Recap: Murray is shaving in the Riptide bathroom, making a giant mess with the mountain of shaving cream he's generously lathered across his face while mouthing along to a love song playing on the radio. Without wiping the excess shaving cream off of his face (?), he douses himself with half a bottle of aftershave, then heads up to the living room. Murray tells Nick and Cody he's especially nervous today 'cause it's exam day for the university class he's been lecturing and he still doesn't have an opening line for Stephanie Davidson, the student he's hopelessly smitten with. He stares dreamily into space and says he gets the strong feeling she likes him a lot, and hopes that one day he'll be able to come up with a suitable response to her good mornings. Nick stares at him perplexedly and asks why he doesn't just say good morning in return, and Murray perks up at that brilliant suggestion and jots it down in case he forgets. As Murray delivers the final lecture to his class, he sneaks flirty gazes at Stephanie while nattering about how "getting to know special people" could lead to "exciting collaborations", which...subtle, Murray. He then tells everyone it's test time and that they have precisely sixty minutes to finish the exam. During the exam, Murray fiddles with his retractable ruler - a not-so-subtle metaphor for his extreme horniness - while staring longingly at Stephanie, a blonde woman who's far too attractive to be flirting with Murray without some kind of ulterior motive. At the back of the lecture hall are two thugs who look like they're serving as Stephanie's bodyguards, and they watch intently as she pulls out a piece of paper, writes a note on it, then hastily folds it and puts it away. When the sixty minutes are up, Murray asks everyone to submit their exams. Stephanie hands Murray her exam booklet and tells him how much she's enjoyed his lectures, and the impatient thugs tell her it's time to go. One of them tries to grab her exam booklet, while the other gets grab handsy with her...and Murray snaps at them to get lost and is backed up by a beefy football player, who forces the thugs to stand down. As Stephanie exits the lecture hall, she snappishly tells them, "Don't you ever do that to me again!" and storms out. Thug #1 laments that he wasn't able to intercept the letter she wrote and slipped to Murray, so Thug #2 suggests they go to the admin office, find out where Murray lives, and get the note that way. Aboard the Riptide, Murray is grading the exams while Nick and Cody are engrossed in a baseball game on TV. The two thugs, meanwhile, sneak onto the boat's deck and peer through the window - just as Murray finds the love note in Stephanie's exam booklet and announces that he's retreating to his room to read the letter in private. A few seconds later, the thugs burst into the living room with their guns drawn. Nick and Cody put their arms up and warn them that a silent alarm just got tripped to alert the police to a break-in - but the thugs don't buy that fib and start sifting through the pile of exams in search of Stephanie's love letter. Murray peers out from his bedroom, sees what's happening, and flies up the stairs with his gun drawn yelling, "Move and you're kibble!" ...and the thugs respond by opening fire on him - LOL - then grabbing the entire pile of exams before fleeing the boat. Murray's all, "Ack! They stole all the exams!" and orders Nick and Cody to pursue the thieves and retrieve the exams...which they attempt to do, but then trip over the overturned fish cart that the thugs managed to shove in their direction. Later, Murray is released from the hospital wearing a neck brace 'cause I guess he wrenched his neck while he was being shot at. He finally mentions that he knows exactly who the exam thieves are - Stephanie's thug bodyguards who sat in the back of the lecture hall during every class - then pulls out Stephanie's love note. He reads aloud a few choice phrases - I feel your eyes upon me and No one has ever affected me like this before - and Nick grabs it, looks it over, and dismissively calls it "a grease job" to entice Murray to give her a good grade. Murray rejects that notion, and the three agree to head over to Stephanie's house to see about getting the exams back from her bodyguard thugs. When they arrive at the gated estate, Nick tells Cody and Murray to go inside while he covers them from outside the property and warns that if they're not out in ten minutes, he's calling the police. Murray rails at the owner of the house, Ahmed Kemal, for sending his armed thugs to steal his exams...and Ahmed largely ignores him and directs his attention Cody as he describes how they deal with adulterers in his