlton exits the car, looks up at her, and smarmily says, "Well, Miss Sommers. You are very special indeed. And we have a lot of things to talk about." Carlton brings Jaime to his luxurious compound, offers her champagne, and makes a toast to her health and wealth. He introduces her to Donald and brags about how the lad just graduated from Harvard Law School. I wonder why he's content to hang around his father's seedy criminal enterprise instead of pursuing something more lawyerly. Carlton plays a video of Jaime stopping her car with her foot, then asks her how she's able to do things like that. She tells him all about her skydiving accident in the first crossover episode and claims she let Oscar Goldman test out his "bionic theories" by making her into his personal guinea pig...but wisely leaves out the part about her ear being bionic. To demonstrate her limbs' bionic strength, she bends a metal plant thing and jokes, "Strong enough?" and Carlton looks mesmerized and exclaims, "Fascinating!" He asks her if she'd be into joining forces with him, but Jaime pretends she's not interested in that idea at all and dramatically dumps her champagne on the ground and says she wants to go home. Carlton says he can offer her one million dollars in exchange for her help acquiring/stealing several items - the first of which needs to be stolen at a cocktail party this evening. Jaime's like, "I haven't a thing to wear!" so Carlton tells her he can probably dig up some lady clothes somewhere in his compound. He asks her if they have a deal, and she replies, "You'd better believe it!" During all this, a scowly Donald is sitting in a corner, looking peeved about his father's new partnership. Carlton leads Jaime to a large closet and says she can probably find something in there that will fit her. He kisses her hand and schmaltzily says, "This is only the beginning, my dear", then tries to make a move, which...ew, but Jaime deftly holds him off and says she'd better get dressed now. He backs off and says he's delighted to have her aboard, and she pretends to be delighted in return...but as soon as he exits the room, she makes a blech face and mutters, "You old snake." She picks up the phone, probably to inform Oscar about her impromptu mission, but her bionic ear detects that the phone is bugged, so she quickly puts the receiver down. Oscar tells Mama and Papa Austin that Jaime is doing some security work for him, then worriedly admits that she hasn't contacted him in over twenty-four hours. He says he'll station some men at her apartment in case she shows up there, then assures the two that she's all right. Probably. Donald knocks on Jaime's door as she's primping for the party, and she lets him in and gushes about the black glittery dress and ginormous chandelier earrings Carlton is loaning her. Donald complains that his father is a very dominant type guy [unlike the spineless weenie he turned out to be], and Jaime says she doesn't care what kind of man Carlton is, as long as he continues to supply her with designer clothing and jewelry. Donald asks her if she really needs that stuff and says she must have gotten rich when she was a successful tennis player, so Jaime says, "Well, there's comfortable...and then there's comfortable." Donald sanctimoniously says he doesn't like that she's allowing herself to be bought so easily...but Jaime just shrugs and says she looooves being rewarded in so grand a fashion. Carlton, Jaime, and Donald (who's third-wheeling it with them) arrive at the estate of Charles Butler. Carlton tells Jaime she's going to need to crack the safe in Butler's office and extract a packet about something called Project Rebound. Jaime and Carlton mingle at the party, and an impressed Carlton tells Jaime she's a hit with Charles and the other guests. She grins and says, "Isn't that what you're paying me for?" and he dickishly reminds her that he's paying her to steal a packet, and that he wants her to get on that, like pronto. He directs her to Charles' design lab and tells her to look for the Jaime stealthily enters the lab while, unbeknownst to her, Donald is following her. She locates the safe behind a huge painting and rips the safe's metal door off, then pulls out the Project Rebound packet, which is marked Property of US Navy. She leaves behind a note, then exits the room through a pair of French doors...and a few seconds later, Donald creeps into the room, examines the destroyed safe, and finds the note that Jaime left behind: Contact Goldman OSI. He pockets the note and stares into space with a troubled expression on his face. Back at the Harris compound, Carlton pours champagne, toasts Jaime, and cackles about all the money they're going to make together. He then says they need to cut the celebration short and move onto the next item to be "collected" and tells Jaime she'll need to change out of her glamour wear and into the outfit that's been laid out in the bedroom upstairs...but before she does that, he'd like a few more minutes to admire her. Ew. He fondles her hand and says, "I really am quite drawn to you, you know" - but before things get too icky, Donald pokes his head in the door and asks his father if they can speak privately. After Jaime exits the room, Donald clutches the note in his hand and nervously stammers gibberish...until he spots the Project Rebound packet and asks if that's the thing Jaime just stole - and if so, what the hell is he getting himself involved in? Carlton says he's putting his interests above government interests 'cause everything in life is corrupt and hopelessly shitty...then makes another of his bizarre pronouncements: "Everybody steals from, government. Everybody does it." Donald gets a pained look on his face and says he doesn't think corruption is a good way to go, but Carlton assures him he's not doing anything all that nefarious; he's just collecting some plans and key components so he can build the kind of sonar device the Navy is planning to build for its submarines. Sounds like kind of a dull criminal undertaking, but OK. Donald stares down at Jaime's note, then decides to hold off telling his father about Jaime's deception. Jaime's outfit #2 is a blue lab coat and dorky glasses. Carlton tells her that the thing she needs to steal is an LV13 briefcase from a company called Perry Scientific, Inc., then wishes her Godspeed. Jaime climbs into the van and looks surprised to find