country: administer justice, then swiftly carry out the execution. Cody asks him why he's telling him this when Murray's the one who's his wife's university lecturer, and Ahmed's all, "Wha-a-a? How can this be possible?" Cody quickly assures him that there's nothing going on between Murray and his wife, and Ahmed's like, "Well duh. Any fool could see that that man couldn't steal anyone's wife" - LOL - just as Stephanie rushes into the room to see whassup. Cody tells her that her bodyguard thugs stole a stack of exams from their boat in search of the note she wrote to Murray, and she looks faux confused and says, "I don't know anything about a note." Murray has the good sense to play along and confirms that, nope, he didn't receive a note, and Stephanie admonishes her husband for being so suspicious and that any notion of her having the hots for Murray could only be a crazy misunderstanding. Back at the Riptide, Murray moans to Nick that he can't belieeeeeeve he fell for a married woman, and Nick tells him not to beat himself up about it and points out that Stephanie is clearly a tease who led him on. Cody arrives with a package that just arrived for Murray, and inside is an audio tape from Stephanie telling Murray she's glad he came to her house and that she'd looooove to see him alone...but that they have to be really careful 'cause Ahmed will kill them both if he catches them. Murray tells Nick and Cody he wants to officially hire the agency to help him help Stephanie with her marital conundrum. Nick points out that whatever unholy thing is going on between Stephanie and Ahmed is probably none of their business, but Murray says he can't not help Stephanie, who has described her home life as being a prison. Cody tells Murray they have to consider the kind of man Ahmed is - rich, jealous, and possessive - and that if they do anything to run afoul of him, they could all end up dead. Murray says he's willing to risk the danger if it means being there for Stephanie, a woman who's been opening her heart to him. Stephanie and her thug bodyguards arrive downtown for a shopping excursion and enter a high end furniture & design store run by Stephanie's friend, Pierre. Nick and Cody bribe a bunch of neighborhood kids to spray paint the thugs' fancy car...then sneak Murray, who's "incognito" with slicked back hair and a glued-on moustache, into the back of the store. When the bodyguard thugs get distracted by the spray painting of their car, Murray rushes over to Stephanie to offer his help. She tells him he's her only hope, and that she really really wants to run off with him 'cause of how rapidly her shitty marriage is deteriorating. She says that divorce isn't allowed in the Kemal family, and that Ahmed would much rather see her dead before ever agreeing to a divorce. She dramatically moans about how she's too much trouble for everyone, then pulls out a gun - and Murray's all, "Ack! Don't kill yourself!" He grabs the gun to stop her from pretend shooting herself and promises to do whatever he can to help her out, and she responds by giving him a grateful hug and a peck on the cheek. Pierre tells Murray he knows all about Stephanie's marital issues and wants to do whatever he can to help her - just as they spot Ahmed arrive and confer with the thug bodyguards. Murray says they need to get Stephanie out of here pronto, but the two soon find themselves surrounded by Ahmed, the thugs, and a bunch of sinister looking extras. Ahmed grabs Stephanie and once again natters about how they deal with adulterers in his country - even though this is more of a cuckolding situation than an act of adultery on Murray's part. Murray shouts back, "We have ways of dealing with wife beaters in this country, buster!" just as the police arrive. Ahmed glares at Murray and tells him he'll pay for his immorality and deceit, then exits the store with Stephanie and his entourage. Aboard the Riptide later, Cody warns Murray that the case is getting increasingly dangerous - but Murray's like, "Whatever" as he types in Ahmed Kemal as a search term on his computer and comes across an article written by famous gossip columnist Wendy Wise. In it she writes about how surprised everyone was by the engagement of industrialist Turk Ahmed Kamel to a twice married American woman...and Murray immediately deflates at the thought of Stephanie hooking up with at least three different men, but then concedes it's a no-brainer that a hottie such as herself would have plenty of suitors. A few seconds later, a tearful (but unharmed) Stephanie calls from a pay phone to fake whimper to Murray that her husband just beat her up, and could he please pick her up by the side of a road. He's like, "Of course!" so she gives him the address, and he races over to the Jimmy and squeals off. Cody, meanwhile, suggests to Nick that they dig into Stephanie's past by having a chat with Wendy Wise...and in the next scene the gossip columnist happily gives them the low-down on Stephanie's wealthy late husbands:
Nick looks alarmed by the unlikely coincidence of a beautiful young woman being widowed twice in such a short period of time, thanks Wendy for the intel, and rushes off with Cody to warn Murray. Murray races over to the address Stephanie gave him, but when he arrives he finds her car with a dead Ahmed laying across the front seat with a gun strategically placed nearby. In the next scene, Lieutenant Quinlan is arresting Murray for the murder of Ahmed Kemal, citing for Nick and Cody the treasure trove of evidence against the geek: love letters and audio tapes from Stephanie, and - most importantly- the murder weapon with Murray's fingerprints all over it. He adds that Stephanie's version of events supports the evidence...even while Murray insists that he's been duped. Nick tells Lieutenant Quinlan they'll prove that Murray is being framed for murder before the end credits roll, but Quinlan says he's convinced he has the right man, and hauls Murray off to the police station. Cody and Nick bail Murray out of jail and discuss the next step in proving he was framed. They decide to work over Pierre, who gave the impression that he's overly involved in Stephanie's life, to see if he reveals anything useful. Inside Pierre's shop, Nick breaks one priceless vase after another while Pierre begs him to stop. Nick then grabs him by the collar, snarks that their friend has been wrongfully accused of murder, and promises he'll get off lightly if he helps them nail Stephanie. Pierre relents and tells them that her first husband really did have a heart attack...but when she inherited his fortune, she got the idea to keep marrying rich men and reaping the financial rewards of their demises. He sheepishly admits that he's pretty entranced by Stephanie 'cause she has a way of rendering him helpless. The three head over to Casa Kemal - just as Murray gets abducted by Ahmed's revenge-seeking brothers, who shove him into a limo. He happens to spot Nick, Cody, and Pierre as they arrive at the estate and pokes his head out the window long enough to shriek, "Help me!" Inside the limo, Stephanie tells her brothers-in-law that Murray "had ideas" about the two of them, and fibs that Murray urged her to leave Ahmed and run away with him. Murray denies the lies and says he only ever tried to help her, then implores the men to believe that he wasn't the one who killed their brother. While in pursuit of the limo, Nick orders Pierre to tell him everything he knows about Ahmed, and threatens to throw him out of the moving car unless he spills the beans. A freaked out Pierre easily cracks and tells them that Ahmed's brother likes to land his private plane in the desert 'cause he prefers to avoid going through the regular customs & immigration process, and Nick perks up at that tidbit and says he recalls seeing a remote airport in the desert while on some of his Mimi flights. Cody floors it...but a few seconds later the car they're driving runs out of gas. He and Nick spot an empty city bus parked nearby and decide to steal it while the unsuspecting bus driver is sitting across the street, enjoying a coffee break. The Kemal clan drags Murray aboard the waiting aircraft when Nick, Cody, and Pierre squeal over by bus. The thugs open fire on them, which they respond to by returning fire...and during all this, Murray is somehow able to open the cabin door and climb off the plane and onto the bus. As the plane begins to taxi, Nick steers the bus onto the runway and successfully prevents the pilot from taking off. After much of the dust of this case gets settled off camera, Murray is relaxing aboard the Riptide while a shirtless Nick (yum!) and open-shirted Cody saunter over. Nick turns the radio on, and by scripted coincidence they happen to catch a news brief delivered by Wendy Wise regarding Stephanie Davidson's sudden change of fortune. She recaps how the police arrested Stephanie and Pierre after finally looking into the deaths of her second and third husband, and ensured that they were swiftly brought to justice. After that, Wendy Wise waxes on about the two handsome PIs who recently paid her a visit to discuss the case, 'causing the trio to chuckle heartily. Thanks for reading! If you are enjoying TVofYore's recaps, consider thanking me by buying me a "coffee"!
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Recapper: Isabel K. French
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