Donald at the wheel. He scowls at her and snappishly asks, "You don't have anything to hide, do you?" and she chuckles as though the question is completely absurd, and breezily replies, "Of course not!" When the two arrive at Perry Scientific, Inc., Jaime tells Donald she'll handle the mission alone and quickly climbs out of the van. She uses her bionic hand to break a lock and access the component security area of the building...then locates the LV13 briefcase that's being stored behind a chain link fence. She bionically karate chops the chain link, then grabs the case and leaves behind another Contact Goldman OSI note...and is about to exit the room when Donald suddenly appears behind her, clutching a gun in one hand and her previous warning note in the other. He sarcastically asks, "Are you leaving another note?" and she's like, "Well, d'yuh", so he orders her to take the note she just left and follow him, 'cause they have a few problems they're going to need to work through. Oscar Goldman is over at the Butler estate, investigating the theft of the Project Rebound packet. He tells Charles not to worry about his missing sonar designs 'cause he has a pretty good idea who's behind the robbery. And then for some bizarre, God-only-knows-why reason, Oscar reveals that he currently has an agent working from within the thief's organization, and scrunches his face concernedly and says, "Unfortunately, I have no way to communicate with this undercover agent." Way to needlessly give up classified information about a delicate mission that's currently in progress, dumbass. Donald keeps his gun pointed at Jaime while she drives the van, then orders her to pull off to the side of the road. He asks her if she's a spy for the OSI, and when she admits she is, Donald's like, "Phew!" and says he kinda digs her and didn't want to believe she'd sell out so easily. She asks him if this why he didn't show his father the note she left behind in Charles Butler's safe, and he tells her he was going to, but then got morally conflicted when he realized that the stolen Project Rebound packet contains top secret government material. He gabbles on and on about how much he loves his father, then proposes a deal: his father's freedom in exchange for the Project Rebound packet. Jaime says she couldn't accept that deal even if she wanted to, and informs Donald that his douchebag father is responsible for the deaths of three OSI agents. Donald's all, "Wha-a?! That can't be!"...but when Jaime insists it be, Donald says he won't stand in the way of her mission if she can provide him with proof of his father's malfeasance. Charles Butler phones Carlton to tell him about the robbery and urges him to tighten up his own security. He then blabs what Oscar Goldman stupidly revealed: an undercover OSI agent is working on the case from the inside the thief's lair. Carlton's all, "Wha-a?!", then looks out the window and sees that Jaime and Donald have returned with the van. He thanks Charles, then contorts his face all ominous-like and says, "I'm very glad to have that information." The next morning, Carlton and Jaime are en route to Electrodyne, Inc. He tells her she'll need to break into the company's vault and retrieve a padded yellow envelop that contains a special circuit. They pull up to the building, and Jaime quickly exits the car and starts bionically running. Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh.. Carlton returns to his office and finds Donald reading his secret criminal files. Donald scowls at him and bitterly says, "You've lied to me, father" and adds that the files pretty much spell out how corrupt and violent his business dealings are...and that he's indictable for the deaths of three OSI agents. He barks, "Don't you feel remorse? What kind of man are you?" and Carlton orders him to put the files back, climb off his high horse, and stand alongside him so he can one day inherit his criminal empire. He decrees, "Wealth and power are the keys to all things!" then urges his son to think very hard about that. Jaime bionically runs and leaps over bushes and fences to quickly reach the Electrodyne, Inc. building...and a video camera is following her every movement. Carlton is watching the video of her bionic moves along with three shady looking men, and he tells them he thought they'd find Jaime's bionicness very interesting. Jaime, meanwhile, leaps to the top of the building and enters through a window. She locates the vault and rips off the heavy metal door...but when she enters, she's startled to see Carlton and the three men standing there, staring at her expectantly. Carlton says, "Welcome" and tells her that his "foreign friends" (who have guns pointed at her) are very impressed with her abilities and are anxious to dismantle her and study her bionic parts. Ack! Why not just take an x-ray? He orders her to come with him - just as Donald bursts into the vault, points a gun at his father, and yells, "No, father! I won't let you do this!" Carlton rolls his eyes at his nitwit son and tells him not to be ridiculous, then orders him to put the gun down. When one of the foreign men tries to grab Donald's gun, Jaime jumps into action and knocks the gun out of his hand and shoves him and the other men across the room. She then leaps out of the vault and allows Donald to follow her...then shuts the door and destroys the electronic gadget thing that's mounted on the door so that Carlton and his "foreign friends" can't escape. She tells Donald she has to call the OSI and that she's sorry about his shitbag father, and he sheepishly says, "So am I." Oscar drops by Jaime's apartment and thanks her for her excellent work and says they're in the process of indicting Carlton. As for Donald, he's going to take some time off, collect his thoughts, and look for a job with a law firm. Jaime says she feels good about that, and Oscar shoots her an affectionate smile and says, "You did good. I'm proud of you...and Steve would be too." Jaime ignores the Steve reference 'cause of how little a rat's ass she gives about him and says she's just happy she didn't bungle the mission like she did last time...and Oscar dismissively waves a hand in the air and assures her she's going to be A-OK. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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Recapper: Isabel K. French
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